All Other religions  articles – Page 8

  • Shows

    The Young Atheists Handbook - Alom Shaha & Tom Price - Unbelievable?


    Alom Shaha grew up in a Muslim background in London but became an atheist in his teens. Now a science teacher he has written about that journey in his book “The Young Atheist’s Handbook”. He chats with Tom Price of the Oxford Centre for Christian Apologetics about Love, God, Narnia, Hope and much more…

  • Shows

    Did Muhammad Exist? Robert Spencer vs Adnan Rashid - Unbelievable?


    Robert Spencer runs Jihad Watch in the USA. His controversial new book “Did Muhammad Exist?” claims that the prophet of Islam owes more to fiction than fact, and has led to death threats against him. Adnan Rashid, a Muslim speaker from the Islamic Education and Research Academy, responds to Spencer’s claims in a heated exchange.

  • Shows

    Mormon Dialogue pt 2 - LDS doctrine, God, Jesus & exaltation - Unbelievable?


    In the second show examining the beliefs of Mormons (The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints) Bobby Gilpin and Charles Dayton return to talk about Mormon doctrines. Bobby runs UK Parternships for Christ, an outreach to Mormons and JWs. Charles is a lifelong Mormon and Western Artist in Wyoming. They discuss Mormon beliefs about whether God was “once a man”, whether we are potential gods ourselves, and what happens to Christians and Mormons when they die. Is Mormonism a religion of works or grace

  • Shows

    Mormon Dialogue pt 1 - Joseph Smith & The book of Mormon - Unbelievable?


    As Mitt Romney prepares to challenge Barack Obama for the American Presidency, we look at the Mormon religion (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints) he is part of. Bobby Gilpin runs UK Parternerships for Christ - a Christian ministry to Mormons and JWs. Charles Dayton is a lifelong Mormon in Wyoming. They discuss the origins of Mormonism and whether its founder Joseph Smith really did receive “another testament” of Christ visiting the Americas.

  • Shows

    Jehovah’s Witnesses dialogue Pt 2: the deity of Christ - Unbelievable?


    In the second programme examining the beliefs of Jehovah’s Witnesses, Robert King and Tony Brown discuss whether Christ claims to be God. Robert is a disfellowshiped JW but still holds to Watchtower doctrine. Tony is a former JW, now a Christian pastor. They talk about whether JWs rely upon a works-based salvation, return to the 144,000 and discuss whether Jesus is the Archangel Michael and not the son of God, as Robert claims

  • Shows

    Jehovahs Witnesses dialogue Pt 1- Unbelievable?


    In the first of two programmes Justin Brierley talks to Jehovah’s Witness Robert King (aka e-watchman) and former JW Tony Brown. Robert is disfellowshipped but still holds to Jehovah’s Witness doctrine. He does not speak in any offical capacity for the Watchtower Society. Tony Brown is now a Christian pastor with a ministry to Jehovah’s Witnesses, he describes how he joined and left the organisation.

  • Shows

    Unbelievable? - Islam, conversion & apostasy


    Today’s show: Patrick Sookhdeo converted from Islam to Christianity as a young man. He has since gone on to represent the rights of persecuted Christians all over the world via the Barnabas Fund.

  • Shows

    Unbelievable? - Was Osama Bin Laden the true face of Islam?


    With the death of Osama Bin Laden we ask “Did Bin Laden represent the true face of Islam” Radical Islamist Anjem Choudary who has frequently praised Bin Laden and Al Queada for their acts of terror, joins the discussion. He says Osama was a true Muslim doing the work of Allah. Muhammad Al Hussaini is a Muslim scholar for the organisation Scriptural Reasoning. He deplores acts of terror and says Bin Laden transgressed multiple commands of Islam.

