All People & Influential Figures  articles – Page 17

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    Unbelievable?: The Unbelievers Movie - Gus Holwerda & Graham Veale


    The Unbelievers is a film documentary following atheists Richard Dawkins and Lawrence Krauss on a world speaking tour. We hear some clips from the film as its atheist producer Gus Holwerda interacts with Christian guest Graham Veale. They debate ...

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    The Sceptic: Why I've given up God for a year


    Former pastor Ryan J Bell is becoming an atheist…for a year. Justin Brierley finds out what led to his unusual experiment.

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    Interview: Tim Keller


    Tim Keller is a New York Pastor and the best-selling author of “The Reason for God”. He chats to Justin about the doubts he has dealt with in his own Christian journey and the reason for the hope he has.

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    Why I Believe - Os Guinness


    Justin Brierley talks to Os Guinness, author and social critic.

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    The Apologist: What proof is there?


    Christian apologist Amy Orr-Ewing responds to some of the biggest objections to the resurrection.

  • Tim Keller

    Profile: Tim Keller


    Ranked as one of America’s most influential Christians and with a ministry reaching sceptics from Manhattan to Mumbai, Tim Keller talks to Justin Brierley about inspiring a new generation of intellectually engaged evangelicals

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    The Pope's Astronomer


    Brother Guy Consolmagno, S.J. is the lead astronomer for Pope Francis.

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    Why I am not an atheist - David Robertson vs Matt Dillahunty - Unbelievable?


    The Apostle’s Creed begins “I believe in God”. David Robertson explains why he doesn’t believe atheism makes sense, as related in a chapter of Why I Am Not An Atheist. Matt Dillahunty, host of The Atheist Experience responds in the first of two debates with David. ...

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    My night with Benny Hinn


    Following Benny Hinn’s recent visit to the UK, Justin Brierley investigates the controversial health and wealth message of one of the world’s most famous healing evangelists.

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    Amy Orr-Ewing on why the Church needs working women


    “My husband was once offered a job working in a leadership role for a church on the condition that I gave up my job”

  • Alister McGrath

    Take This Bread: Alister Mcgrath On Evangelism And Apologetics


    I’m so pleased that Alister McGrath is our keynote speaker at Unbelievable? The Conference 2013 this coming Saturday. This excerpt from his article “Evangelical Apologetics” has a helpful analogy on eating at a banquet to show the relationship between evangelism and apologetics: If evangelism is ...

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    Why An Atheist's Conversion 83 Years Ago Still Matters


    An Oxford academic with a brilliant mind was searching for answers. He was an atheist but talking with a friend who was Christian he had gradually come to see that life didn’t make sense without a God. Only God could provide a foundation for the moral values he believed in, and explain his own search for meaning and purpose.

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    Alister McGrath on the life of CS Lewis - Unbelievable?


    Alister McGrath chats to Justin Brierley about his major new biography ‘CS Lewis: A Life - Eccentric Genius, Reluctant Prophet’. They discuss Lewis’ (re-dated) conversion, his life in Oxford, his arguments for God and why he remains so singificant a figure 50 years on from his death. ...

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    In Conversation with Rowan Williams


    Rowan Williams led the Anglican Church for 10 years. He reflects on his journey of faith, and the trials and joys of his time in office in a wide ranging interview with Justin Brierley. Find out why he briefly considered becoming a Catholic, what he makes of ...

  • Shows

    Was Jesus Liar, Lunatic or Lord? CS Lewis’ apologetics - Unbelievable?


    April is CS Lewis month on Premier Christian Radio. In this edition of the show we examine two of CS Lewis’ apologetic arguments for Christianity. The Trilemma - “Either Jesus is a lunatic, a liar or Lord. He cannot simply be a great moral teacher, he has not left that option open to us”. Does Lewis’ argument still stand 60 years on?

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    Richard Dawkins & Rowan Williams dialogue - Unbelievable?


    Sofia Europa sponsored a discussion between Richard Dawkins and Rowan Williams, the Archbishop of Canterbury. The discussion is moderated by Prof Anthony Kenny.

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    Unbelievable? - Is God a Delusion? William Lane Craig in Oxford


    On 25th October 2011 Professor William Lane Craig spoke to a capacity audience at Oxford’s Sheldonian theatre. He critiqued Richard Dawkins’ book The God Delusion and interacted with a panel of academics.

  • Shows

    Unbelievable? - Hitler & Stalin’s regimes


     Critics of Christianity sometimes make the case that Hitler was a Christian and that it influenced the Nazi regime. Is that true? Critics of atheism sometimes make the case that Stalin’s atheism was a driving motivation for his murderous regime. Is that true? Peter Harris is a historian and Christian apologist. Ed Turner is a solicitor and atheist blogger. They discuss the historical evidence for and against both points of view.

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    Unbelievable? - Was Osama Bin Laden the true face of Islam?


    With the death of Osama Bin Laden we ask “Did Bin Laden represent the true face of Islam” Radical Islamist Anjem Choudary who has frequently praised Bin Laden and Al Queada for their acts of terror, joins the discussion. He says Osama was a true Muslim doing the work of Allah. Muhammad Al Hussaini is a Muslim scholar for the organisation Scriptural Reasoning. He deplores acts of terror and says Bin Laden transgressed multiple commands of Islam.

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    Unbelievable? - Rob Bell defends ‘Love Wins’


    “Love Wins” by US megachurch pastor Rob Bell has ignited a theological debate about the nature of Hell, the nature of God and whether all people will ultimately be saved. Bell joins Justin Brierley to discuss the book and respond to some of the key criticisms that have been levelled at it. UK Church blogger Adrian Warnock disagrees with many of Bell’s conclusions and believes he is swimming outside the stream of evangelical orthodoxy.