Journalist Heather Tomlinson explores a recent Unbelievable? conversation, unpacking some of McLaren’s theology and summarising a number of other voices on these key issues
Many people complained about drag artists depicting the Last Supper during the Olympics opening ceremony. Author Drew Cordell looks at whether their outrage was justified
If God is the creator and doesn’t make mistakes, what about trans people? 👀 Are miracles real and can they ever be medically verified? 🔥 In today’s episode we’re taking you to the second half of the recording of a live event we call NO QUESTION OFF LIMITS which we hosted with Spring Harvest last month.
This International Women’s Day, Lauren Windle, author of Notes on Feminism unpacks what true feminism means, exploring how that matches up with Christianity
What does the image of God say about our sexuality? What does that mean for single people? How did Jesus’ sexual safeness help to heal people’s broken sexuality and what did Jesus say about sex?
A listener has emailed in two excellent questions in response to our recent episode looking at egg freezing. What happens to the leftover eggs which are frozen but never reimplanted, and can Christians be relaxed about this intrinsic wastefulness of the process?
In this episode we look at what evidence there is for the idea of a gender gap in church, and then discuss what may have caused it. Are men and women fundamentally so different they worship God and are discipled in radically different ways?
Join Tom in this replay episode from the archives as he addresses listener’s questions on navigating conversations about sexuality within the church, co-habitation, and the evolving understanding of homosexuality in the New Testament and today. With insights into Tom’s perspective on LGBTQI+ and transgender issues, inspired by a letter to The Times newspaper.
Preston Ulmer, author of Deconstruct Faith, Discover Jesus: How Questioning Your Religion Can Lead You to a Healthy and Holy God, shares his thoughts on how our stance on sex may have caused people to lose their faith
From the archives: Tom answers listener questions around whether shrines are pagan, infant baptism is biblical and how we can live in unity with theological differences around sexuality.
Dr Amy Orr-Ewing, author of Mary’s Voice, explores the context of Mary, mother of Jesus, and looks at why women play such a significant role in Christianity. Plus, what is the Magnificat, why is it so revolutionary? And how is it relevant today?
This week’s Unbelievable features an insightful discussion featuring two individuals with contrasting LGBTQI+ faith journeys as they delve into the intersection of faith, sexuality, and the Bible. The debate is between two Christians, one gay and one queer, who have arrived at distinctly different interpretations of the Bible’s teachings on sexual ethics, marriage, and human relationships.
From the archives: Tom answers listener questions around gender, women in leadership and the dynamics of family life.
Tom answers listener questions on the upcoming US election, religious freedom in the case of Christian cake makers, and the concept of ‘white privilege’ in current debates on racial justice. For Tom’s full talk on ‘Undermining Racism’ For Esau McCaulley’s book ‘Reading While Black’
Christianity is sometimes described as ‘bad news for women’. Clearly we would all disagree with this epithet, but why does it have cultural currency right now for a growing number of particularly younger women?
Sam Reimer, professor of sociology and author of Caught in the Current, explores how authority, belief and behaviour have changed over the years and the impact this has had on faith
We continue our conversation on Perelandra, with Alister McGrath reflecting on questions around pleasure, gender and sex. What is gender? Is pleasure always erotic? What did Lewis mean by “transsexual” in this novel?
Alister McGrath continues to explore Out of the Silent Planet, looking at some of CS Lewis’ language around love and sex. He also looks at the different life forms on Malacandra and the distinction between rational and non-rational life forms.
As we delve into the first book of the trilogy, Out of the Silent Planet, Professor Alister McGrath looks at some of its key themes. He explores the characters of Weston and Devine, looking at whether they represent particular ideologies and how Lewis exposes issues with their worldviews. Plus, why was JRR Tolkien such a fan of the book?
Alister McGrath concludes his introduction to Lewis’ Space Trilogy by exploring parallels with The Chronicles of Narnia. He offers tips for getting into these three books, speculates why they haven’t been turned into films and shares his favourite moment in the trilogy.
