All Media articles
From Biology to Theology: How viruses challenge our perception of good and evil with Christian Virologist Dr Mirjam Schilling
🎙️ Today we venture into the intersection of science and faith with Dr. Mirjam Schilling, a postdoctoral virologist and DPhil student in Science and Religion at the University of Oxford. With her unique background in virology and theology, Dr. Schilling grapples with profound questions about the nature of suffering, the existence of God, and how scientific insights can reshape our understanding of good, evil, and the very fabric of life itself. 🌿🧬
Classic Replay: Is AI Replacing Humanity? 🚨 The Future of AI vs. Humanity Unveiled! 🌍🤖 Anil Seth vs Nigel Crook
Could AI one day replace us? Join Nigel Crook, AI & Robotics expert and author of Rise of the Moral Machine, and Anil Seth, award-winning author of Being You: A New Science of Consciousness, as they explore the fascinating worlds of ChatGPT, robotics, and the future of AI. Together, they dive deep into the ethics, data, and the big questions AI presents for the human race. 💭🤯
#120 James Emery White: Is online church the way forward?
What are the dangers of online and how do we navigate them? How can we respond to AI? What is TikTok spirituality and why should we engage with it? How has the digital world impacted our relationships? Is online church just watching TV or is a hybrid model the only way forward? Dr James Emery White, author of Hybrid Church, explores questions around digital outreach and Church.
The CS Lewis Podcast #173 Alister McGrath: How do we tell good stories?
How can our individual stories find new meaning and significance from Christianity’s “grand story”? In what ways did Lewis tell the Christian story? And what can we learn from this? How do we share our own story? Professor Alister McGrath explores how we can use Lewis as a resource for our Christian life and looks at some of Lewis’ favourite stories, including The Pilgrim’s Regress.
Free Will vs. Determinism: Who’s Really in Control?Alex O’Connor vs Prof Alex Carter hosted by Ruth Jackson
Are we the masters of our fate or just dancing to the universe’s tune? 🤔 This week on Premier Unbelievable, Ruth Jackson moderates a gripping debate on one of philosophy’s oldest questions: Do we truly have free will?
#119 James Emery White: Should we prioritise young people?
Who are Generation Z and Alpha and why do they matter? How have algorithms impacted the way our young people think? What is so significant about being raised in a TikTok world? How are young people approaching politics and which way should they vote? Can Christianity ever be attractive to young people? How do we protect our children in a pornified world? Dr James Emery White, author of Meet Generation Z, shares his thoughts.
Unapologetic #118 James Emery White: Is Christ irrelevant in a post-Christian culture?
What are the marks of a post-Christian culture and why is this significant? How do we engage in apologetics in this context? Are young people disinterested in religion or are we just attempting to answer questions they’re not asking? Who are the “nones” and why are they on the rise? Dr James Emery White, founding and senior pastor of Mecklenburg Community Church and author of numerous books including The Rise of the Nones, shares his thoughts.
What is ‘truth’ in a post-truth world? Live debate with Kristi Mair vs Dr Shaun Stevenson
Welcome to this week’s Unbelievable? Podcast! 🎙️ Today, we dive into some profound and challenging questions surrounding the concept of truth in our modern, post-truth world 🌍. Recorded live, this episode features an engaging debate between two distinguished scholars: Kristi Mair 📚, Apologist, Author, and Lecturer at Oak Hill Seminary, who is completing her PhD in Philosophical Theology, and Shaun Stevenson 🧠, a Lecturer in Philosophy at MMU with a particular interest in the philosophy of death.
Unapologetic #117 Nicola Morrison: How to find hope in despair
How do we differentiate truth from disinformation? Is it possible to verify the truth of Christianity in a similar way? How can we cope with injustice, discrimination and racism? Are we able to reconcile the goodness of God with the horrendous suffering we experience? Where can we turn in the midst of mental health struggles? Nicola Morrison, author of Victory is My Name, shares her thoughts.
Are all religions HISTORICALLY verifiable? 📜 Christian vs. Muslim ⚡️
Welcome to today’s Unbelievable Debate, recorded live at St Michael’s Aylesbury, where two distinguished scholars, Robert Scott and Muhammad Yasir Al-Hanafi, engage in a thought-provoking debate on the historical verifiability, truth, and societal contributions of their respective faiths: Christianity and Islam.
