All Resurrection articles
S2 #1 Season 2 Premiere: Exploring the Historical Context of the Bible
In the highly anticipated Season 2 premiere of the Ask NT Wright Anything podcast, Dr. Michael Bird joins legendary theologian Tom Wright for an inspiring deep dive into the historical foundations of Christianity.
What is the gospel? The message of victory over sin and death contained in the Christian message
The dialogues of Jesus in the Gospels and his death and resurrection come together to offer eternal life and the promise of liberation from the difficulties of this world
Unapologetic #114: Joe Boot: Resurrection, miracles and climate change
Is there any proof for the resurrection of Jesus? Are miracles a genuine possibility? How should we respond to global injustice and environmental breakdown? What practical ways can we use apologetics in everyday situations? We hear from Rev Dr Joe Boot, founder and president of the Ezra Institute for Contemporary Christianity. This interview was recorded in front of a live audience at Holy Trinity Church, Aylesbury in partnership with Aylesbury Vale Youth For Christ.
What will heaven be like?
Writer Steve Schramm explores important questions about the afterlife
Is atheism enough? How a militant atheist discovered Jesus in the military
Researcher Jana Harmon shares the fascinating story of how atheist Kyle Keltz began his journey towards Christianity while on guard duty in the Middle East
Unbelievable? The resurrection: Fact or fiction? Harry Amos vs Joe Boot hosted by Ruth Jackson
Did Jesus really rise from the dead? Is there any good evidence to support the resurrection? Are alternative explanations more compelling? Can we trust the biblical narratives? Ruth Jackson hosted a live debate at a school with the help of Aylesbury Youth for Christ. She was joined by Rev Dr Joseph Boot, founder and president of the Ezra Institute for Contemporary Christianity, and Harry Amos, who moved from Christianity to “agnostic atheism” while studying philosophy, politics and economics and blogs about his experience at The Book of Amos.
Unbelievable? Did it really happen: the Resurrection? with Mike Licona vs Larry Shapiro hosted by Andy Kind
The question of the historicity of Jesus’ resurrection has been repeatedly investigated, probed, and discussed. This week on Unbelievable we will add to the debate by asking ‘Did it really happen – the Resurrection of Jesus?’ dissecting the narratives of Jesus’ death and Resurrection. We’ve got two eminent scholars – who are good friends but with diametrically opposed beliefs on the authenticity of this pivotal event that forms the basis for the Christian worldview.
Unapologetic #97 Jay Y Kim: Did Jesus really rise from the dead?
Pastor Jay Y Kim explores how Holy Week brings hope. Why are we all so afraid of death? What difference does Easter make? Did the resurrection actually happen and why does it matter?
The CS Lewis Podcast #150 Holly Ordway: Tolkien on Holy Week
We continue our conversation with Dr Holly Ordway, author of Tolkien’s Faith. How would Tolkien have celebrated Holy Week? How did he view death? What did Easter and the resurrection mean to him?
Are we all guilty of murder?
As we approach Easter, Marsh Moyle, author of Rumours of a Better Country, reflects on murder
Matters of Life & Death: New Creation: Reading the Bible backwards, the ‘opiate of the masses’, Physics 2.0, and the resurrected yet scarred body
Our four-part series on the deeper narrative of the Bible comes to an end with New Creation. Just as with the beginning of the story, this final chapter is often overlooked in many churches and the Christian narrative is compressed simply to fall and redemption.
Why do we observe Lent? NT Wright on lament and celebration
As we approach Lent, Rt Rev Prof NT Wright shares his thoughts on how Lent emerged, why it’s significant and what it means for us today
Ask NT Wright #186 Has the resurrection been debunked? (Classic)
From 2020: It’s Eastertide so Tom is answering questions on the resurrection, including one listener who believes that the evidence of the women at the empty tomb has been debunked by modern scholarship.
Unapologetic #60 Vince Vitale: Can we be confident in our belief?
Ruth Jackson continues her conversation with Dr Vince Vitale, one of the new guest hosts of Premier Unbelievable?, who shares why he developed a passion for evangelism and apologetics. They discuss how he responded to questions and objections academically in the area of philosophy, but also on the sports field with his team mates at Princeton and Oxford.
Unapologetic #59 Vince Vitale: From scepticism to Christian apologist
Ruth Jackson speaks to Dr Vince Vitale, one of the new guest hosts of Premier Unbelievable?, about his journey from scepticism to Christianity while studying philosophy at Princeton University.
Unapologetic #51 Lydia McGrew: Who is the true Jesus?
In the final part of her discussion with Ruth Jackson, Dr Lydia McGrew, an analytic philosopher and author of Testimonies to the Truth: Why you can Trust the Gospels, unpacks some of the more disconcerting elements of Jesus’ character and looks at how this impacts the veracity of the Gospel accounts. She also addresses how the loneliness and suffering of Jesus can speak to a hurting world.
Unapologetic #50 Lydia McGrew: Can we trust the Gospels?
Dr Lydia McGrew, an analytic philosopher and author of Testimonies to the Truth: Why you can Trust the Gospels, explores how reliability is assessed in regards to ancient documents. She tackles some of the alleged contradictions in the Gospels and looks at why certain elements, such as accurate geography, cultural knowledge and names are important.
Unapologetic #49 Lydia McGrew: Is an evidential approach to Christianity feasible?
Dr Lydia McGrew, an analytic philosopher and author, became a Christian at the age of 4. She shares some of her story with Ruth Jackson, including her experience of being adopted, her prevailing wrestle with the problem of evil and why she’s passionate about an evidential approach to Christianity.
Unapologetic #48 Jeremiah Johnston: Are there credible reasons to believe in God?
Dr Jeremiah Johnston, president of the Christian Thinkers Society and father to five children (including triplets!), shares his journey into apologetics, looking at the importance of engaging both the head and heart. As well as speaking about how to live distinctively, ask good questions and allow room for doubt, Jeremiah unpacks some of the big issues impacting young people today.
Did Jesus of Nazareth rise from the dead? The unhistorical speculations of Bart Ehrman
Apologist Daniel Ray reflects on a recent episode of The Big Conversation and critiques a number of Bart Ehrman’s assertions about the resurrection