Alister McGrath explores some of the theological themes within Lewis’ trilogy, such as incarnation, atonement and the problem of evil. How did Lewis view the relationship between science and religion? What did he think about evolution? How did he critique certain worldviews through his fiction?
Entrepreneur Max Anderson reflects on his New York pastor and friend’s teaching on work
Entrepreneur Max Anderson reflects on his New York pastor and friend’s teaching on marriage
Entrepreneur Max Anderson reflects on his New York pastor and friend’s teaching on idolatry
Entrepreneur Max Anderson reflects on his New York pastor and friend’s apologetic teaching
Entrepreneur Max Anderson reflects on his New York pastor and friend’s teaching on the Prodigal Son
Entrepreneur Max Anderson reflects on the many things he’s learnt from his New York pastor and friend
We dive into some of the important issues explored in Lewis’ Space Trilogy. Why was he so vehemently opposed to animal experimentation? What would Lewis say to those experiencing mental health struggles today? Plus, Alister McGrath responds to the accusation that CS Lewis was sexist and racist.
The CS Lewis podcast recently launched a new series focussing on one of Lewis’ lesser known works of fiction, his Space Trilogy. Here, Ruth Jackson shares why she and Professor Alister McGrath think the books are worth a read, despite their length and difficulty
Former non-theist Mary Jo Sharp found answers to many of her questions through Christian apologetics. She is now passionate about sharing this with others, despite the great personal cost at times. She shares some of her story with Joel Furches here
CS Lewis expert Professor Alister McGrath shares some of Lewis’ thoughts on sadomasochism, homosexuality and friendship
Even in a time of culture wars and controversy about everything, there are few subjects as difficult to discuss as transgender rights. In less than a decade the number of young people identifying as trans has exploded, and with it the number of arguments about the subject. In British schools nearly 80% of teachers report trans-identified or non-binary students in their classroom.
Perhaps the most contentious political, medical and social issue of the day is how to treat and care for young people who are questioning or experiencing distress around their sex and gender.
We continue our conversation with Collin Hansen, author of ’Timothy Keller: His Spiritual and Intellectual Formation’, who highlights some of the key women in Keller’s life, particularly his wife Kathy. Hansen explains why Tim Keller was a complementarian and speaks about Keller’s brother, Billy, who died from AIDS in the 1990s.
Journalist Heather Tomlinson shares her thoughts on the sexual revolution and sexual ethics following a recent episode of The Big Conversation
Jane Pantig, who works for Ratio Christi, loves her unique platform as a Filipino-American woman. Apologist Joel Furches shares some of her story here
The Big Conversation - Episode 2 | Season 5
The Unbelievable? show has been broadcasting for over 17 years. Justin Brierley and Ruth Jackson take a retrospective tour through highlights from the show from day one to some of the most significant debates that have been hosted, before being joined by Dr. Vince Vitale for a special announcement by Justin.
In this replay podcast from 2019 Tom answered listener questions on how to have better conversations on sexuality in the church, co-habitation, whether the New Testament understanding of homosexuality was different to today and his thoughts on Transgender following a letter he wrote to The Times newspaper. First broadcast in 2019.
Following the recent LGBT and the Church Unbelievable? show, author Mark Roques explores how Greek philosophy helps illuminate our understanding of sex
Andrew Bunt, Emerging Generations director at Living Out and author of ‘Finding Your Best Identity’, is a same-sex attracted Christian who has chosen celibacy and believes marriage is male-female. Charlie Bell, a gay Anglican vicar who also works as a psychiatrist, is the author of ‘Queer Holiness’ and wants to see gay marriage accepted in the church.
Join journalist Heather Tomlinson as she navigates the topic of tribalism within the Church, a topic brought into focus during past discussions on sexuality within the Church of England.
