All Bible: Old Testament articles – Page 16
Unbelievable ? - Scriptural reasoning
Scriptural Reasoning is an organisation committed to honest interfaith dialogue that promotes “better quality disagreement”. Its founder Muhammad Al-Hussaini explains how they hope to bring greater understanding of the scriptures of the three Abrahamic religions.
Unbelievable ?Before Nicea - what is the truth about Early Christianity?
What did the first Christians believe about Jesus? Muslim Abdul Haq, the author of “Before Nicea” claims that key doctrines of Christianity were formulated through later councils of the church. He says that there is no good evidence that early Christians believed in Jesus’ divinity or even his crucifixion.
Ubelievable? Was Jesus the Jewish Messiah?
Jesus was a Jew. Christianity owes its birth to Judaism. But did Jesus represent the fulfilment of Jewish Messianic hopes and prophecy?
Unbelievable? “Challenging Atheist Myths” Part 2
Are atheists guilty of misunderstanding morality and the Bible?
Unbelievable? Creation or Evolution - do we have to choose?
Denis Alexander is the author of “Creation or Evolution - do we have to choose?” - his answer is “no”. Denis believes Darwin’s theory is perfectly compatible with belief in the creator God of the Bible. Stephen Lloyd of Biblical Creation Ministries disagrees - he says that the Gospel itself depends on the Adam and Eve story being literally true.
Unbelievable? Does Islam oppress women?
Many Islamic women wear veils or even full coverings. What does the Koran teach about women? Are they oppressed in Islam? What about the Biblical treatment of women? Christian Evangelist Jay Smith and Mohamed Ali of the Islam channel debate.
Unbelievable? Christianity on Trial - Part 1
Ed Turner is a lawyer from Liverpool who contacted the programme saying he wants to put Christianity and the Bible on Trial. In this programme he presents his case against trusting the scriptural accounts. Andy Bannister in defence believes that the Bible is a historically valid document. Continued next week…
Unbelievable? Noah and the Flood - did it happen?
Creationist David Rosevear says that recent science suggests a global flood did occur, and that Christians should read Genesis literally. Atheist Robert Stovold contends that creationists routinely warp the facts to suit their agenda. Geologist Gregg Marshall and Christian evolutionist Michael Roberts also contribute.