All buddhism articles
Is happiness enough, or do we seek purpose and fulfilment?
Why suffering, instead of being a reason to turn us away from God, can be the way that we find him
Is atheism enough? How a militant atheist discovered Jesus in the military
Researcher Jana Harmon shares the fascinating story of how atheist Kyle Keltz began his journey towards Christianity while on guard duty in the Middle East
What is Taoism and how does it differ from Christianity?
Apologist Joel Furches explores this ancient Chinese religion
What is Buddhism and how does it differ from Christianity?
Apologist Joel Furches explores the central beliefs of this popular Eastern religion, and compares it to Hinduism and Christianity
How do you solve a problem like Jesus?
As we approach the celebration of Jesus’ birth, Erik Strandness explores who the founder of Christianity really is and what our response should be
‘I Don’t Need God’ – a sceptic’s U-turn
Ardent atheist Mark Meckler began to consider whether there might be something more after 51 years of scepticism
Unbelievable? Michael Gungor & Evan Wickham: Millennials, music and mystical deconstruction
Michael Gungor and his wife Lisa were pioneers in the Christian music scene, building a loyal fan base through Gungor’s music and podcasts such as The Liturgists. However, Michael’s recent turn towards an increasingly progressive, msytical and deconstructed interpretation of faith has left many Christians confused.