Social critic Bethel McGrew shares her thoughts on recent proposals by the House of Bishops to allow the blessing of same-sex marriages
In the third episode of our series focussing on McGrath’s book CS Lewis: A Life, we explore Lewis’ experience of the First World War and the significant relationships he formed during this time, such as with the Moore family. We also delve into Lewis’ interest in sadomasochism! Plus, a quick reminder of our competition to win a copy of McGrath’s seminal biography of Lewis.
Tom answers questions on what the New Testament says about the role of women in church leadership. Does 1 Tim 2:13-15 forbid women from preaching? What does he make of complementarian vs egalitarian theology? How does he treat passages such as Ephesians 5: 22 ‘wives submit to your husband’? First broadcast in 2019.
‘Truth Over Tribe: Pledging allegiance to the lamb, not the donkey or the elephant’ is the name of the new book by Patrick Miller and Keith Simon. They are both church pastors in the USA who started the Truth Over Tribe podcast to combat polarisation in politics, culture and Christianity.
With tales of Santa, flying reindeer and magical elves, the Christmas period is often brimming with make believe - something Adrienne Johnson also equated with the Christian story. However, through a long period of discovery, she came to see there was truth behind these ancient beliefs
Apologist and author Sean McDowell joined Justin along with hundreds of Unbelievable? listeners for a live show talking about Sean’s new book ‘A Rebel’s Manifesto’ and taking questions on LGBT, same-sex marriage, transgender, divorce, theology and more.
New York-based pastor Jon Tyson shares some of his thoughts about living as a Christian in a secular space.
Apologist Joel Furches explores women’s place in the Church, both historically and today
Tom speaks on the role of the church in racial reconcliation in the USA and why he believes the Bible affirms the leadership roles of both men and women. This is the second part of Tom’s on-stage interview with Pastor Miles McPherson, recorded at Rock Church, San Diego in 2019.
Is language violence? Are anecdotes replacing facts? Erik Strandess reviews a recent debate on the limits of ‘woke theology’.
Anti-woke Anglican ordinand Calvin Robinson engages with Transqueer Latinx theologian Dr Robyn Henderson-Espinoza on whether ‘woke’ theology is creating a more inclusive faith or a dangerous diversion from historic Christianity.
Glen Scrivener’s book ‘The Air We Breathe: How We All Came to Believe in Freedom, Kindness, Progress & Equality’ makes the case that our belief in modern human rights & values are a direct product of the Christian story that shaped the West.
The UK Government has published proposals to ban ‘gay conversion therapy’. Should such a law be welcomed by churches as a protection for LGBT+ people, or a cause for concern at the potential criminalisation of prayer? Peter Lynas of the UK Evangelical Alliance and Jayne Ozanne of the Ban Conversion Therapy coalition debate the proposed legislation.
Why does the Bible use gendered language? Can I trust God as father when I was abused by mine? Should we pray to Jesus the son or God the father? Tom tackles these and more Qs.
Kyle Thompson of men’s ministry Undaunted Life says we need to champion biblical masculinity in a church that is too feminised. Martin Saunders, author of ‘The Man You Were Made To Be’ says we need to leave behind gender stereotypes and help young Christian men make sense of masculinity in today’s world.
Tom has recently had a major new commentary on Galatians published. Justin talks to him about it and poses question from listeners about aspects of Galatians, including the fruits of the Spirit, whether gender will exist in the new creation, and where he disagree with Martin Luther’s commentary on Galatians.
Kristin Kobes Du Mez is the author of the bestselling book ‘Jesus and John Wayne: How white evangelicals corrupted a faith and fractured a nation’.
What is the Biblical Womanhood movement and is it actually biblical?
Jackie Hill Perry author of ‘Gay Girl, Good God’ and ‘Holier Than Thou’ talks to Justin about life, faith and why she turned her back on her lesbian identity when she became a Christian in this broadcast of a recent livestream in which she answered viewers questions too.
