Why did Jesus die? CS Lewis, redemption and the atonement

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Pastor and author Dan Salter explores the image-based atonement theory through an imagined conversation with CS Lewis about the birth, death and resurrection of Jesus 

The phrase ‘mere Christianity’ was coined by Richard Baxter 300 years before C S Lewis borrowed it. Both Baxter and Lewis meant to describe the essentials of Christianity—as Lewis put it: “the belief that has been common to nearly all Christians at all times”. And almost all attempts at defining it include the belief that Jesus, through his earthly work of sinless life, death and resurrection, accomplished our reconciliation with God. 

In other words, the atonement, most of us affirm, is the central and binding doctrine of our Christian faith. And yet, we still struggle with that definition. What is the atonement exactly? How did Jesus bring us to God? 

Most of the many atonement theories have holes (which is why we have so many theories). But cross-cutting through… (Register to read the rest of the article)

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