All Shows articles – Page 9
Matters of Life & Death: Two is the loneliest number: Can AI friends stop us feeling alone?
Science fiction has long been fascinated by the idea of humans becoming friends with computers. And the dream of an always-on digital companion you can talk to day or night is closer than ever before, thanks to advances in AI software in recent years.
Unapologetic #104 Kathy Keller: Life, marriage and death
As we approach the one year anniversary of apologist Tim Keller’s death on May 19th, we caught up with his wife Kathy Keller. Are there any stories about Tim that have particularly encouraged her family in recent months? How did a sick dog lead her to Jesus as a child? What marriage advice would she offer to those just starting out on their journey?
Unbelievable? Proof of the afterlife? John Burke and Dr Eben Alexander MD hosted by Billy Hallowell
Everyone from Madonna to top neuroscientists and millions of other people around the world report personal, unforgettable near-death experiences or NDEs. Do these NDE accounts prove the existence of a loving God? This week on Unbelievable? Pastor and author John Burke, who has studied and examined over 1,000 accounts of near-death experiences, explains these reports provide faith-building evidence of God and the Bible.
The CS Lewis Podcast #157 Kathy Keller: One of the last people to correspond with Lewis before his death
As we approach the one year anniversary of apologist Tim Keller’s death on May 19th, we caught up with his wife Kathy Keller who corresponded with CS Lewis as a child. Why did she write to Lewis? How did he respond? What are some of the stories he shared with her? What was it like meeting Warnie Lewis? Plus, we hear the impact of CS Lewis and JRR Tolkien on Tim and Kathy and we hear whether they really did speak Elvish together at home.
Unapologetic #103 Rachael Heffer: Are young people more spiritual?
In the final part of their conversation about the Talking Jesus research, Rachael Heffer, head of mission at the Evangelical Alliance, shares her thoughts around some important questions. Why are young people leaving the Church? How do we navigate tricky cultural conversations? What are her top tips for family discipleship?
The CS Lewis Podcast #156 Phil Knox: Lord All matey or Lord Almighty?
Did Jesus have favourites? What does good friendship look like? Can we can call God friend? Why does Lewis consider friendship “the most spiritual of loves”? Is Christian frienship greater than non-Christian friendship? Phil Knox, author of The Best of Friends concludes his conversation on Lewis and friendship.
Unbelievable? How can an all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-loving God coexist with the presence of evil and suffering in the world? Sharon Dirckx vs Stephen Woodford hosted by Vince Vitale
This week’s episode dives deep into one of the most challenging philosophical questions humanity has grappled with for centuries: the problem of natural evil. Hosted by Vince Vitale the show delves into the complexities of evil that seem inherent to the fabric of our world – earthquakes, famines, diseases – phenomena that sometimes shake our faith in a benevolent God.
Ask NT Wright Anything #217 Dear Tom: I’ve got questions about Marriage (Classic)
Tom delves into the complexities of marriage, addressing personal and burning questions from our listeners. From pondering the nature of married relationships in the new creation to offering advice for those on the brink of tying the knot, Tom brings wisdom and clarity in today’s episode.
Matters of Life & Death: Assisted dying in Scotland: A bad law but also an inevitable one?
A new law has been proposed in the Scottish Parliament which would allow terminally ill people to request doctors assist them in committing suicide. Is euthanasia the next great social leap forward in the inexorable onward march of progress?
Unapologetic #102 Rachael Heffer: Do people want to engage in conversations about faith?
How do people respond to hearing about God? Has the general opinion of the UK shifted on matters of faith in recent years? What do young people think? How confident are Christians about sharing their faith? How do we approach people’s big questions?
The CS Lewis Podcast #155 Phil Knox: Are we allowed favourite friends?
Phil Knox, author of The Best of Friends, explores what Lewis said about friendship. Why have we neglected friendship? What lessons can we learn from Lewis? Should we treat all friends equally?
Unbelievable? Is there as much reason to believe in an evil God as a good God? Max Baker-Hytch vs Asha Lancaster-Thomas hosted by Vince Vitale
In the discussion on the plausibility of an all-evil God versus an all-good God, Dr. Max Baker-Hytch delivered a compelling argument that encapsulated the essence of the debate. He highlighted the inherent scepticism that arises when considering the ‘evil God’ hypothesis, pointing out that if such a malevolent deity were to exist, it would provide ample reason to doubt the reliability of our cognitive faculties.
Ask NT Wright Anything #216 What does the Bible say about the Spiritual Gifts? (Classic)
Tom discusses the relevance of spiritual gifts like prophecy and speaking in tongues within our modern context, dives into the significance of signs and wonders, and shares his personal encounters with the Holy Spirit. Another intriguing episode delving into the questions from our listeners!
Matters of Life of Death: Abusive relationships and coercive control in church
Society has been on a long and slow journey in recent decades into a richer and more sympathetic understanding of how abuse and coercion work within relationships. We are much better at both identifying and prosecuting this kind of abuse, and at being more attuned to the needs of victims and understanding why they find it difficult to just walk away.
Unapologetic #101 Rachael Heffer: What does the UK think about faith?
Rachael Heffer, head of mission at the Evangelical Alliance, shares her thoughts around the Talking Jesus research. What do the UK public think about the Church, Christians and Jesus? Who are the “nones” and why has there been such a rise in this category of people? What questions are young people asking? Are people actually interested in God?
The CS Lewis Podcast #154 Lewis and Tolkien: The final years
What were the significant points of contention between CS Lewis and JRR Tolkien? Where did they differ on theology? How did they respond to each other’s fame? What did Tolkien think of The Narnia Chronicles? Why was Lewis’ Letters To Malcolm so “horrifying” to Tolkien? Did these two Inklings fall out at the end of Lewis’ life?
Unbelievable? Why do humans try to play God? Nick Spencer vs Emily Qureshi Hurst hosted by Andy Kind
For too long, the ‘science and religion’ debate has fixated on creation, evolution, cosmology, miracles and quantum theory, and not enough on the essence of what it means to be human. But this is a mistake argues one of our guests today, Christian academic Nick Spencer, Senior Fellow at Theos, in his new book ‘Playing God: science, religion and the future of humanity.’ Back on the show is Emily Qureshi-Hurst expert on the philosophy of time.
Ask NT Wright Anything #215 Should we take the devil seriously? (Classic)
A bit of a twist today as we answer listener’s questions that have come in asking: are we meant to take Satan literally? Join Tom Wright as he unravels some of the intricate threads of the New and Old Testaments to uncover the biblical portrayal of the devil.
Matter of Life & Death: Q&A: Did ending Roe v Wade actually save unborn children’s lives, and have we got food culture wrong in church?
Our first topic in this Q&A episode is a recent study which found that in 2023, the first full calendar year after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v Wade and the constitutional right to an abortion, total abortions actually increased. Despite 21 states enacting full or partial abortion bans, more women not fewer are ending their pregnancies. How can this have happened, and what might it tell the pro-life movement about its tactics and priorities if it seeks to make abortion not simply unlawful, but unthinkable?