All Shows articles – Page 11
Unbelievable? Is God’s love truly for all - universalism or eternal damnation? Andrew Hronich vs Jerry Walls hosted by Dr. Sean McDowell
Top apologist, Biola professor, and author Dr. Sean McDowell guest hosts Unbelievable on the topic, ‘Does God truly love everyone?’. Most Christians would say yes. At the heart of Christianity is a declaration that God so loved the world that he gave his only Son to make salvation possible for every single person. But there are very strongly held views across the spectrum about what happens when we die?
Ask NT Wright Anything #210 The Problem of Evil and Suffering (Classic)
In today’s Episode theologian and historian Tom Wright looks at listener questions on one of the biggest topics and questions the Christian faith faces today. What is the nature of free will, does Christianity truly offer an answer to the problem of evil and suffering? Will it be possible for there to be another ‘fall’ in the new creation? And the hosts of the Libertarian Christian Podcast have some questions for Tom about living as Christians in today’s world.
Matters of Life & Death: Q&A: Why have anti-abortion activists accidentally banned fertility treatment in Alabama?
Alabama’s Supreme Court has ruled that embryos in deep freeze, stored as part of IVF treatment, can be considered as legal children. This unexpected judgement has prompted many clinics to shut their doors, fearing lawsuits, as the storage and eventual destruction of surplus embryos is standard practice in IVF.
Unapologetic #95 Jay Y Kim: Doubt and deconstruction
Jay Y Kim, a pastor in Silicon Valley and author of multiple books including Listen, Listen, Speak, shares his experience of losing and rediscovering his faith. What are some of the reasons people leave the Church or aren’t even remotely interested in the first place? What should we do with our doubts? How do we ensure everyone feels welcome?
The CS Lewis Podcast #148 Ruth Jackson: Where it all began
The microphone is turned on Ruth Jackson as she is interviewed by David Bates from Pints With Jack. Originally broadcast in 2021 just after the launch of The CS Lewis Podcast, Ruth shares the vision behind why and how it started. Plus, shout about the show to win yourself a free copy of CS Lewis: A Life by Professor Alister McGrath.
Unbelievable? Where is God to be found when you are told your cancer is terminal? Steve Legg, Allan Finnegan and Andy Kind
Where is God to be found when facing the no-joke reality of a terminal diagnosis for cancer? Two comedians, who are both Christians, are facing just this challenge. This discussion between Steve Legg and Allan Finnegan hosted by Andy Kind will transform the way you think about terminal illness. This uplifting show explores why two men in the prime of life feel closer to God than before they received their devastating diagnoses.
Ask NT Wright Anything #209 Israel and the Second Coming (Classic)
How should Christians think about the place of Israel today? Do the Jewish people still have a distinct role in God’s purposes? The Bible says Jesus will return ‘soon’, so why hasn’t he?
Matters of Life & Death: How can Christian doctors approach medical-assisted dying (euthanasia)?
Medical Assistance in Dying: Judicial activism, suicidal ideation, reasons to stay alive, and Hippocrates’ successful medical practice
Unapologetic #94 Hannah Martin: Makeup royalty on supporting those who struggle with Mother’s Day
Renowned makeup artist Hannah Martin explores how to support people who find Mother’s Day difficult for a plethora of different reasons. She bravely shares her own journey of losing her mother and her heart-breaking struggle with infertility and miscarriage. Are there practical ways churches can support those who are grieving? How do we celebrate Mothering Sunday in a sensitive way? Where can we look for hope?
The CS Lewis Podcast #147 Jason Lepojärvi: The undiscovered Lewis
Dr Jason Lepojärvi, CS Lewis associate professor of theology and literature at George Fox University and director of the CS Lewis Initiative, gives us a sneak peak into some undiscovered elements of Lewis. Did he have a theological blind spot? Why are people still so interested in him? Plus, discover more about the inaugural Undiscovered CS Lewis conference in Oregon.
Unbelievable? If God exists why does he allow suffering? The most googled questions with Bruce Miller, Ruth Jackson & Billy Hallowell
In the second of two shows on the most googled questions about God, Ruth Jackson continues her conversation with Bruce Miller, author of The 7 Big Questions: Searching for God, Truth, and Purpose.
Ask NT Wright Anything #208 Questions about Doctrine, the Trinity and Baptism (Classic)
What is the doctrine of the Trinity? Is the Trinity key to being a Christian? Is the doctrine of Baptism an essential? And should we be baptised if we’ve been christened? Tom Wright addresses these questions and more in this episode.
Matters of Life & Death: Psychedelics, spirits and the philosophy of Harry Potter
Culture is increasingly interested in psychedelic drugs. Whether it’s Silicon Valley execs micro-dosing LSD to turbocharge their meetings, Americans booking ayahuasca weekends in Mexico, or rafts of studies suggesting ketamine can really help in treating depression, we’re all taking drugs much more seriously than any time since the 1960s counterculture.
Unapologetic #93 Hannah Martin: Makeup artist to the stars on life, faith and navigating a filter-obsessed culture
Hannah Martin, “the queen of radiant skin and smoky eye tutorials” (British Vogue) and world-class makeup artist to the stars, shares her philosophy on beauty.
The CS Lewis Podcast #146 That Hideous Strength: How do we resist evil?
In this final episode on The Space Trilogy, Alister McGrath finishes his discussion on That Hideous Strength, looking particularly at how evil emerges and how we stop technology, such as AI and nuclear weapons, getting out of control.
Unbelievable? Can Christians watch occult and horror content? Exploring Faith and Entertainment Jenn Nizza vs Peter Laws, hosted by Billy Hallowell
Occult-inspired imagery and storylines pervade much of popular culture. Horror has become mainstream. The debate is on entertainment choices for Christians. Should Christians watch whatever they want?
Ask NT Wright Anything #207 Conversations about the afterlife (Classic)
Heaven and Hell are the topic of today’s podcast with Tom Wright answering your questions about the afterlife. What is the nature of hell and what does Tom believe about it? What can be said about annihilationist or universalist views? If our loved one’s aren’t with us in heaven, can we be happy there? These and more listener questions get addressed by Tom Wright in this episode.
Matters of Life & Death: Q&A: Should single Christians use dating apps if they strike out at church?
A listener has emailed in his dilemma off the back of our recent series of episodes: His small evangelical church teaches a traditional Christian message on relationships and marriage, yet offers single members like him no opportunities to meet like-minded women. Is it OK for him to turn to dating apps to fish in a deeper pool, or are the apps unavoidably commodifying his sisters in Christ and conforming him to secular cultural ethics on relationships?
Unapologetic #92 Michael Lloyd: Did Jesus have a sex drive?
What does the image of God say about our sexuality? What does that mean for single people? How did Jesus’ sexual safeness help to heal people’s broken sexuality and what did Jesus say about sex?
The CS Lewis Podcast #145 That Hideous Strength: Was Lewis sexist?
Alister McGrath looks at what Lewis thought of women, sexuality and marriage. Are any of the characters in That Hideous Strength based on people Lewis knew? What was he trying to convey through their depiction?