All Shows articles – Page 24
Unbelievable? Where does order in nature and the cosmos come from? Stephen Meyer & Saleem Ali
Prof Saleem Ali of the University of Delaware is author of ‘Earthly Order: How natural laws define human life’ and describes the way order in the universe drives order in human and social settings. He engages with Dr Stephen Meyer of the Discovery Institute, whose book ‘The Return of The God Hypothesis’ makes the case that order in nature points to a divine mind.
Ask NT Wright Anything #160 Why bother improving the world? Can Christians attain perfection?
Why bother with earth and not just create heaven? Why try to make the world a better place if God is going to fix it? Is the world getting better or worse because of Christianity? Can Christians achieve perfection in this life, as Wesley claimed? Tom Wright answers listeners questions on the ‘now-and-not-yet’ of new creation.
Unapologetic #43 Bruce Miller: Is Christianity true?
Bruce Miller, author of The 7 Big Questions: Searching for God, Truth, and Purpose, tackles two huge questions: is Christianity too narrow and is Jesus really God? He also explores whether Jesus really rose from the dead.
Matters of Life & Death: Public sector strikes 2: Taking patients hostage, employment as service, slaves and masters, and Christian peacemaking
There are two strong Christian traditions when it comes to robust political or industrial action such as strikes.
The CS Lewis Podcast #95 Alister McGrath: CS Lewis’ international fame
In the ninth episode of our series focussing on McGrath’s book, CS Lewis: A Life, we look at some of Lewis’ popular literature and how his rising fame affected his reputation as an Oxford scholar. We discuss The Great Divorce, the Ransom Trilogy and some of the strengths and weakness of Mere Christianity. Plus, it’s not too late to register for the opportunity to win a copy of McGrath’s seminal biography of Lewis.
Unbelievable? Does God speak today through dreams, visions & prophecy? Tania Harris & Jim Osman
Tania Harris, founding director of God Conversations and author of ‘The Church who hears God’s Voice’ makes a biblical and experiential case for the ongoing activity of the Spirit communicating through dreams, visions and prophecy. She engages with cessationist pastor Jim Osman. author of ‘God Doesn’t Whisper’, who argues that people who claim to hear God’s voice are misled and that the Bible is the only way in which Gods revelation comes to us today.
Ask NT Wright Anything #159 What difference does prayer make? Tom shares his prayer habits
Tom answers listener questions on prayer including: ‘Is prayer just telling God what to do?’ and ‘What difference does prayer make if God has already decided what to do?’. Kelly is nervous about praying out loud before a meal in public, and Jennifer is questioning the legitimacy of public displays of prayer in the USA. Tom responds to these questions and shares his own habits of prayer, including keeping a prayer diary.
Unapologetic #42 Bruce Miller: If God exists why does he allow suffering?
Ruth Jackson continues her conversation with Bruce Miller, author of The 7 Big Questions: Searching for God, Truth, and Purpose. He highlights some of the arguments for the existence of God and unpacks one of life’s hardest questions, looking at moral evil, natural suffering and the Christian response to pain.
Matters of Life & Death: Public sector strikes 1: The Winter of Discontent, austerity-era pay freezes, Christian socialist solidarity, and continuity of patient care
The UK is currently gripped by a wave of strikes from public sector employees – nurses, teachers, postal workers, train drivers, paramedics, and soon junior doctors too.
PREVIEW: The Big Conversation Season 5!
Subscribe for early access to this episode at
The CS Lewis Podcast #94 Alister McGrath: The wartime apologist
In the eighth episode of our series focussing on McGrath’s book, CS Lewis: A Life, Professor Alister McGrath shares some of Lewis’ thoughts on suffering. We also hear how and why Lewis was broadcast on BBC Radio during the Second World War and the impact this had. Plus, it’s not too late to register for the opportunity to win a copy of McGrath’s seminal biography of Lewis.
Unbelievable? The Asbury Revival: A new move of God? Timothy Tennent, Alisa Childers & Gavin Ortlund
Thousands have been flocking to Asbury University in Kentucky after a chapel service turned into a 24/7 revival outpouring. Justin is joined by guests as he asks: What are the true marks of revival? What are the blessings and concerns that accompany this student-led awakening?
Ask NT Wright Anything #158 Why don’t I hear from God any more?
Tom and Justin are back with a fresh batch of questions from listeners who are having trouble hearing from God. Nicole asks why ‘Ask and you shall receive’ doesn’t seem to work in practise? Shelagh says she doesn’t hear from God the way she used to - is it because of disobedience? Robert asks how you can tell if you have misheard from God? Tom also gives an update on his health and work and reflects on how he hears from God.
Matters of Life & Death: Surveillance capitalism 2: QR codes in China, privacy, the manipulation of desire, and a neo-Benedictine Rule of Life
In this episode we think through more of the implications of living in a non-private digital village in the 21st century, but is privacy even a Christian virtue in the first place?
Unapologetic #41 Bruce Miller: Does life have a purpose?
In the first of four episodes on how to approach some of life’s most difficult questions, Ruth Jackson speaks to Bruce Miller, author of The 7 Big Questions: Searching for God, Truth, and Purpose, about belief, doubt and purpose.
The CS Lewis Podcast #93 Alister McGrath: CS Lewis’ literary scholarship
In the seventh episode of our series focussing on McGrath’s book CS Lewis: A Life, we explore why Lewis never used a typewriter, who the Inklings were and how they impacted his work, and what role women, such as Dorothy L Sayers, played in Lewis’ life. Plus, don’t forget to register to win a copy of McGrath’s seminal biography of Lewis.
Unbelievable? Sexuality, Gender & Identity: 2 views on LGBT and the church - Andrew Bunt & Charlie Bell
Andrew Bunt, Emerging Generations director at Living Out and author of ‘Finding Your Best Identity’, is a same-sex attracted Christian who has chosen celibacy and believes marriage is male-female. Charlie Bell, a gay Anglican vicar who also works as a psychiatrist, is the author of ‘Queer Holiness’ and wants to see gay marriage accepted in the church.
Ask NT Wright Anything #157 Making sense of Adam, Eve and the Genesis creation story
Tom Wright joins Justin to answer listener questions on how to interpret the early chapters of Genesis, what he believes about the nature of Adam and Eve, whether suffering and death existed before the fall and much more… He also pulls out the guitar once more for a Genesis-themed song. First broadcast in 2019.
Matters of Life & Death: Surveillance capitalism 1: Trillions of data points, clickbait, an advertising arms race, and BF Skinner’s pigeons
Every tap, swipe and click we make on our phones, tablets and laptops is being recorded by big tech firms. This is often called surveillance capitalism – a network of products and services we use every day which sucks up large quantities of data about us and then sells it on to advertisers at huge profits.
The CS Lewis Podcast #92 Alister McGrath: The making of a Mere Christian
In the sixth episode of our series focussing on McGrath’s book CS Lewis: A Life, we explore Lewis’ faith journey, looking at how and why he became a Christian. We also hear about the significant impact of JRR Tolkien. Plus, don’t forget to register to win a copy of McGrath’s seminal biography of Lewis.