All Shows articles – Page 3
Energy abundance: Is the coming solar power revolution a blessing from God?
Even sober-minded experts are getting excited about solar power. Respectable estimates suggest the price of energy derived from sunlight will continue to drop spectacularly as the number of panels installed worldwide continues to explode exponentially.
Unapologetic #112 Joe Boot: Why believe?
What is cultural apologetics? Can a biblical worldview make sense of human experience? What are some of the biggest objections to the Christian faith? Rev Dr Joe Boot, founder and president of the Ezra Institute for Contemporary Christianity shares his thoughts. This interview was recorded in front of a live audience at Holy Trinity Church, Aylesbury in partnership with Aylesbury Youth For Christ.
The CS Lewis Podcast #165 Philip Tallon: Is pain a problem?
Dr Philip Tallon, Associate Professor of Theology and Dean of The School of Christian Thought at Houston Christian University, unpacks one of Lewis’ earliest work of apologetics The Problem of Pain. What are the critiques of this book and can any of these challenges be overcome?
Life after doom: how to live a life of wisdom, resilience & love in unpredictable times with Brian McLaren hosted Andy Kind
How do we live well with nations, ecosystems, economies, religions, and other institutions in disarray? Unbelievable host Andy Kind seized the chance to talk with writer and activist Brian McLaren. Once banned reading for a young Andy Kind when he first embraced his faith, McLaren now joins him for a face-to-face conversation. Have we crossed tipping points towards an inexorable tide of doom?
Ask NT Wright Anything #224 Is the world doomed? Global justice and climate change (replay)
Tom answers questions from listeners on whether the world is getting better or worse, on poverty and economic justice, and what climate change activism means for the theology of new creation.
Matters of Life & Death: Julian Assange, whistleblowers, and the Christian case for journalism
The controversial hacker and activist (and maybe journalist?) Julian Assange was suddenly freed for five years in a British jail last month, after he reached a surprise deal with the US authorities over classified military files he published online more than ten years ago.
Unapologetic #111: Johan Erasmus: Is there more to life than atheism?
Afrikaner pastor Johan Erasmus shares the second half of his story. Why did the New Atheists’ arguments lose their appeal? How did the Bible become less embarrassing? Where does he turn with his doubts? In what ways does Johan’s faith inform his passion for racial reconciliation? Read more in Coming To Faith Through Dawkins.
The CS Lewis Podcast #164 Johan Erasmus: Coming to faith via Dawkins and Lewis
Following the death of his father as a child, Afrikaner pastor Johan Erasmus struggled to find a place where he could ask sceptical questions about faith, God and the Universe. During this time he discovered CS Lewis, but also Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris and Christopher Hitchens.
Is belief in an evil God more plausible than belief in a good God? Stephen Law vs Jack Symes hosted by Vince Vitale
Did you hear the one about the three philosophers? Yes, on Unbelievable? 👀 🧠 🎙️In this episode, Oxford philosopher Stephen Law, the main proponent of the Evil God Challenge, argues that the evidential problem of evil challenges the belief in a good God. ⚡️
Ask NT Wright Anything #223 Pastoral questions on porn, personal tragedy and coming back to faith (replay)
Tom answers listener’s pastoral questions including a person racked by guilt over whether his wife’s miscarriages were a judgment on his porn addiction, a family wrestling with the death of a family member, and someone on a journey back to faith but unsure where to begin.
Matter of Life & Death: Physics and the gospel: Richard Cheetham on how churches can embrace science once more
Despite reams of research debunking the myth and countless examples of pioneering Christian researchers, many people still believe intuitively that somehow science and religion are in constant conflict.
Unapologetic #110 Johan Erasmus: Were the New Atheists right?
Following the death of his father as a child, Afrikaner pastor Johan Erasmus struggled to find a place where he could ask sceptical questions about faith, God and the Universe. During this time he discovered CS Lewis, but also Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris and Christopher Hitchens.
The CS Lewis Podcast #163 Matthew Brown: What would Sigmund Freud and CS Lewis discuss?
Hollywood director Matthew Brown, who directed and co-wrote Freud’s Last Session, shares his thoughts on two of the greatest minds of the 20th Century.
Unbelievable? Psycho-Physical Harmony: can natural selection alone explain experiential rationality? Philip Goff v Dustin Crummett hosted by Andy Kind
Why do we tend to go for an experience that feels good and when something feels bad, we tend to avoid it? Why are conscious experiences and behaviour paired together in the most rational way? The Unbelievable podcast unpacks the mystery of psycho-physical harmony with Philip Goff, Professor Philosophy at Durham University (an atheist) as he debates Dustin Crummett, a Christian philosopher.
Ask NT Wright Anything #222 What if I’m not really saved? (replay)
Can We Lose Our Salvation? Join us this week as Tom addresses common doubts that crop up time and again from our listener’s questions. Do you ever question if you can lose your salvation? Feel unworthy to be a disciple of Jesus? Wonder if you might think you’re saved, but actually aren’t, like those Jesus refers to in Matthew 7:21-23 saying, ‘depart from me’? Today on Ask NT Wright Anything we’re sharing insightful, biblical and what we hope will be some comforting responses, to help us all as we seek clarity in our spiritual journey.
Matters of Life & Death: Dependence - Should Christians embrace ‘being a burden’ on others as we get old?
Tim’s been away this last week on holiday so we’re bringing you an episode from the Matters of Life and Death vault today. There is a looming ‘demographic timebomb’ – a growing mass of elderly and increasingly chronically ill people in many developed nations, expected to place huge strain on public resources.
Unapologetic #109 Justyn Terry: Jürgen Moltmann on suffering, politics and hope
Does God suffer? How does a “crucified God” speak to our pain? Where can we find hope? How should we engage with politics?
The CS Lewis Podcast #162 Alister McGrath: Is there still a place for Lewis in today’s society?
We continue our conversation with Professor Alister McGrath answering live questions, including who influenced Lewis’ faith journey, whether there’s an expiry date on his relevance and how Lewis has impacted Alister’s own theology.
If God is the creator and doesn’t make mistakes, what about trans people? (and other questions) Sexuality, Miracles, and Evolution: Tackling tough questions
If God is the creator and doesn’t make mistakes, what about trans people? 👀 Are miracles real and can they ever be medically verified? 🔥 In today’s episode we’re taking you to the second half of the recording of a live event we call NO QUESTION OFF LIMITS which we hosted with Spring Harvest last month.
Ask NT Wright Anything #221 Big Questions for Tom from Children: why did God make mosquitos? why does this world suffer?! did God create hell? (replay)
Tom answers children’s questions on today’s show and tackles some of the ways we talk to children about tricky things like suffering and hell (and mosquitos!) 🦟.