All leadership articles
US elections and countercultural power
Following mid-term elections in the US, Erik Strandness explores what it would look like to operate from a perspective of God’s kingdom rather than man’s
Falling from Grace: Addressing power, leadership and abuse in the Church
Erik Strandness reflects on a recent webinar on sexual abuse and looks at the lessons we must learn
Should churches use Non Disclosure Agreements (NDAs)?
Psychologist Diane Langberg and attorney Rachael Denhollander discuss the ethics of NDAs in Christian contexts
Should we blacklist books by fallen leaders?
Amy Orr-Ewing, Rachael Denhollander and Mike Cosper share their reflections on whether we should continue to reference material written by fallen leaders.
Church abuse, leadership scandals & RZIM: Rachael Denhollander, Amy Orr-Ewing, Mike Cosper & Diane Langberg
Four guests and hundreds of attendees gathered with host Justin Brierley for the live webinar event ’Falling From Grace: Addressing Power, Leadership, and Abuse in the Church.
Matters of Life & Death: Abusive leadership
Mark Driscoll, the hermeneutic of suspicion, Sigmund Freud’s chaise longue, and Paul-Timothy relationships