All abuse articles
How should we respond to church scandal?
In light of recent events in the Church of England, culminating in Archbishop Justin Welby’s resignation, Drew Cordell looks at whether there is any hope
Matters of Life & Death: Two is the loneliest number: Can AI friends stop us feeling alone?
Science fiction has long been fascinated by the idea of humans becoming friends with computers. And the dream of an always-on digital companion you can talk to day or night is closer than ever before, thanks to advances in AI software in recent years.
Matters of Life of Death: Abusive relationships and coercive control in church
Society has been on a long and slow journey in recent decades into a richer and more sympathetic understanding of how abuse and coercion work within relationships. We are much better at both identifying and prosecuting this kind of abuse, and at being more attuned to the needs of victims and understanding why they find it difficult to just walk away.
Hope in despair: How a militant atheist encountered God
Dave Glander’s broken childhood was one of the many factors that led to his staunch atheism. However, his worldview was dramatically shaken in a moment of desperation. Jana Harmon shares his story
The CS Lewis Podcast #145 That Hideous Strength: Was Lewis sexist?
Alister McGrath looks at what Lewis thought of women, sexuality and marriage. Are any of the characters in That Hideous Strength based on people Lewis knew? What was he trying to convey through their depiction?
Are smartphones evil? Unveiling dualities and finding redemption
Is modern technology to blame for our current mental health crisis? Should we just ditch our phones? Or can they be a force for good? Author Drew Cordell shares his thoughts
Unapologetic #79 Amy Orr-Ewing: Is there any evidence for a virgin birth?
In the final part of their discussion, Dr Amy Orr-Ewing discusses whether we can believe in a virgin birth, why this birth is significant and how we can trust the witness of Mary. Plus, why is justice important to the Christmas story? And, how can Jesus be both fully God and fully man?
Ask NT Wright Anything #188 Jean Vanier and when leaders let us down (Classic)
From 2020: In the wake of the news that L’Arche founder Jean Vanier was responsible for sexual abuse of women during his ministry, Tom Wright responded to questions from listeners let down by leaders and the church. Be part of the Ask NT Wright Anything live show in London at Unbelievable?
Transformed: How a despised Indian child became an evangelist
Jehu Limma, founder of HopeGiving Foundation, shares his remarkable journey from “untouchable” to helping children out of poverty
Matters of Life & Death: Abusive leadership: Mike Pilavachi and Soul Survivor, The Rise and Fall of Mars Hill, Sigmund Freud’s chaise longue, and Paul-Timothy relationships
It’s been almost two years since we recorded an episode about abusive church leadership inspired by the downfall of Mark Driscoll and the Mars Hill church. Today we re-examine that conversation in the light of the latest scandal rocking the British evangelical church – allegations against Mike Pilavachi from Soul Survivor.
Unapologetic #33 Finding Jesus changed Christmas forever
As we approach a new year, we speak to three people from different backgrounds who found new life in Jesus. They share their stories and talk about how finding Jesus has changed the way they celebrate Christmas for ever.
Falling from Grace: Addressing power, leadership and abuse in the Church
Erik Strandness reflects on a recent webinar on sexual abuse and looks at the lessons we must learn
Rachael Denhollander: I am a sexual abuse survivor. Here’s how we can help others
Abuse survivor, Rachael Denhollander, shares her story and some thoughts around how to support victims of abuse
Should churches use Non Disclosure Agreements (NDAs)?
Psychologist Diane Langberg and attorney Rachael Denhollander discuss the ethics of NDAs in Christian contexts
Should we blacklist books by fallen leaders?
Amy Orr-Ewing, Rachael Denhollander and Mike Cosper share their reflections on whether we should continue to reference material written by fallen leaders.
Church abuse, leadership scandals & RZIM: Rachael Denhollander, Amy Orr-Ewing, Mike Cosper & Diane Langberg
Four guests and hundreds of attendees gathered with host Justin Brierley for the live webinar event ’Falling From Grace: Addressing Power, Leadership, and Abuse in the Church.
Matters of Life & Death: Abusive leadership
Mark Driscoll, the hermeneutic of suspicion, Sigmund Freud’s chaise longue, and Paul-Timothy relationships