All Nigel Crook articles
Classic Replay: Is AI Replacing Humanity? 🚨 The Future of AI vs. Humanity Unveiled! 🌍🤖 Anil Seth vs Nigel Crook
Could AI one day replace us? Join Nigel Crook, AI & Robotics expert and author of Rise of the Moral Machine, and Anil Seth, award-winning author of Being You: A New Science of Consciousness, as they explore the fascinating worlds of ChatGPT, robotics, and the future of AI. Together, they dive deep into the ethics, data, and the big questions AI presents for the human race. 💭🤯
Unbelievable? The Robot Race - Part 2: How should humanity flourish in an AI world? - Nigel Crook & Anil Seth
The Big Conversation - Episode 6 | Season 5
Unbelievable? The Robot Race - Part 1: Could AI ever replace humanity? - Nigel Crook & Anil Seth
The Big Conversation - Episode 5 | Season 5
Moral Machines: How do we build robots that know right from wrong?
Deep-fakes, Turing Tests and chatbots - AI systems are becoming ever more human-like. Robotics expert Prof Nigel Crook says we need to make sure they are moral too.