Unbelievable? - The New Atheism - Alister McGrath & Caspar Melville

Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens, Daniel Dennett & Sam Harris are all figures at the vanguard of the “New Atheism”. The books have sold well, but where does this form of confrontational and outspoken atheism have to go next?

Alister McGrath is Theology professor at Kings College London and regularly speaks and writes against Atheism. He says that there’s nothing “new” about New Atheism and that it exhibits all the signs of being a religious form of belief itself.

Caspar Melville is editor of the UK’s New Humanist magazine. He says that “New Atheism” has been good for business and is provoking a debate that needs to be had.

They debate whether there is a historical naivety to the movement, Dawkins’ claim that “I just believe in one less god than you” and much more besides.

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