The Big Conversation - Episode 6 | Season 4

Almost half of Millenials and Gen Z in the USA identify as ‘nones’ (having no religious affiliation). Mikhaila Peterson who runs a popular Youtube channel and Podcast talks about her own recent journey to faith along with the journey of her father, renowned psychologist Jordan Peterson.

Jon McCray who runs ‘Whaddo You Meme’ a popular Youtube channel responding to internet atheism and popular culture joins the conversation as he and Mikhaila talk about the spiritual search among Gen Z and Millennials and take questions from the live audience that joined in online.


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The Big Conversation is a video series from Unbelievable? featuring world-class thinkers across the religious and non-religious community. Exploring science, faith, philosophy and what it means to be human. The Big Conversation is produced by Premier in partnership with John Templeton Foundation.


For Mikhaila Peterson:

For Jon McCray:

For Barna’s worldview study cited by Jon:


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