All Bible: Old Testament articles – Page 14
Unbelievable? Is Genocide a Skeleton in God’s closet?
Joshua Ryan Butler, author of ‘The Skeletons in God’s Closet’ discusses hell, judgement and holy war with Jeff Cook.
Unbelievable? Paula Gooder answers your Bible Questions
Audio: Paula Gooder answers your Bible Questions
Unbelievable? Did Isaiah prophesy a Virgin birth? Alistair McKitterick & Robert Stovold
We hear it every year at Christmas in in our services. Matthew Chapter 1, quoting the prophet Isaiah - “look the virgin shall conceive and bear a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel”.
Unbelievable? Brian McLaren & Andrew Wilson debate Jesus and the Bible
Emerging Church leader Brian McLaren and evangelical leader Andrew Wilson debate whether we need to rethink scripture in a podcast special hosted by Justin.
Unbelievable? Has defending scripture made us unable to read it? Peter Enns & David Instone-Brewer
Bible scholar Peter Enns was fired from his position at Westminster Theological Seminary after his views on scripture were deemed to be too liberal. He has continued to question evangelical views of scripture in his book ‘The Bible Tells Me So: Why defending Scripture has made us unable to read it’.
Paradoxology - Krish Kandiah & Tony Smollet
Krish Kandiah is a speaker and author passionate about church mission. His latest book is Paradoxology: Why Christianity was Never Meant to be Simple. He aims to show why some of the paradoxes of Christian faith can be a path to truth.
Does the Bible support modern science? Jeff Zweerink & Steve Jones
Jeff Zweerink is a Christian Physicist with Reasons To Believe and will be speaking at this year’s Unbelievable? the Conference
Bible Debate #2 : Steve Chalke & Andrew Wilson
The second of 4 podcast specials in which Oasis church leader Steve Chalke debates his view of Scripture with Andrew Wilson of New Frontiers.
Did they mishear God in the Old Testament? Chalke vs Wilson Bible Debate #2
The second of 4 podcast specials in which Oasis church leader Steve Chalke debates his view of Scripture with Andrew Wilson of New Frontiers.
Noah and the Flood - 3 perspectives debate - Unbelievable?
With the release of the epic film ‘Noah’ starring Russell Crowe, Justin is joined by three different perspectives on the Biblical story of the flood.
Calvinism vs Molinism - William Lane Craig & Paul Helm - Unbelievable?
If God ordains the future, can humans have free will? Are people predestined for salvation? And what does the Bible say on the matter?
Unbelievable? Richard Dawkins debates Old Testament morality
Richard Dawkins has described the God of the Old Testament as (among other things) a “capriciously malevolent bully”. The world’s best known atheist joins Justin Brierley to discuss the morality of the Old Testament in light of the Bible TV series airing in the UK on Channel 5.
Unbelievable? NT Wright on Paul, Hell, Satan, Creation, Adam, Eve & more
Renowned New Testament Scholar NT (Tom) Wright joins Justin to talk about his new book ‘Paul And The Faithfulness of God’. He also answers a number of listener questions that have come in on Facebook and Twitter
William Lane Craig & Lawrence Krauss review their Australia debates - Unbelievable?
Christian philosopher William Lane Craig and atheist physicist Lawrence Krauss recently met in Australia for 3 public dialogues on the existence of God.
Young Earth Creation debate 2: Adam, Eve Sin & Death - Unbelievable?
The second of two debates in which Young Earth Creationist Andy McIntosh debates paleontologist Robert Asher.