All cs lewis articles
The CS Lewis Podcast #175 Alister McGrath: What would Lewis think of Jordan Peterson?
How does having a better understanding of a “big picture” give us hope, particularly in the midst of mental health struggles? How can we hold different aspects of our life together? Which travelling companions would Lewis recommend? What would Lewis make of public figures such as Tom Holland, Jordan Peterson and Douglas Murray, who speak about the coherence and positive impact of Christianity? Professor Alister McGrath explores Lewis as a spiritual mentor.
The CS Lewis Podcast #173 Alister McGrath: How do we tell good stories?
How can our individual stories find new meaning and significance from Christianity’s “grand story”? In what ways did Lewis tell the Christian story? And what can we learn from this? How do we share our own story? Professor Alister McGrath explores how we can use Lewis as a resource for our Christian life and looks at some of Lewis’ favourite stories, including The Pilgrim’s Regress.
The CS Lewis Podcast #172 Alister McGrath: Why do stories matter?
Which stories impacted Lewis as a young child? Why is story so important? How does imagination help convey truth? What did Lewis mean by “myth” and how did that impact his thinking? Where did JRR Tolkien help with this? How do we allow the Christian story to shape our own? Professor Alister McGrath explores how we can use Lewis as a resource for our Christian life.
The CS Lewis Podcast #171 Alister McGrath: Spiritual disciplines, young people and the academy
Professor Alister McGrath continues to explore how we can use CS Lewis as a resource for our Christian life. How did Lewis’ conversion change his life? What habits did he put in place to establish a rhythm of life for his faith? In what ways does Lewis speak to Christian academics? What inspiration can writers draw from Lewis? Does he offer any advice for young people living out their Christian faith today?
The CS Lewis Podcast #170 Alister McGrath: Is Lewis a helpful spiritual mentor?
How did CS Lewis live out his Christian faith? What practical tools or approaches can he offer to inform our spiritual practices? How can Lewis help us work out our vocation? Does he have any advice for those experiencing doubt? Professor Alister McGrath explores how we can use Lewis as a resource for our Christian life.
The CS Lewis Podcast #169 James Emery White: Culture, translation and COVID-19
How did CS Lewis translate Christianity for ordinary people? What would he say to our post-Christian culture? Can Lewis help with evangelism? In what ways did people apply his ideas to the COVID-19 pandemic? Pastor, author and theologian Dr James Emery White explores how we can draw on Lewis in our modern context.
The CS Lewis Podcast #168 Philip Tallon: What if God isn’t good?
Did Lewis want to rewrite some of his earlier work on suffering in light of his own experience of pain and loss? Did Lewis doubt the existence of God or question his character during these times? What words of encouragement would Lewis give to those in the throes of suffering? Dr Philip Tallon explores A Grief Observed and The Problem of Pain. He also shares how to help younger readers engage with Lewis.
The CS Lewis Podcast #167 Philip Tallon: How do hell, the Fall and beauty fit into Lewis’ theodicy?
How does Lewis perceive the Fall? Is he able to reconcile it with an evolutionary model? Where does the cross feature in The Problem of Pain? What did Lewis think of hell? In what ways does Lewis help us to recognise beauty and aesthetics in our discussions around theodicy? We continue our conversation with Dr Philip Tallon.
The CS Lewis Podcast #166 Philip Tallon: Is pain a megaphone?
Can pain ever be good for us? What about children with cancer? How do we account for animal suffering? Will our pets be in heaven? Does our theology of heaven impact our thoughts around suffering? Dr Philip Tallon shares his thoughts about Lewis’ The Problem of Pain.
The CS Lewis Podcast #165 Philip Tallon: Is pain a problem?
Dr Philip Tallon, Associate Professor of Theology and Dean of The School of Christian Thought at Houston Christian University, unpacks one of Lewis’ earliest work of apologetics The Problem of Pain. What are the critiques of this book and can any of these challenges be overcome?
Unapologetic #111: Johan Erasmus: Is there more to life than atheism?
Afrikaner pastor Johan Erasmus shares the second half of his story. Why did the New Atheists’ arguments lose their appeal? How did the Bible become less embarrassing? Where does he turn with his doubts? In what ways does Johan’s faith inform his passion for racial reconciliation? Read more in Coming To Faith Through Dawkins.
The CS Lewis Podcast #164 Johan Erasmus: Coming to faith via Dawkins and Lewis
Following the death of his father as a child, Afrikaner pastor Johan Erasmus struggled to find a place where he could ask sceptical questions about faith, God and the Universe. During this time he discovered CS Lewis, but also Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris and Christopher Hitchens.
Unapologetic #110 Johan Erasmus: Were the New Atheists right?
Following the death of his father as a child, Afrikaner pastor Johan Erasmus struggled to find a place where he could ask sceptical questions about faith, God and the Universe. During this time he discovered CS Lewis, but also Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris and Christopher Hitchens.
The CS Lewis Podcast #163 Matthew Brown: What would Sigmund Freud and CS Lewis discuss?
Hollywood director Matthew Brown, who directed and co-wrote Freud’s Last Session, shares his thoughts on two of the greatest minds of the 20th Century.
Women in apologetics – Not God’s type
Holly Ordway’s move from atheism to Christianity is reminiscent of CS Lewis’ conversion. Here, apologist Joel Furches tells her story and explores why she believes women play a crucial role in apologetics
The CS Lewis Podcast #162 Alister McGrath: Is there still a place for Lewis in today’s society?
We continue our conversation with Professor Alister McGrath answering live questions, including who influenced Lewis’ faith journey, whether there’s an expiry date on his relevance and how Lewis has impacted Alister’s own theology.
The CS Lewis Podcast #161 Alister McGrath: Your questions answered
Professor Alister McGrath joined Ruth Jackson for a webinar answering live questions about CS Lewis, including how Lewis used modern media, whether there is a “modern day Lewis” and how we navigate some of the potentially racist terms within his work.
The CS Lewis Podcast #157 Kathy Keller: One of the last people to correspond with Lewis before his death
As we approach the one year anniversary of apologist Tim Keller’s death on May 19th, we caught up with his wife Kathy Keller who corresponded with CS Lewis as a child. Why did she write to Lewis? How did he respond? What are some of the stories he shared with her? What was it like meeting Warnie Lewis? Plus, we hear the impact of CS Lewis and JRR Tolkien on Tim and Kathy and we hear whether they really did speak Elvish together at home.
The CS Lewis Podcast #156 Phil Knox: Lord All matey or Lord Almighty?
Did Jesus have favourites? What does good friendship look like? Can we can call God friend? Why does Lewis consider friendship “the most spiritual of loves”? Is Christian frienship greater than non-Christian friendship? Phil Knox, author of The Best of Friends concludes his conversation on Lewis and friendship.
The CS Lewis Podcast #155 Phil Knox: Are we allowed favourite friends?
Phil Knox, author of The Best of Friends, explores what Lewis said about friendship. Why have we neglected friendship? What lessons can we learn from Lewis? Should we treat all friends equally?