All Ireland articles

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    The CS Lewis Podcast #193 Leprechauns, fairies and the Holy Ghost


    What did Warnie and Lewis get up to while holidaying in County Louth? How did he encounter leprechauns, fairies and the Holy Ghost? Plus, we hear about some of the key women in Lewis’ life: Mrs Moore, Joy and their housekeeper Vera Henry. Rev Paul Clayton-Lea, author of CS Lewis and the Wee County shares the second half of his talk given at the CS Lewis Group at Ulster’s spring mini symposium and answers audience questions. 

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    The CS Lewis Podcast #192 Warnie, alcoholism and Country Louth


    Lewis’ life was not a bed of roses. However, he was still able to find joy in dark situations. For example, discovering beauty and friendship in Ireland’s Country Louth while his brother Warnie was being nursed there for alcohol addiction. Rev Paul Clayton-Lea, author of CS Lewis and the Wee County shares some fascinating personal stories from the Lewis brothers in a talk given at the CS Lewis Group at Ulster’s spring mini symposium.


    The CS Lewis Podcast #181 Curtis White: What did TS Eliot and Lewis think of each other?


    Dr Curtis White’s PhD focuses on the relationship, work and theology of CS Lewis and TS Eliot. Here, he highlights some of his thoughts on this topic as well as sharing how Lewis was integral to his own faith journey. White also talks about the upcoming CS Lewis Symposium in Belfast, which John Brown University is providing financial support for.

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    The CS Lewis Podcast #106 Teodora Driscu: Lewis and the embodiment of heaven


    University of Iasi PhD candidate Teodora Driscu looks at longing and the image of heaven in Lewis’ works, focussing particularly on ‘Perelandra’. This talk was originally given at a CS Lewis symposium called Now We Have Faces, which was hosted by The CS Lewis Group at Ulster University in coordination with English at Ulster. The title of Teodora’s presentation was ‘The Embodiment of Heaven in Lewis’ Works’.

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    The CS Lewis Podcast #104 Out of the Silent Planet and Lewis’ Belfast background


    English lecturer Dr Sarah Waters answers questions about Out of the Silent Planet, following her presentation at CS Lewis symposium Now We Have Faces. She was joined for the Q&A by drama and theatre studies lecturer, Dr David Clare, who speaks into Lewis’ Irishness.

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    The CS Lewis Podcast #91 Alister McGrath: CS Lewis’ early years at Magdalen college


    In the fifth episode of our series focussing on McGrath’s book CS Lewis: A Life, we look at some key moments in Lewis’ Oxford career, such as the death of his father. Plus, don’t forget to register to win a copy of McGrath’s seminal biography of Lewis.

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    The CS Lewis Podcast #89 Alister McGrath: CS Lewis and the Great War


    In the third episode of our series focussing on McGrath’s book CS Lewis: A Life, we explore Lewis’ experience of the First World War and the significant relationships he formed during this time, such as with the Moore family. We also delve into Lewis’ interest in sadomasochism! Plus, a quick reminder of our competition to win a copy of McGrath’s seminal biography of Lewis.

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    The CS Lewis Podcast #88 Alister McGrath: CS Lewis’ unpleasant schooldays


    In the second episode of a new series focussing on McGrath’s book CS Lewis: A Life, we look at why Lewis found school so thoroughly unpleasant and how it helped to cement his growing atheism. Plus, we launch a competition to win a copy of McGrath’s book.

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    The CS Lewis Podcast #87 Alister McGrath: CS Lewis’ Irish childhood


    In this first episode of a new series focussing on McGrath’s book CS Lewis: A Life, we look at Lewis’ early childhood in County Down, their family life and the death of his mother.

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    The CS Lewis Podcast #86 Alister McGrath: Why read CS Lewis?


    As we begin a new year, we pause to remind ourselves of the thought, life and legacy of CS Lewis. Professor Alister McGrath shares why and how we can engage with Lewis and his writings as we introduce a new series focussing on McGrath’s book CS Lewis: A Life.

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    The CS Lewis Podcast #84 CS Lewis on Christmas


    What did Christmas mean to CS Lewis? How did he celebrate it? Did he ever write about the festive season? Professor Alister McGrath shares his insights into CS Lewis’ depiction of the incarnation and Christmas.

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    The CS Lewis Podcast #82 Ross Wilson: How an artist immortalised CS Lewis


    Northern Irish artist Ross Wilson BEM talks about his remarkable sculpture The Searcher, which is based on the character of Digory Kirke who, in ‘The Magician’s Nephew,’ creates a wardrobe made from a magical apple tree.