All Theology articles
The CS Lewis Podcast #194 Sarah Waters: How Lewis grew to love Shakespeare
What was Lewis’ favourite Shakespeare play? Dr Sarah Waters, assistant professor of language and literature at Sterling College, Kansas, delves into Lewis’ literary accessibility and theological insights, uncovering the timeless relevance of his work.
The CS Lewis Podcast #180 David Clare: Ecstatic experience
How did Lewis approach ecstatic experiences, particularly in light of his Ulster Protestant background? Dr David Clare of Mary Immaculate College, University of Limerick continues his talk given at the C.S. Lewis Group at Ulster’s spring mini symposium. He also answers questions from the live audience. The event was entitled ‘C.S. Lewis and the Land of His Birth: Re-rooting Lewis in Ulster & the Island of Ireland’. The title of Dr Clare’s talk was ‘“Lit Up Inside”: C.S. Lewis’s Joy & Ulster Protestant Ecstasy’.
What is truth, and what happens if society rejects that it even exists?
What is truth, and what happens if society rejects that it even exists? Two recent Premier Unbelievable debates highlight the difference between a Christian and a relativist worldview
Science, faith and the future of humanity Denis Alexander v Julian Baggini hosted by Andy Kind
In this episode of Unbelievable?, host Andy Kind brings together two thought-provoking voices to explore the intersection of science, faith, and the future of humanity.
Does believing that all will be saved ignore the fundamental reality of sin?
Apologist Erik Strandness ponders on an important topic that can be ignored in the debate over ‘universalism’ – what we are to be saved from - the reality of sin and Jesus’s central role in its defeat
Assisted suicide: Euthanasia tourism takes off in the US amid fresh push to change law in Britain
Today we pick up a number of stories and updates in the conversation around assisted suicide. Long since legal in a growing number of states in the US, a new report has detailed how things are liberalising further. Some states now permit non-residents to cross state lines solely to die, creating a new market in euthanasia tourism for those living in less liberal parts of America.
Does DNA’s language point to a creator?
The complexity and communicative qualities of our genetic building blocks are not easily explained by science, but instead point to intelligent design, argues Joel Furches
“Why didn’t God heal my Dad’s cancer?” (and other questions) with Amy Orr-Ewing, Ben Thomas, Ben Chang hosted by Ruth Jackson
Ever find yourself asking tough questions of God? Struggling to see His goodness and wondering, “Are you really there, God?”
The CS Lewis Podcast #166 Philip Tallon: Is pain a megaphone?
Can pain ever be good for us? What about children with cancer? How do we account for animal suffering? Will our pets be in heaven? Does our theology of heaven impact our thoughts around suffering? Dr Philip Tallon shares his thoughts about Lewis’ The Problem of Pain.
How churches can embrace science: insights from scientist-Bishop Richard Cheetham
Former Bishop Richard Cheetham, with a background in physics and theology, argues for a harmonious relationship between science and faith. Discover how churches can engage with scientific advancements to enrich their ministry.
Election year: How to avoid a witch hunt
2024 signals significant elections for many countries around the world. Apologist Joel Furches explores the historical relationship between religion and government, looking at how to ensure truth prevails
Unbelievable? Kathy Keller on anniversary of Tim Keller’s death
As we approach the one year anniversary of apologist Tim Keller’s death on May 19th, we sit down with his wife Kathy Keller, author and speaker in her own right, to discuss a number of listener’s questions
Are The New Testament documents reliable?
Apologists Nick Peters and Joel Furches explore how accurate this ancient writing really is
The CS Lewis Podcast #152 Is ‘The Lord of the Rings’ a religious work?
Dr Holly Ordway, author of Tolkien’s Faith explores what JRR Tolkien meant when he described The Lord of the Rings as a “fundamentally religious and Catholic work”. Do we see any elements of his faith in the book? Is it possible to discern a theology? Are there any characters Tolkien identified with? Plus, how does Leaf by Niggle relate to Tolkien’s magnum opus?
Why did Jesus die? CS Lewis, redemption and the atonement
Pastor and author Dan Salter explores the image-based atonement theory through an imagined conversation with CS Lewis about the birth, death and resurrection of Jesus
Ask NT Wright Anything #208 Questions about Doctrine, the Trinity and Baptism (Classic)
What is the doctrine of the Trinity? Is the Trinity key to being a Christian? Is the doctrine of Baptism an essential? And should we be baptised if we’ve been christened? Tom Wright addresses these questions and more in this episode.
Christians in science: How a microbiologist became an apologist
Dr Anjeanette ‘AJ’ Roberts is a microbiologist and a Christian. Joel Furches spoke to her about her faith and career
Jesus speaks supernovae
John Van Sloten, author of God Speaks Science, reflects on a conversation with a Mars Rover researcher
Unbelievable? Does secular humanism or Christianity offer a brighter future? Sara Stevenson vs Neil McKain
Andy Kind hosts today’s Unbelievable where the debate topic is Does Secular Humanism or Christianity offer a brighter future for the UK?
The CS Lewis Podcast #140 Sarah Irving-Stonebraker: Does history matter?
Associate Professor Sarah Irving-Stonebraker shares how significant CS Lewis was in her journey from atheism to Christianity. As an academic historian, she explores how great books speak to ever-present questions and looks at why the past matters. Why is Lewis still relevant 60 years after his death?