Tom tackles questions on whether Jesus could have been incarnated as a woman instead of a man, how you explain polygamy in scripture, and the question of Biblical commands about men and women speaking in church.
Rev Christina Beardsley is a transgender priest in the Church of England and author of numerous resources on trans experience in the church. She engages with Preston Sprinkle, author of ‘Embodied: Transgender Identities, the Church, and What the Bible Has to Say’ who takes a grace-filled but traditional Christian approach to sexuality. They discuss how churches should engage with trans people, theological questions of ‘bodily’ and ‘gender’ identity, and the issue of Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria.
Tom answers listener questions around whether shrines are pagan, infant baptism is biblical and how we can live in unity with theological differences around sexuality.
Tom answers listener questions around gender, women in leadership and the dynamics of family life.
Tom answers listener questions on the upcoming US election, religious freedom in the case of Christian cake makers, and the concept of ‘white privilege’ in current debates on racial justice.
Tom Wright responds to a listener who feels let down and betrayed by L’Arche founder Jean Vanier after a report showed he had sexually abused women during his life.
Erik Strandness responds to a recent debate between ‘Side A and B’ gay Christians
Are the intellectual stars of New Atheism out of arguments? Esther O’Reilly reviews historian Tom Holland’s clash with atheist philosopher AC Grayling on The Big Conversation
Am I unequally yoked to my wife? What’s the biblical view of singleness? Was Jesus at my mother’s deathbed? What’s the point of it all? Tom answers the personal, pastoral and puzzled questions of listeners.
In this edition of the podcast Tom answers listener questions on how to have better conversations on sexuality in the church, co-habitation, whether the New Testament understanding of homosexuality was different to today and his thoughts on Transgender following a letter he wrote to The Times newspaper.
Glen Scrivener gives his 90 second answer…
Tom answers questions on what the New Testament says about the role of women in church leadership. Does 1 Tim 2:13-15 forbid women from preaching? What does he make of complementarian vs egalitarian theology? How does he treat passages such as Ephesians 5: 22 ‘wives submit to your husband’?
Justin Welby the Archbishop of Canterbury speaks to Premier’s Justin Brierley about the evangelism and prayer initiative Thy Kingdom Come, praying in tongues, Brexit, politics, being the leader of the Anglican Church, and how he deals with controversy surrounding LGBT issues.
Does egalitarian and complementarian theology help or harm men and women in the church? Natalie Collins a gender justice specialist and author of ‘Out Of Control: Couples, conflict and the capacity for change’ supports an egalitarian approach to male and female roles. For the Out Of Control conference…
Joe Boot is a theologian and apologist based in Canada who will be speaking at the forthcoming Our God Reigns conference in North London on Sat 22 April.
Preston Sprinkle, author of “People To Be Loved: Why homosexuality is not just an issue” joins Justin in studio. He dialogues with Brandan Robertson, a young gay evangelical who became gay affirming last year.
Most evangelical churches teach young people that sex should be saved for marriage. But Dianna E Anderson’s book ‘Damaged Goods’ claims that the purity culture of the American church she grew up in can be damaging for young people and that sexual relationships before marriage are permissible for Christians.
As gay marriage is legalised in countries around the world, some studies claim to show that rearing children in same sex families can be harmful. Bobby Lopez was raised by two lesbian mothers but today campaigns for the right of children to be raised by a biological mother and father.
Gender Dysphoria is a condition in which a person feels their body does not match the gender they identify with.
Prof Robert Gagnon has become a well-known voice advocating the traditional biblical view on sexuality. In a highly charged show he debates the scriptural issues on sexuality with Jayne Ozanne, the director of Accepting Evangelicals who came out as gay earlier this year.
Church leader Steve Chalke is well known for his support of same-sex relationships. Ed Shaw is a same-sex attracted Christian whose traditional biblical convictions have led him to remain celibate. They discuss how churches should treat those in their congregation who are LGBT.
