All People & Influential Figures articles – Page 16
3 important lessons from the life of Rev Billy Graham
America’s pastor is an inspiration to us all, says the evangelist J. John
David Robertson: Steve Chalke and I agree on a lot. But his errors about the Bible will have harmful consequences
David Robertson is keen to continue the dialogue between himself and Steve Chalke, pointing out the things they agree on before clarifying his position with regards to Steve’s latest blog post asserting that the Bible isn’t infallible
Steve Chalke's rethink of the Bible isn't just wrong, it's anti-Christ
Church leader Steve Chalke has begun a series of videos re-framing the Bible. Revd David Robertson responds with this opinion piece.
Remembering RC Sproul: Devoted to the Bible and in awe of God’s sovereignty
Sam Hailes looks at the life and legacy of RC Sproul (1939-2017)
Ravi Zacharias allegations: 3 ways Christians should respond
Is Ravi Zacharias the latest Christian celebrity to fall? David Robertson looks at the accusations
Unbelievable? Justin tells the story of Unbelievable? Audiobook chapter 1 bonus episode
With the release of the audiobook version of “Unbelievable? Why, after ten years of talking with atheists, I’m still a Christian”, show host Justin Brierley plays the Introduction and Chapter 1 on this bonus episode.
Unbelievable? Rodney Stark Q&A + Nabeel Qureshi remembered by David Wood
n the first half of today’s show Justin puts listener questions to eminent sociologist of religion Rodney Stark, author of ‘The Rise of Christianity’ and ‘Reformation Myths’.
Trading Places: How a Protestant became Catholic and a Catholic turned Protestant
What makes someone turn from Catholic to Protestant or vice versa? Justin Brierley meets two converts who crossed in opposite directions of the dividing lines of the Reformation.
The Grace Awakening: How the Reformation changed the world
It’s 500 years since Martin Luther nailed his 95 theses to a church door in Wittenberg and kickstarted the Protestant Reformation. Michael Reeves explains why it matters
Unbelievable? The politics of UK & US evangelicals - Hatcher, Walton, Zmirak & Flannagan (…plus Skye Jethani)
White Christian evangelical voters played a significant part in electing Donald Trump to the White House and have traditionally been aligned with the US Republican Party. But UK evangelicals have very different political habits according to Prof Andrea Hatcher, author of “Political and Religious Identities of British Evangelicals”.
Jim Carrey just told a room how Jesus opened the gates of heaven
The actor Jim Carrey recently gave an inspiring thought for the day about Jesus opening the door to forgiveness. Sam Hailes reports.
Unbelievable? The Reformation: return to truth or tragic mistake? James White vs Peter D Williams
2017 marks 500 years since Martin Luther kickstarted the Protestant Reformation. But was the split between the Catholic and Protestant church a return to truth or a tragic mistake?
When sceptics convert: 3 former atheists walking the path of CS Lewis
Ahead of Unbelievable? the Conference 2017 Justin Brierley traces the stories of three women whose intellectual journey led to their conversion from atheism to Christianity
Unbelievable? Ask John Lennox Anything – on atheism, mathematics, CS Lewis and much more
Oxford mathematician and Christian thinker John Lennox will be the keynote speaker at Unbelievable? the Conference 2017 on Sat 13th May. He joins Justin to respond to a variety of questions sent in by show listeners including “What would convince you to become an atheist?”, “How do you stay cool in debates?” and “Tell us about being taught by CS Lewis”.
How Tim Keller's New York ministry changed the world
The news that one of the evangelical world’s most well-loved pastors will be stepping down as senior leader of his church surprised many this weekend. Sam Hailes looks at Timothy Keller’s ministry so far
My answers to atheist Ricky Gervais on Stephen Colbert
Atheist comedian Ricky Gervais debated the existence of God on prime-time TV recently. David Robertson publishes an open letter in response.
Unbelievable? Was Hitler anti-Christian? Richard Weikart vs Richard Carrier
Hitler is often claimed to have been an atheist or a Christian by believers and skeptics eager to put the dictator in the other’s camp. Christian historian Richard Weikart argues he was neither in his new book “Hitler’s Religion: The twisted beliefs that drove the Third Reich”.
Why Martin Luther's home church must remove its antisemitic statue
As Christians mark 499 years since The Reformation, Dr. Richard Harvey says the removal of an antisemitic statue from the outside of Martin Luther’s church is long overdue
Unbelievable? Should Christians vote for Trump? Christina Rees, John Zmirak, Eric Metaxas & Tony Campolo
As the most bitter and controversial US election in history approaches its conclusion, Justin is joined by Christians of varying political persuasions. Donald Trump’s nomination has split evangelicals, but Hillary Clinton is also disliked by many in both parties. Former chair of Women And The Church, Christina Rees debates with John Zmirak, senior editor at conservative blog
It takes guts for celebrities to be open about their faith. We should support them
Heather Tomlinson says its not easy for Bear Grylls, Sally Phillips and Justin Bieber to be public about their faith