All Social issues articles – Page 8
Help! My teenager doesn’t believe in God
Pastor Marc Lambert looks at how parents can lovingly walk alongside their children as they doubt, question and rebel against Christianity
Working for peace in our politically divided world is essential. But the Church needs to get its own house in order, too
Join journalist Heather Tomlinson as she navigates the topic of tribalism within the Church, a topic brought into focus during past discussions on sexuality within the Church of England.
Unapologetic #38 Lauren Windle: Finding God in the midst of addiction
Journalist Lauren Windle tells her story of getting sober from alcohol and cocaine, and shares how she encountered the God who changed her life.
Are there contradictions in the Bible?
Apologist Joel Furches explores one of the primary objections offered by Americans who exit the Christian faith
The CS Lewis Podcast #89 Alister McGrath: CS Lewis and the Great War
In the third episode of our series focussing on McGrath’s book CS Lewis: A Life, we explore Lewis’ experience of the First World War and the significant relationships he formed during this time, such as with the Moore family. We also delve into Lewis’ interest in sadomasochism! Plus, a quick reminder of our competition to win a copy of McGrath’s seminal biography of Lewis.
Unbelievable? ChatGPT, AI and the future - John Wyatt Q&A on living faithfully in a technologically confusing world
Justin and Ruth were joined by research scientist Dr John Wyatt on a live show to talk about AI, robotics and technology. Listeners asked questions about machine consciousness, the potential dangers of AI and how to raise children in a tech world.
Ask NT Wright Anything #153 Is the Bible inerrant? Is ‘Sola Scriptura’ correct? What about verses endorsing slavery?
How should we treat the Bible? Inerrant? Infallible? Does it contain errors? Tom answers questions on the nature of the Bible as well as related issues such as whether the Reformers were right to concentrate solely on scripture rather than church tradition, and whether there is a ‘trajectory hermeneutic’ when it comes to issues like slavery in the Bible.
Dear Culture: What are you doing about teen suicide?
Erik Strandness voices his concerns about young people in today’s society and shares his thought on the rising number of teen suicides
Unapologetic #36 Trevin Wax: How to tackle objections to Christianity
In the second part of their discussion, Ruth Jackson speaks to Trevin Wax, author of award-winning book ‘The Thrill of Orthodoxy’, about culture wars, evangelism and how to approach life’s big questions.
The CS Lewis Podcast #88 Alister McGrath: CS Lewis’ unpleasant schooldays
In the second episode of a new series focussing on McGrath’s book CS Lewis: A Life, we look at why Lewis found school so thoroughly unpleasant and how it helped to cement his growing atheism. Plus, we launch a competition to win a copy of McGrath’s book.
Unbelievable? Paranormal hauntings and exorcism - a Christian and skeptic in discussion.
Matt Arnold, editor of the Christian Parapsychologist Journal and Dr Cal Cooper, a psychologist and paranormal researcher, speak to Justin about how they interpret account of ghosts, exorcism and apparitions as a Christian and skeptic.
Ask NT Wright Anything #152 - Can women lead in church? Why does 1 Timothy tell women to ‘be silent’?
Tom answers questions on what the New Testament says about the role of women in church leadership. Does 1 Tim 2:13-15 forbid women from preaching? What does he make of complementarian vs egalitarian theology? How does he treat passages such as Ephesians 5: 22 ‘wives submit to your husband’? First broadcast in 2019.
Matters of Life & Death: Martin Rees 3: Pre-emptive science fiction, the morality-reality gap, adventurers on Mars, and the mind of the Creator
In the third and final installment of John’s discussion with Lord Martin Rees, the Astronomer Royal, they discuss Martin’s views on the future of space travel and astronauts, and whether some robotic future progeny of humankind will eventually replace us in exploring the universe.
The CS Lewis Podcast #87 Alister McGrath: CS Lewis’ Irish childhood
In this first episode of a new series focussing on McGrath’s book CS Lewis: A Life, we look at Lewis’ early childhood in County Down, their family life and the death of his mother.
And it was very good: creation and humanity
Erik Strandness explores the place of humans on this planet
Ask NT Wright Anything #151 NT Wright Q&A with Bishop Joseph D’Souza on global mission - Oxford Conference Session 3
Tom Wright and Joseph D’Souza host a Q&A at the Reimagining Global Mission conference in Oxford covering questions on the theology of mission and discipleship.
Matters of Life & Death: Martin Rees 2: Blurred humanity, re-dignifying care work, algorithms reading lung X-rays and the risks of virtual life
Happy New Year! Today’s episode continues the Big Conversation between John and Martin Rees, the astronomer royal.
Is the Western Church’s problem that it is too self-centred?
Digging deeper into Gungor’s rejection of Christian faith suggests so, says Heather Tomlinson
Should Christians be Concerned about the Rapid Advancements in Artificial Intelligence?
As artificial intelligence (AI) technology continues to advance rapidly, Sarah Johnson explores the potential ethical and societal impacts of AI and the potential benefits of the technology.
Unbelievable? James KA Smith speaks on how to inhabit time & Trevin Wax shows Justin around CS Lewis’ house The Kilns
Justin presents an end of year show featuring a conversation with theologian and philosopher James KA Smith on his new book ‘How To Inhabit Time’ recorded at the Everything Conference. Justin also caught up with Trevin Wax in Oxford who gave him a tour of CS Lewis’ home The Kilns.