A festive edition of the show. With studio guest Anthony McRoy and a host of phone guests from around the world Justin Brierley looks at various aspects of Christmas.
Is Christmas based on Pagan festivals and myths? What are the Christian roots of Father Christmas and Christmas trees? Are there other valid narratives of the Christmas story apart from Matthew and Luke? All these and more questions are discussed by a variety of guests.
Anthony McRoy is lecturer in Islamic Studies at the Wales Evangelical School of Theology http://www.west.org.uk/
Roger Morris heads up Faith Interface in Australia http://www.faithinterface.com.au/
Margaret Barker’s book “Christmas: The Original Story” http://www.margaretbarker.com/Publications/Christmas.htm
Canadian apologist Tony Costa http://www.freewebs.com/tonycosta/
US Apologist William Lane Craig http://www.reasonablefaith.org/
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