All Church articles – Page 12
Five reasons we can trust the Nativity narratives
Cold-case detective J .Warner Wallace examines the evidence around the biblical accounts of the Christmas story
The CS Lewis Podcast #83 Teri-Anne Cavanagh: Finding faith through CS Lewis
Teri-Anne Cavanagh is training for ordained ministry in the Church of England, but she wasn’t always a Christian. CS Lewis played an instrumental role in initiating her journey back to the faith of her childhood.
Unbelievable? How to overcome tribalism in politics and the church - Patrick Miller & Keith Simon
‘Truth Over Tribe: Pledging allegiance to the lamb, not the donkey or the elephant’ is the name of the new book by Patrick Miller and Keith Simon. They are both church pastors in the USA who started the Truth Over Tribe podcast to combat polarisation in politics, culture and Christianity.
Hope amid heartache: Ruth Jackson’s journey from miscarriage to motherhood
Ruth Jackson recalls her experience of miscarriage at Christmas and reflects on experiencing pain, fear and doubt in a season of celebration and frivolity
Ask NT Wright Anything #147 Catholics have questions
Catholic listeners have sent in some questions for Tom, including: Will the elusive dream of Catholic and Anglican unity ever be possible? I’m reconsidering my conversion to Catholicism… should I take my 6 year old daughter out of the church? Justin Bass joins for a final time.
Christ-free Christmas carols
As we approach the carolling season, Justin Brierley shares his thoughts on musician Tylean Polley’s atheist Christmas album
Unapologetic #30 Murdo Macleod: How John Wycliffe impacted my life
Ruth Jackson spoke to film director Murdo Macleod about his new film ‘Morningstar’, which focuses on John Wycliffe’s life and legacy.
How do you solve a problem like Jesus?
As we approach the celebration of Jesus’ birth, Erik Strandness explores who the founder of Christianity really is and what our response should be
Can we affirm the virgin birth?
As we approach Christmas, apologist Nick Peters explores the credibility of this outrageous biblical claim
Ask NT Wright Anything #146 Can a Christian vote for Biden? Can faith be disentangled from left vs right politics?
Tom is joined by Texan Bible scholar Justin Bass as they respond to questions from US listeners about right wing politics and faith. Where does patriotism fit with Christian worship? What do I say to family members who say I can’t be a Christian and vote for Joe Biden? How do I talk to post-Christian friends who have rejected US evangelicalism?
Unapologetic #29 Jon Tyson: Digital evangelism and reaching a lost generation
Ruth Jackson speaks to New York-based pastor Jon Tyson about reaching young people, digital evangelism and parenting.
Less than half of UK people now identify as Christian. But the Christian story is far from over
People may tick ‘non-religious’ in a census, but that doesn’t mean they’re atheists, says Justin Brierley. They’re just religious about different things
US elections and countercultural power
Following mid-term elections in the US, Erik Strandness explores what it would look like to operate from a perspective of God’s kingdom rather than man’s
Cannibalism really works for us
Author Mark Roques explores the logical outworkings of pragmatism
Unbelievable? Sean McDowell live Q&A on sexuality, transgender and culture war questions
Apologist and author Sean McDowell joined Justin along with hundreds of Unbelievable? listeners for a live show talking about Sean’s new book ‘A Rebel’s Manifesto’ and taking questions on LGBT, same-sex marriage, transgender, divorce, theology and more.
‘Science is not enough’
Scientist Dr Sy Gate was a convinced atheist who thought the Church was the main enemy of humanity. Through his scientific study and a number of dreams, Sy begin to question his firmly held beliefs
Unapologetic #28 Jon Tyson: Addressing objections, doubts and questions about the Christian faith
New York-based pastor Jon Tyson shares some of his thoughts about living as a Christian in a secular space.
Five top tips to reach young black people
Clare Williams, apologist and founder of Get Real shares her thoughts about reaching young people in the black community
Unbelievable? Were colonial-era missionaries good or bad for Africa? Victor Simz & Jonathan Wilson
Were Victorian missionaries a tool of oppression, exploitation and empire as some critics claim? Or did they leave a legacy of education, healthcare and eradicating inhumane practises?
Falling from Grace: Addressing power, leadership and abuse in the Church
Erik Strandness reflects on a recent webinar on sexual abuse and looks at the lessons we must learn