  • Shows

    Unbelievable? - Did Jesus die on the Cross? Islam debate


    he Koran claims that Jesus did not die on the cross. Mohammed Bahmanpour of the Islamic College in London defends the Koranic view that although “it was made to appear to them” that he died, in fact he was substituted by another. Jay Smith is a Christian evangelist to Muslims in London and brings to bear Biblical and other historical witnesses to the crucifixion.

  • Shows

    Unbelievable? - The Unbelievable? “Christmas Cracker


    A festive edition of the show. With studio guest Anthony McRoy and a host of phone guests from around the world Justin Brierley looks at various aspects of Christmas.

  • Shows

    Unbelievable? - Islam & Dhimmitude


    The Third Choice” by Australian church pastor Mark Durie claims that Islam has a long history of oppressing those of other faiths under its power. Durie claims that when Islam conquered a nation its inhabitants could either convert, die or become “Dhimmi” - forced to pay money for their life and live in subservience to Muslims. He says that the doctrine lives on today.

  • Shows

    Unbelievable? - Islamic Blasphemy Law


    Asia Bibi is the first Christian woman in Pakistan to be sentenced to death for allegedly blaspheming against Mohammed. In light of her case we discuss Pakistan’s use of Islamic blasphemy law with Adnan Rashid of the Hittin Institute and Stuart Windsor and John Joseph of Christian Solidarity Worldwide. Stuart Windsor is director of CSW who supports those suffering persecution. John Joseph is a Christian human rights activist who has defended a number of people in Pakistan accused of blasphemy.

  • Shows

    Unbelievable? - Seventh Day Adventism


    An Inter-Christian discussion on the beliefs and doctrines that are distinctive of Seventh Day Adventists. Why do they hold to Saturday as the “true” day for worship and rest? Are they too legalistic? What about the failed prophecy of Christ’s return that they grew out of? What should we make of founder Ellen White’s teaching on “Investigative Judgement”?

  • Shows

    Unbelievable? - The Unification Church of Sun Myung Moon & Easter


    The Unification church of Revd Sun Myung Moon (aka The Moonies) is often regarded as a cult. But what do they actually believe about Jesus and his death and resurrection?

  • Shows

    Unbelievable ? - Which is more trustworthy - The Bible or Koran?


    James White of Alpha and Omega Ministries is on the show this week and next defending the Christian faith. Today he argues the Bible is historically more reliable than the Koran.

  • Shows

    Unbelievable ? - Muslim, Christian, Hindu debate on evangelism


    Nov 15-21 2009 was the UK’s first “Interfaith” week. To mark this, Justin Brierley hosts a discussion on how faiths should relate to each other when it comes evangelism and missionary activity. They discuss a document of Ten guidelines for witnessing to those of other faiths. But does the document stifle freedom of speech? Where should we draw the line between being honest and open and being offensive and demeaning in our interfaith encounters?

  • Shows

    Unbelievable ? - Christian conversion of Hindus


     In light of Premier’s Faith Without Fear campaign, this discussion between Anil Bhanot and Sunil Raheja addresses the tensions that exist when Christians seek to evangelise Hindus in India.

  • Shows

    Unbelievable ? - Scriptural reasoning


    Scriptural Reasoning is an organisation committed to honest interfaith dialogue that promotes “better quality disagreement”. Its founder Muhammad Al-Hussaini explains how they hope to bring greater understanding of the scriptures of the three Abrahamic religions.

  • Shows

    Unbelievable ? - Islamic & Christian converts debate


    Nabeel Qureshi converted to Christianity from Islam after being convinced that the weight of evidence was in favour of Christian faith. Yahya Seymour’s story is the opposite - he became a Muslim after having a Christian upbringing. They discuss the issues in advance of debates coming up in London.

  • Shows

    Unbelievable ? - Peter Hitchens debates Islam


    Peter Hitchens is a well known journalist and Anglican Christian. Unlike his atheist brother Christopher, he believes Christianity is an essential bedrock for society. He says Islam will fill the spiritual vaccuum of Britain if secularists have their way.