April is CS Lewis month on Premier Christian Radio. In this edition of the show we examine two of CS Lewis’ apologetic arguments for Christianity. The Trilemma - “Either Jesus is a lunatic, a liar or Lord. He cannot simply be a great moral teacher, he has not left that option open to us”. Does Lewis’ argument still stand 60 years on?

Kenneth R Samples is senior research scholar for Reasons To Believe and a lifelong fan of CS Lewis. He defends Lewis’ apologetics against atheist James Croft who says that it fails to pass muster.


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They also discuss Lewis’ “Argument for God from Reason” - that our belief in the trustworthiness of our reasoning faculties is only possible if God exists. To enter the draw for 3 CS Lewis books email unbelievable@premier.org.uk  

For Kenneth Samples http://www.reasons.org/about/who-we-are/kenneth-samples  

For James Croft http://www.templeofthefuture.net/about  

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