All suffering articles – Page 2
Me and my shadow: how should we respond to our inner darkness?
With dark stories dominating our news cycles, Erik Strandness explores what our response should be to the darkness inside us
Unapologetic #97 Jay Y Kim: Did Jesus really rise from the dead?
Pastor Jay Y Kim explores how Holy Week brings hope. Why are we all so afraid of death? What difference does Easter make? Did the resurrection actually happen and why does it matter?
Are we all guilty of murder?
As we approach Easter, Marsh Moyle, author of Rumours of a Better Country, reflects on murder
12 things you (probably) didn’t know about Easter: Broken laws
Bob Lepine, author of 12 Things You (Probably) Didn’t Know About Easter, shares how 18 laws were broken to condemn Jesus to death on Good Friday
Ask NT Wright Anything #210 The Problem of Evil and Suffering (Classic)
In today’s Episode theologian and historian Tom Wright looks at listener questions on one of the biggest topics and questions the Christian faith faces today. What is the nature of free will, does Christianity truly offer an answer to the problem of evil and suffering? Will it be possible for there to be another ‘fall’ in the new creation? And the hosts of the Libertarian Christian Podcast have some questions for Tom about living as Christians in today’s world.
Unbelievable? Where is God to be found when you are told your cancer is terminal? Steve Legg, Allan Finnegan and Andy Kind
Where is God to be found when facing the no-joke reality of a terminal diagnosis for cancer? Two comedians, who are both Christians, are facing just this challenge. This discussion between Steve Legg and Allan Finnegan hosted by Andy Kind will transform the way you think about terminal illness. This uplifting show explores why two men in the prime of life feel closer to God than before they received their devastating diagnoses.
Unbelievable? If God exists why does he allow suffering? The most googled questions with Bruce Miller, Ruth Jackson & Billy Hallowell
In the second of two shows on the most googled questions about God, Ruth Jackson continues her conversation with Bruce Miller, author of The 7 Big Questions: Searching for God, Truth, and Purpose.
Unapologetic #91 Michael Lloyd: Where does our value come from?
Rev Dr Michael Lloyd, co-author of Image Bearers, explores how the image of God shapes our understanding of what it is to be human. Is secular psychology sufficient? Why is restoration necessary? How does community help? Why is diversity so important?
The CS Lewis Podcast #144 That Hideous Strength: What would a godless world look like?
Alister McGrath continues to discuss the final book of CS Lewis’ science fiction trilogy. What are Lewis’ thoughts on education? Was he anti-modern? Does the abolition of God necessarily lead to the abolition of humanity?
Ask NT Wright Anything #196 Pain and suffering Part 2 (Classic)
From the archives: In this second of a two-part episode series looking at the question of Suffering, Tom shares his thoughts on heart-breaking pastoral questions from listeners around how to respond to grief and mental health.
Ask NT Wright Anything #195 Pain and suffering Part 1 (Classic)
From the archives: In this first episode looking at the question of Suffering, Tom shares his thoughts on the difficult questions listeners have around issues such as dementia, death, the global pandemic and whether God himself suffers.
Can the Bible teach us anything about depression?
Rico Villanueva, Langham Partnership’s regional commissioning editor for Asia, shares how studying the psalms of lament have helped him with his bouts of depression
Matthew Perry’s friends probably were there for him, but did it ultimately matter?
Drew Cordell, author of Honest Christianity: Why People Choose to Believe, reflects on the sad passing of Friends actor Matthew Perry
Unbelievable? Is there a conflict between religion and science?
Can you be a serious scientist and believe in God, and even believe in miracles?
The CS Lewis Podcast #123 Out of the Silent Planet: Death, suffering and The Fall
In the final episode on Out of the Silent Planet, Alister McGrath explores Lewis’ depiction of humanity, death, evolution and suffering. He also discusses the framework Lewis provides to help us reflect on these big questions.
Unbelievable? Cancer and Christianity: The final Tim Keller Q+A
Tim Keller was a renowned thinker, writer and speaker who was dubbed New York’s ‘pastor to skeptics’. This week his online memorial was watched by tens of thousands around the world. We return to one of his last live shows hosted by Ruth Jackson and Justin Brierley when Tim answered audience questions on his journey with pancreatic cancer, his transformed prayer life and his book ‘Forgive’.
Jesus is the true and better Tim Keller
Rev Sam Allberry, a close friend of Tim and Kathy Keller, delivered a moving tribute at Tim Keller’s memorial service on 15th August. Here’s what he said
Remembering Tim Keller: Death has lost its sting
Entrepreneur Max Anderson shares his final reflections on the great Tim Keller who influenced his life in a deeply profound way
Remembering Tim Keller: How our daily work has an eternal value
Entrepreneur Max Anderson reflects on his New York pastor and friend’s teaching on work
Remembering Tim Keller: The purpose of marriage
Entrepreneur Max Anderson reflects on his New York pastor and friend’s teaching on marriage
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