All easter articles
Unapologetic #114: Joe Boot: Resurrection, miracles and climate change
Is there any proof for the resurrection of Jesus? Are miracles a genuine possibility? How should we respond to global injustice and environmental breakdown? What practical ways can we use apologetics in everyday situations? We hear from Rev Dr Joe Boot, founder and president of the Ezra Institute for Contemporary Christianity. This interview was recorded in front of a live audience at Holy Trinity Church, Aylesbury in partnership with Aylesbury Vale Youth For Christ.
Unapologetic #100 Ruth Jackson: 100th Episode Special
Ruth Jackson shares some of her favourite moments over the last 99 episodes, including an opiate addict becoming a Christian apologist via a near death experience, an analytic philosopher on why she believes the gospel narratives are reliable, an NFL player on how he’d choose Jesus over winning the Super Bowl and a theologian exploring whether Jesus had a sex drive.
Unapologetic #99 Sarah Irving-Stonebraker: How can we be effective priests of history?
Associate Professor Sarah Irving-Stonebraker, author of Priests of History, explores the results of ahistoricism in the Church. Does disconnection from the past lead to individualism? How do we use ancient spiritual practices in a modern setting? Can history help us to use our time well?
Unbelievable? Did it really happen: the Resurrection? with Mike Licona vs Larry Shapiro hosted by Andy Kind
The question of the historicity of Jesus’ resurrection has been repeatedly investigated, probed, and discussed. This week on Unbelievable we will add to the debate by asking ‘Did it really happen – the Resurrection of Jesus?’ dissecting the narratives of Jesus’ death and Resurrection. We’ve got two eminent scholars – who are good friends but with diametrically opposed beliefs on the authenticity of this pivotal event that forms the basis for the Christian worldview.
Why did Jesus die? CS Lewis, redemption and the atonement
Pastor and author Dan Salter explores the image-based atonement theory through an imagined conversation with CS Lewis about the birth, death and resurrection of Jesus
Unapologetic #97 Jay Y Kim: Did Jesus really rise from the dead?
Pastor Jay Y Kim explores how Holy Week brings hope. Why are we all so afraid of death? What difference does Easter make? Did the resurrection actually happen and why does it matter?
The CS Lewis Podcast #150 Holly Ordway: Tolkien on Holy Week
We continue our conversation with Dr Holly Ordway, author of Tolkien’s Faith. How would Tolkien have celebrated Holy Week? How did he view death? What did Easter and the resurrection mean to him?
What did Holy Week mean to JRR Tolkien?
Dr Holly Ordway, author of Tolkien’s Faith shares how a memorial cross spoke powerfully to Tolkien of Jesus’ death and resurrection
Are we all guilty of murder?
As we approach Easter, Marsh Moyle, author of Rumours of a Better Country, reflects on murder
12 things you (probably) didn’t know about Easter: Broken laws
Bob Lepine, author of 12 Things You (Probably) Didn’t Know About Easter, shares how 18 laws were broken to condemn Jesus to death on Good Friday
Why do we observe Lent? NT Wright on lament and celebration
As we approach Lent, Rt Rev Prof NT Wright shares his thoughts on how Lent emerged, why it’s significant and what it means for us today
Ask NT Wright #186 Has the resurrection been debunked? (Classic)
From 2020: It’s Eastertide so Tom is answering questions on the resurrection, including one listener who believes that the evidence of the women at the empty tomb has been debunked by modern scholarship.
Unapologetic #49 Lydia McGrew: Is an evidential approach to Christianity feasible?
Dr Lydia McGrew, an analytic philosopher and author, became a Christian at the age of 4. She shares some of her story with Ruth Jackson, including her experience of being adopted, her prevailing wrestle with the problem of evil and why she’s passionate about an evidential approach to Christianity.
Did Jesus of Nazareth rise from the dead? The unhistorical speculations of Bart Ehrman
Apologist Daniel Ray reflects on a recent episode of The Big Conversation and critiques a number of Bart Ehrman’s assertions about the resurrection
Ask NT Wright Anything #164 Easter questions on the resurrection of Jesus
As Easter approaches Tom answers a variety of listener questions on the Biblical resurrection accounts, the nature of the resurrection body, why Jesus didn’t stay with us, and also shares his thoughts on popular psychology professor Jordan B Peterson. First broadcast in 2019.
If Jesus really rose from the dead, why does it matter today?
Professor John Swinton, a former psychiatric nurse-turned practical theologian at Aberdeen University, reflects on the significance of the resurrection and its impact
What’s so good about Good Friday? And why is Holy Saturday significant?
Professor John Swinton, a former psychiatric nurse-turned practical theologian at Aberdeen University, reflects on the significance of Good Friday and Holy Saturday
If Jesus really rose from the dead, how does the resurrection make sense of our suffering?
Dr Jeremiah Johnston, author of ’Body of Proof: The 7 Best Reasons to Believe in the Resurrection of Jesus-and Why It Matters Today’ shares his thoughts on this painful topic
Matters of Life & Death: Webinar 1: Redefining human-ness, testing for consciousness, hoodwinked by ChatGPT, and a black box
Part one of John’s ‘How to live faithfully in a technologically confusing world’ webinar explores the staggering sophistication of the latest generation of AI chatbots and what ethical questions these might throw up for Christians.
Did Jesus actually rise from the dead?
Apologists Nick Peters and Joel Furches explore the plausibility of Christianity’s central claim