Steve Chalke of Oasis Trust explains why he believes evangelical churches need to start a conversation on changing their theology on homosexuality to avoid tragic consequences for young, gay Christians.
Ed Shaw of Living Out is a same-sex attracted Christian whose Biblical convictions have led him to remain celibate. He says evangelical churches needs to talk about homosexuality but shouldn’t change their theology.
Emerging Church leader Brian McLaren and evangelical leader Andrew Wilson debate whether we need to rethink scripture in a podcast special hosted by Justin.
Are same-sex relationships allowed?
Rob Bell debates Andrew Wilson on gay marriage.
After changing to a gay affirming stance, Steve Chalke’s Oasis Trust has been dismissed from the UK Evangelical Alliance.
UK church leader Steve Chalke’s Oasis Trust was recently dismissed from the Evangelical Alliance UK due to their stance affirming same-sex relationships
Justin Lee is a gay Christian. In his book Unconditional he describes his struggle to reconcile his sexuality with his evangelical faith and how he believes the church should respond to LGBT people.
A special radio feature titled “A Different Kind of Coming Out” sees Justin meet three evangelical church leaders who talk about their struggle with same-sex attraction and why they’ve decided to choose celibacy, or being ‘post-gay’.
Rob Bell debates God, Salvation & Homosexuality - Unbelievable?
The religious right wing primarily campaigns on abortion and homosexuality - but is this the way Christians should be involved in politics?
Leading UK evangelical Steve Chalke has written an article for Christianity magazine on why he now affirms committed, faithful gay relationships.
A controversial blog post by Jared Wilson, quoting pastor Doug Wilson on the role of men and women in sex, recently reignited the debate between complementarians and egalitarians. Rachel Held Evans is a popular US author, blogger and speaker who believes the New Testament supports the equality of men and women in the church and in the home (Egalitarian). Owen Strachan is a theology professor at Boyce College, Kentucky and believes the Bible teaches that men and women have equal dignity but different roles in family and church (Complementarian).
For a second week running we address the question of whether pornography is harmful, this time from the perspective of those in the porn industry. Former porn actress Danielle Williams explains why she feels the industry is abusive and detrimental to the women involved. Current adult entertainer Sophie Hirschfeld speaks in support of pornography.
In the first of two episodes, we ask the question “is pornography harmful?” This week focusses on the effect upon users of pornography. Peter Watts is from Living Waters, a Christian ministry helping those affected by sexual issues. He argues that pornography is a form of false intimacy which negatively rewires the brain and damages relationships. Steve Miller is an atheist with a background in psychology. He says that pornography in the context of consenting adults is not harmful and the church is too hung up on issues of sexuality.
This podcast only recording is a debate held at Gunnersbury Baptist Church on the question “Should marriage be redefined to include same-sex unions?”.
Peter Tatchell is a lifelong gay rights campaigner who has staged controversial protests campaigning for equal rights. He believes that the proposed legislation to introduce same-sex marriage in the UK is long overdue. Peter D Williams of Catholic Voices believes that putting gay marriage on an equal footing with heterosexual marriage is a dangerous and unnecessary step.
Justin Brierley interviews Grace & Mark Driscoll on their book Real Marriage and on Mark’s ministry as pastor of Mars Hill Church Seattle.
Both guests on today’s show are Christians, both are gay, and both run ministries supporting Christians of homosexual orientation.
In response to listener requests Justin hosts two shows dealing with Homosexuality and Christian faith.
In response to listener requests Justin hosts two shows dealing with Homosexuality and Christian faith.
Evangelical Christians hold that sexual relations outside of marriage are against Biblical mandate and have negative moral and social consequences.
Sean Brickell, a lapsed Catholic, has come into contact with evangelical Christians and disagrees with their attitude to being “born again” and sex before marriage. So, are evangelicals too straight-jacketed? Matt Frost leads a church of young, single evangelicals and chats with Sean about the different way they view things.