All Shows articles – Page 16
Ask NT Wright Anything #191 Donald Trump, gay cakes and white privilege (Classic)
Tom answers listener questions on the upcoming US election, religious freedom in the case of Christian cake makers, and the concept of ‘white privilege’ in current debates on racial justice. For Tom’s full talk on ‘Undermining Racism’ For Esau McCaulley’s book ‘Reading While Black’
Matters of Life & Death: Baby loss 2: Rising abortion numbers, pills by post, ‘the pregnancy remains’, and Schrodinger’s fetus
We spoke last week about the hugely welcome shift in how society talks about miscarriage and cares for women (and men) who have experienced it. And yet at the same time in Britain, we desperately avoid using the same language and narrative established in baby loss services when we are in the abortion zone.
Unapologetic #75 Sarah Irving-Stonebraker: How an atheist academic moved towards belief in God
Former atheist-turned Christian Associate Professor Sarah Irving-Stonebraker shares how studying some of the founders of modern science challenged her assumption that religion and science were fundamentally opposed. She also highlights the moment she realised her atheism could no longer sustain her moral commitments.
The CS Lewis Podcast #128 Perelandra: It’s not for nothing that you are named Ransom
Looking at Perelendra, Alister McGrath explores key questions raised by CS Lewis: What is good? Should we be frightened of God? What is significant about Ransom’s name?
Unbelievable? Why I believe in God: John Lennox interviewed by Amy Orr-Ewing
In a Premier Unbelievable special, celebrating his 80th birthday, the indomitable Christian apologist, Emeritus Professor of Mathematics, and renowned ethicist, Dr. John Lennox, engages in a candid and unreserved interview with fellow apologist and Oxford-educated theologian, Dr. Amy Orr-Ewing.
Ask NT Wright Anything #190 Ananias and Sapphira and more tricky theological questions (Classic)
From the archives: How do we reconcile the New Testament account of Ananias and Sapphira being struck dead with the cross-shaped vision of a God of love? These and other tricky theological questions on original sin, Open Theism and why God considers us ‘worthy’ of his love are answered by Tom.
Matters of Life & Death: Baby loss 1: Elsie’s story, one in five pregnancies, names missing from the family tree, and the power of ultrasound
We have just finished Baby Loss Awareness Week here in the UK. While the event is not hugely well known, it is indicative of an enormous cultural shift in recent decades around how society talks about miscarriage and stillbirth.
Unapologetic #74 Michael Lloyd: Should we all study theology?
Rev Dr Michael Lloyd, author of Cafe Theology, shares his story including why he got ordained, how he ended up in academia and why he changed his mind on the ordination of women. He also discusses how to assess the veracity of doctrines and why he believes everyone should study theology.
The CS Lewis Podcast #127 Perelandra: Evil, suffering and sin
Alister McGrath continues to discuss Perelandra, looking particularly at the topics of evil, suffering, sin, demon possession and divine justice. How can God allow suffering? What can be done to redeem evil?
Unbelievable? Is there a conflict between religion and science?
Can you be a serious scientist and believe in God, and even believe in miracles?
Ask NT Wright Anything #189 Brexit, Abortion, Race and Critical Theory (Classic)
From the archives: Tom tackles a variety of questions on ‘hot button’ political issues that have been sent in, including the place of faith in politics, abortion, racism and ‘critical theory’
Matters of Life & Death: Women and Christianity: Purity culture, beyond complementarianism, baggy t-shirts over swimming costumes, and recovering Tamar’s voice
Christianity is sometimes described as ‘bad news for women’. Clearly we would all disagree with this epithet, but why does it have cultural currency right now for a growing number of particularly younger women?
Unapologetic #73 Peter Byrom: Dawkins’ argument from complexity
In the final part of their discussion, Peter Byrom delves into Dawkins’ argument from complexity, suggesting it may be a circular assumption. They unpack Dawkins’ fascinating exchange with Francis Collins in 2022, where Dawkins admits he may have a presupposition towards materialism. Plus, what does the future hold?
The CS Lewis Podcast #126 Perelandra: Free will, desire and the Fall
Alister McGrath unpacks some of the theology within the second book of the Space Trilogy. What was Lewis’ understanding of the Fall? What if the Fall hadn’t happened? How does he explore the concepts of free will, desire, good, love, truth and demon possession in Perelandra?
Unbelievable? Should our AIs and robots have souls?
Should we be fearful or make friends with our robot helpers? And how can humans flourish in this brave new world? One of our guests today on Unbelievable believes the hidden power of humans is that we are imperfect yet essential?
Ask NT Wright Anything #188 Jean Vanier and when leaders let us down (Classic)
From 2020: In the wake of the news that L’Arche founder Jean Vanier was responsible for sexual abuse of women during his ministry, Tom Wright responded to questions from listeners let down by leaders and the church. Be part of the Ask NT Wright Anything live show in London at Unbelievable?
Matters of Life & Death: Origins of covid: Gain of function research, zoonosis, the Wuhan Institute of Virology, and truth over tribe
When the pandemic first spread beyond China there was a straightforward message from scientific elites: the virus came from a wild animal accidentally spilling over into humans, and any suggestion it might have instead been manipulated in a lab and then escaped was a quasi-racist conspiracy theory.
Unapologetic #72 Peter Byrom: Disillusioned with Dawkins
Peter Byrom continues to share his faith journey as told in the chapter he contributed to Coming to Faith Through Dawkins. He discloses how challenging Richard Dawkins on why he wouldn’t debate William Lane Craig led to him becoming something of a YouTube sensation! Peter also shares why he believes apologetics is important and what the final nail in his atheist coffin was.
The CS Lewis Podcast #125 Perelandra: Pleasure, gender and sex
We continue our conversation on Perelandra, with Alister McGrath reflecting on questions around pleasure, gender and sex. What is gender? Is pleasure always erotic? What did Lewis mean by “transsexual” in this novel?
Unbelievable? Do animals have souls?
Do we need to reconsider the moral status of animals? What does the Christian worldview tell us about animals? Do we change our attitudes towards animals if we believe they have capacity for pain and pleasure, challenging anthropocentric views, advocating for animal rights, promoting vegetarianism and critiquing speciesism? Or closer to home people often ask ‘will I see my doggie if I get to heaven?’.