
After becoming disillusioned with failed prophecies at the charismatic church he was part of, Matthew Hartke lost his faith altogether when he become convinced Jesus himself was a failed apocalyptic prophet.

Now an agnostic, Matthew engages with New Testament scholar Andrew Perriman. Andrew believes Jesus was indeed Israel’s Messiah but that his apocalyptic prophecies in passages such as Matthew 24 have often been misunderstood.

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For Matthew Hartke: http://www.fifthacttheology.com/about/

For Andrew Perriman: http://www.postost.net/

For Glen Scrivener’s “What Christians Believe in 90 Seconds”: https://www.facebook.com/christianitymag/posts/1680780525293414 

Get signed copies of Unbelievable? the book and audiobook: www.unbelievablebook.co.uk

Get Unbelievable? the Conference 2017 DVD/CD & Digital Download: http://www.premier.org.uk/shop 

For more faith debates visit http://www.premierchristianradio.com/Shows/Saturday/Unbelievable

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