Unapologetic #116 Nicola Morrison: A trip to church saved my life
Nicola Morrison, an editor and former BBC reporter, has experienced many highs and lows in her personal and professional life. She shares her struggles with childhood trauma, mental health difficulties and career setbacks. Following a failed attempt to take her own life, Nicola visited a church, which changed the trajectory of her life forever. You can read more of her story in Victory is My Name.
Gen Z's Faith Crisis: why young Christians are saying goodbye?! with Mary Jo Sharp and Harry Amos hosted by Billy Hallowell
Although the number of nones in the USA has flatlined in recent years, deconstruction is still on the mind of many young people. This week a Christian apologist - raised without any religion, and a Christian who moved to agnostic atheism debate how we can reengage young people.
Unapologetic: #115 Michael Lloyd: Culture wars, creativity and relativism
Could a decline in creativity and beauty be why the Church has become increasingly irrelevant and unlikeable? What are culture wars and how should we respond? Is relativism flawed and what is the alternative? Does human creativity point to God? Rev Dr Michael Lloyd, principal of Wycliffe Hall, shares his thoughts about culture, creativity and The New Renaissance Project.
Does the Bible condone slavery? #NoQuestionOffLimits Amy Orr-Ewing, Ben Thomas, & Ben Chang hosted by Ruth Jackson
Joining us on the panel is the renowned public theologian and author of several books including Why Trust The Bible? Dr. Amy Orr-Ewing, Dr. Ben Thomas, an international speaker and consultant anaesthetist from OCCA the Oxford Centre for Christian Apologetics, and Dr. Ben Chang, an A&E doctor and author of Christ and Culture Wars.
Unapologetic #114: Joe Boot: Resurrection, miracles and climate change
Is there any proof for the resurrection of Jesus? Are miracles a genuine possibility? How should we respond to global injustice and environmental breakdown? What practical ways can we use apologetics in everyday situations? We hear from Rev Dr Joe Boot, founder and president of the Ezra Institute for Contemporary Christianity. This interview was recorded in front of a live audience at Holy Trinity Church, Aylesbury in partnership with Aylesbury Vale Youth For Christ.
“Why didn’t God heal my Dad’s cancer?” (and other questions) with Amy Orr-Ewing, Ben Thomas, Ben Chang hosted by Ruth Jackson
Ever find yourself asking tough questions of God? Struggling to see His goodness and wondering, “Are you really there, God?”
Unapologetic #113 Joe Boot: Is there a role for apologetics in culture?
Rev Dr Joe Boot, founder and president of the Ezra Institute for Contemporary Christianity, explores what shapes and drives culture. What are the cultural implications for certain world and life views? Is there a place for Jesus in politics? This interview was recorded in March with a live audience at Holy Trinity Church, Aylesbury in partnership with Aylesbury Vale Youth For Christ.
Can we know God? Phil Sumpter vs Berel Dov Lerner hosted by Andy Kind
Explore the intricate and enlightening conversation between scholars Beryl Dov Lerner and Phil Sumpter as they delve into Jewish and Christian interpretations of scripture, covenants, and theological modesty. This engaging debate asks ‘Can we know God?’ and sheds light on the nature of God, the divine-human relationship, and the crucial role covenants play in both traditions.
Unapologetic #112 Joe Boot: Why believe?
What is cultural apologetics? Can a biblical worldview make sense of human experience? What are some of the biggest objections to the Christian faith? Rev Dr Joe Boot, founder and president of the Ezra Institute for Contemporary Christianity shares his thoughts. This interview was recorded in front of a live audience at Holy Trinity Church, Aylesbury in partnership with Aylesbury Youth For Christ.
Life after doom: how to live a life of wisdom, resilience & love in unpredictable times with Brian McLaren hosted Andy Kind
How do we live well with nations, ecosystems, economies, religions, and other institutions in disarray? Unbelievable host Andy Kind seized the chance to talk with writer and activist Brian McLaren. Once banned reading for a young Andy Kind when he first embraced his faith, McLaren now joins him for a face-to-face conversation. Have we crossed tipping points towards an inexorable tide of doom?