All People & Influential Figures articles – Page 15
Ask NT Wright Anything #9 Old Testament violence, Andy Stanley and Greg Boyd
Tom responds to listener Qs on Andy Stanley ‘unhitching’ Christianity from the Old Testament, the historicity of the Exodus, and the way that Greg Boyd interprets violent portraits of God in ‘The Crucifixion Of The Warrior God’.
Michael Green (1930-2019): Remembering the infectious joy of this exceptional evangelist
Following the news that the much-loved theologian, apologist and evangelist Dr Michael Green has passed away, Matthew Fearon reflects on a life well lived
Justin Welby Thy Kingdom Come, tongues, Brexit, LGBT and church unity
Justin Welby the Archbishop of Canterbury speaks to Premier’s Justin Brierley about the evangelism and prayer initiative Thy Kingdom Come, praying in tongues, Brexit, politics, being the leader of the Anglican Church, and how he deals with controversy surrounding LGBT issues. Video: video ...
Ask NT Wright Anything #5 Qs on the life of St Paul, justification and predestination
Tom Wright talks to Justin about his new book Paul: A Biography and takes listener questions on ‘justification’, election and salvation and what three things he would ask Paul if he were alive today.
Peter Singer’s deadly logic takes humans to the cliff’s edge
Following his human rights debate on The Big Conversation, Esther O’Reilly says even fellow atheists baulk at the implications of Singer’s philosophy
What’s stopping Jordan Peterson from rejecting Jesus’ resurrection?
The popular psychology professor claims that faith is about what you do rather than what you say. But when it comes to the central claim of Christian faith, he wavers
NT Wright & Tom Holland How St Paul changed the world (Full Show)
Justin Brierley is joined by leading New Testament scholar NT (Tom) Wright and popular historical writer Tom Holland to discuss how the apostle Paul changed the world as described in Wright’s recent book Paul: A Biography.
Unbelievable? Peterson vs Harris, atheism and the alt-right – Esther O’Reilly and James Croft
Thousands of people recently attended four high-profile debates on religion and atheism between psychology professor Jordan Peterson and atheist writer Sam Harris.
How cancer healed my Dad
Jon Tilson was diagnosed with stage four bowel cancer in January 2017. He died 13 months later. Yet in many ways the illness changed his life for the better, as his daughter Sarah explains
Derren Brown’s fake miracles are impressive but they haven’t made me lose my faith
Christian illusionist Bryan Drake explains why Derren Brown’s Netflix show Miracle should send us on a quest for truth
When Derren met Richard: the atheist illusionist and the Christian priest
The UK’s most famous illusionist recently sat down with the country’s best known vicar to talk about faith and happiness. Justin Brierley introduces their conversation
How I left the prosperity gospel behind
Adesanya Adewusi was taught God wanted him to be healthy and wealthy. But after reading the scriptures he came to believe this was a distortion of the real gospel
Unbelievable? Derren Brown & Rev Richard Coles: Can we have meaning without God?
In the third Big Conversation episode, Justin is joined by illusionist Derren Brown and popstar-turned-media-priest Rev Richard Coles.
Is Jordan Peterson the saviour of Christianity?
The phenomenally popular psychologist is on a mission to bring order to a chaotic world. And he’s using the Bible to do it
I’m a non-believer who loved Bishop Curry’s Royal Wedding sermon
Whilst watching the Royal wedding of Prince Harry and Megan Markle, I was shocked by Bishop Michael Curry’s Sermon. I found his words exciting, inspirational and different. I am not a religious man. Justin Brierley (presenter of Unbelievable?) and I have debated many aspects of Christianity. So why did I find this Sermon amazing?
Question the doctrine of hell at your peril. It could tear your church apart
Sam Hailes analyses the media’s recent focus on four Christian leaders who have questioned the traditional doctrine of hell
Unbelievable? Jordan Peterson, William Lane Craig & Rebecca Goldstein debate the meaning of life. A Podcast special.
A recent dialogue event at Wycliffe College, Canada saw Jordan B Peterson, Rebecca Goldstein and William Lane Craig in conversation on the question “Is there meaning to life?”
Unbelievable? Mythicism debate: Did St. Paul believe in a real or ‘celestial’ Jesus? Richard Carrier vs Jonathan McLatchie
One of the leading voices in ‘Jesus mythicism’, Richard Carrier, joins Justin on the show. He debates his theory that the apostle Paul only believed in a ‘celestial’ spiritual version of Jesus, not a flesh-and-blood man.
5 things Billy Graham taught me about evangelism
The Evangelical Alliance’s Director of Mission Gavin Calver reflects on Billy Graham’s legacy
Billy Graham: A life well lived documentary
Billy Graham passed away on 21 Feb 2018 at the age of 99. Justin Brierley traces the life and legacy of the famed evangelist speaking to friends, relatives and ministry colleagues who knew him personally.