All Wellbeing articles – Page 9
Unbelievable? Render unto Caesar - Should the church keep out of economic politics? Andy Walton vs James Price
The Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby gave a keynote speech at the UK Trade Union Congress in September 2018 calling for the government to change its tax and welfare policies in order to support the neediest in society.
Unbelievable? Debating embryonic stem cells & biotechnology - Fuz Rana & Robert Stovold
Stem cells are an early development form of cells with the potential to turn into any part of the human system. They are used medically for regenerative therapy to treat many conditions. However stem cells have traditionally been harvested from early-stage embryos causing concerns for those who believe life begins at conception.
Unbelievable? Debating science and spiritual practices – Rupert Sheldrake vs Susan Blackmore
Rupert Sheldrake is often regarded as a maverick in science. He had his TED talk on the “Science Delusion” banned after other scientists objected. In his new book “Science and Spiritual Practices” he makes the case for the proven scientific benefit of religious practices.
Unbelievable? Is miracle healing for real? Ken Fish vs Frances Janusz + 2 healing stories
Christians as well as sceptics are often dubious of miracle healing claims. Ken Fish trained under John Wimber and now travels the world with Kingdom Fire Ministries to heal and train people. He believes thinking christians should embrace the miraculous as part of their faith and that it can serve as a sign to sceptics of Christ’s power.
Unbelievable? Is Science Mike right about God, evidence and the benefits of believing? Mike McHargue & JD Walters
Mike McHargue (aka Science Mike) joins Justin again to revisit his book ‘Finding God In The Waves’ about his deconversion to atheism and reconversion to Christian faith.
Unbelievable? Debating out-of-body and near-death experiences: Susan Blackmore & Graham Nicholls
As as student Susan Blackmore had an out-of-body experience that convinced her of the paranormal. However, after years of research, she came to the conclusion that such experiences are a purely brain phenomenon and not evidence of anything supernatural. Her new book ‘Seeing Myself: the new science of out-of-body experiences’ tells her story.
Unbelievable? An ex-abortionist & pro-choice doctor debate - Haywood Robinson vs Wendy Savage
Warning: This programme contains descriptions of abortion procedures.
Unbelievable? Buddhism, Christianity, Nirvana & Salvation - Alex Crowe & Ken Samples
Alex Crowe is a Buddhist who engages with Ken Samples author of ‘God Among Sages: Why Jesus is not just another religious leader’ that compares and contrasts Jesus with founding figures from all the main religions.
Unbelievable? Is porn harmful to society? Matt Fradd, Charlotte Rose and Adam Scarborough
Online pornography is a multi-billion dollar industry. But what effect is its proliferation having on those who consume it? Matt Fradd, author of The Porn Myth, argues that science is showing that widespread porn addiction is adversely affecting relationships, sexuality and society.
Unbelievable? How I lost my child but kept my faith - Jessica Kelley
In a New Year’s Eve special, Justin interviews two women involved in theology and apologetics in different ways.
Unbelievable? Is human life intrinsically valuable? Peter Singer, Richard Weikart & Susan Blackmore
Richard Weikart, professor of history at California State University, joins Justin to talk about his new book ‘The Death of Humanity’. He says the loss of belief in the value of human life is leading to disastrous consequences for society.
Unbelievable? Was Christopher Hitchens right about religion? Peter Hitchens, Ed Turner & Peter Harris (plus Unbelievable? 2016 announced)
Until his death from cancer over four years ago, Christopher Hitchens was one of the preeminent figures of new atheism: a prolific writer who was eloquent, witty and in great demand for his speaking and debating.
Unbelievable? Are Christians happier than atheists? Ann Morisy & Craig James
The latest survey from the UK Office of National Statistics shows that religious people are happier than atheists.
A Christian & an Atheist debate the purpose of suffering
Atheist philosopher, Julian Baggini and Christian apologist, Vince Vitale sat down with Justin Brierley to share their perspectives on the purpose of suffering.
Unbelievable? Caitlyn Jenner & Transgenderism: trans & ex-trans Christian debate
Gender Dysphoria is a condition in which a person feels their body does not match the gender they identify with.
Unbelievable? Why does God allow suffering? Vince Vitale & Julian Baggini
Following atheist Stephen Fry’s viral anti-God video, the question of how a good God could allow suffering has come into focus again.
Suffering Debate ∕∕ Unbelievable? with Justin Brierley
The full version of the debate on suffering. Justin is joined by Julian Baggini and Vince Vitale, as they go head to head on this most important question. Why Suffering?
Unbelievable? Abort it and try again? Ann Furedi & James Mumford debate abortion and disability
When Richard Dawkins tweeted ‘abort it and try again’ to a follower who raised a question about pregnancy and Downs Syndrome, there was a public outcry. Yet each year over 1000 pregnancies are terminated in the UK because of screening for Downs Syndrome.
Unbelievable? Animal suffering and God - Michael Murray vs Phil Harper
Christian Philosopher Michael Murray wrote a book in 2008 making a defence of God in the face of millennia of animal suffering. He presents his arguments to atheist Phil Harper (aka Skydivephil).
Unbelievable? Abortion: A woman’s choice or a baby’s life?
The abortion debate reared its head again this summer after controversial tweets by Richard Dawkins made the news.