All Shows articles – Page 20
Unapologetic #60 Vince Vitale: Can we be confident in our belief?
Ruth Jackson continues her conversation with Dr Vince Vitale, one of the new guest hosts of Premier Unbelievable?, who shares why he developed a passion for evangelism and apologetics. They discuss how he responded to questions and objections academically in the area of philosophy, but also on the sports field with his team mates at Princeton and Oxford.
The CS Lewis Podcast #113 What about other religions?
In the final part of this replay of an Unbelievable show, originally broadcast in October 2010, Justin Brierley speaks to Lewis scholar Dr Michael Ward and former Christian-turned atheist Dan Barker. Here, they continue to discuss CS Lewis’ apologetics and hone in on what Lewis says about other religions.
Unbelievable? Philip Ball & Nick Spencer Can Science and Religion Tell us What it Means to be Human?
The Big Conversation - Episode 3 | Season 5
Ask NT Wright Anything #175 Pastor losing faith writes in; personal Questions; Tom plays guitar! (Classic)
Replay from June 2019: In a special pastoral Q&A edition Tom responded to various questions on difficult family situations, unforgiveness and a church pastor who doesn’t know if he believes any more.
Matters of Life & Death: Dementia: Listening to our bodies, 72 unique behaviours, multi-dimensional personhood, and the sacramental ministry of touch
In this episode we speak with trainee vicar and theologian Jess Wyatt about her research into embodiment, personhood and dementia, and think through different ways to care for and attend to those suffering from this increasingly prevalent disease.
The CS Lewis Podcast #112 Was Jesus a liar, lunatic, Lord or something else?
In the third part of this replay of an Unbelievable show, originally broadcast in October 2010, Justin Brierley speaks to Lewis scholar Dr Michael Ward and former Christian-turned atheist Dan Barker. Here, they continue to discuss CS Lewis’ apologetics, focussing particularly on his classic ‘Trilemma’ - Jesus is either a liar, lunatic or Lord.
Unbelievable? I lost nine years of my life: Transgender to Transformed | Laura Perry Smalts shares her life-changing story with Billy Hallowell
Even in a time of culture wars and controversy about everything, there are few subjects as difficult to discuss as transgender rights. In less than a decade the number of young people identifying as trans has exploded, and with it the number of arguments about the subject. In British schools nearly 80% of teachers report trans-identified or non-binary students in their classroom.
Ask NT Wright Anything #174 Do I have to agree with St Paul? (Classic)
From July 2020. Tom answered listener questions on the life of the Apostle Paul, whether he wrote all the letters attributed to him, and whether contemporary Christians need to agree with all the views he gives.
Matters of Life & Death: Surrogacy: The intended parents, altruistic versus commercial, ancient Christians saving abandoned babies, and a post-genetic community
In this episode we discuss why surrogacy is gaining in popularity, the pros and cons of the proposed reforms, and whether Christians should endorse surrogacy as a good way to start families.
Unapologetic #59 Vince Vitale: From scepticism to Christian apologist
Ruth Jackson speaks to Dr Vince Vitale, one of the new guest hosts of Premier Unbelievable?, about his journey from scepticism to Christianity while studying philosophy at Princeton University.
The CS Lewis Podcast #111 Is Lewis’ argument from reason convincing?
In the second part of this replay of an Unbelievable show, originally broadcast in October 2010, Justin Brierley speaks to Lewis scholar Dr Michael Ward and former Christian-turned atheist Dan Barker. Here, they continue to discuss CS Lewis’ apologetics, focussing particularly on his argument from reason in ‘Miracles’.
Unbelievable? From Porn Star to Pastor: Joshua Broome’s Journey of Redemption
Joshua Broome in conversation with Billy Hallowell
Ask NT Wright Anything #173 Will there be animals in heaven? (Classic)
From June 2020. Tom answered listener questions on heaven and new creation. Will free will still exist? Do near Death Experiences tell us anything about it? Will we be reunited with our loved ones… and even our pets?
Matter of Life & Life: Digital church: Worship on Zoom, pandemic revival, time-shifting and Gnosticism (Replay)
We are both on holiday this week so we’re bringing you an episode we first recorded in 2021 during the covid pandemic. It explores one of the most significant and potentially long-lasting ways the covid pandemic has affected church life – the shift to digital.
Unapologetic #58 Collin Hansen: Does anyone care about apologetics?
Are people even asking questions? If so, are those questions dramatically different from what they used to be? How should we respond to our rapidly changing culture? Collin Hansen, executive director of the The Keller Center for Cultural Apologetics, looks at some important questions around cultural apologetics and draws on the wisdom of Tim Keller (1950-2023).
The CS Lewis Podcast #110 An atheist and Christian reflect on CS Lewis’ apologetics
60 years after his death people continue to read, use and quote CS Lewis’ apologetics works. In this replay of an Unbelievable show, originally broadcast in October 2010, Justin Brierley speaks to Lewis scholar Dr Michael Ward and former Christian-turned atheist Dan Barker. Here, they discuss Lewis’ arguments, focussing particularly on his Natural Law argument for God in ‘Mere Christianity’.
Unbelievable? The occult, demons and exorcism: Is modern-day deliverance ministry biblical? With ex-psychic Jenn Nizza, pastor Mike Signorelli hosted by Billy Hallowell
Is the occult just harmless fun? Or are there hidden dangers to alternative spirituality, satanism, and even new age practices? Increasingly the debate is not about good vs evil but my truth vs your truth.
Ask NT Wright Anything #172 Is the World doomed? (Classic)
From May 2020. In another show recorded pre-lockdown, Tom answered questions from listeners on whether the world is getting better or worse, on poverty and economic justice, and what climate change activism means for the theology of new creation.
Matters of Life & Death: Trans children: Gender dysphoria, diagnostic overshadowing, boy Lego versus girl Lego, and the non-replicated Dutch Protocol
Perhaps the most contentious political, medical and social issue of the day is how to treat and care for young people who are questioning or experiencing distress around their sex and gender.
Unapologetic #57 Elliott Rae: Fatherhood, mental health and masculinity
Following the birth of his daughter, Elliott Rae was diagnosed with PTSD. Here, the founder of MusicFootballFatherhood (dubbed “the dads’ version of Mumsnet” by the BBC) speaks to Ruth Jackson about experiencing God in the midst of suffering. He shares how becoming a father changed his life and theology. Plus, we hear about how Dwayne Johnson - aka ‘The Rock’ - ended up sharing an article he wrote!