All incarnation articles
The CS Lewis Podcast #189 Holly Ordway: What did Christmas mean to JRR Tolkien?
How integral was the incarnation for JRR Tolkien? Does Christmas feature in The Lord of the Rings legendarium? How did the Tolkien family celebrate Christmas? Dr Holly Ordway, author of Tolkien’s Faith, shares her thoughts on what Christmas meant to Tolkien and explores a recently discovered poem of his, Noel, which is one of his most overtly Christian works.
The CS Lewis Podcast #188 Jem Bloomfield: Christmas in Narnia
Dr Jem Bloomfield, assistant professor of literature at the University of Nottingham and author of Paths in the Snow, unpacks the Christmas references as well as key elements, such as the stone table and the titles of the Pevensie children, within The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe.
Did CS Lewis like Christmas?
Professor Alister McGrath shares his thoughts about how Lewis perceived the festive season and what we can learn from him
Unapologetic #32 Charles Foster: The virgin birth, child massacre and Shamanic astrology
In the second half of our discussion about Christmas, Charles Foster, author of The Christmas Mystery, looks at some of the more sinister and less straightforward elements of the biblical Nativity narratives.
My Eucharistmas: A personal memoir on Holy Communion during the festive period
Oxford student Jonathan Garner shares his thoughts on Advent and the Eucharist
The CS Lewis Podcast #84 CS Lewis on Christmas
What did Christmas mean to CS Lewis? How did he celebrate it? Did he ever write about the festive season? Professor Alister McGrath shares his insights into CS Lewis’ depiction of the incarnation and Christmas.
Unapologetic #31 Charles Foster: The truth behind the Christmas story
Why do only two of the four Gospels mention Jesus’ birth? What if the Christmas story isn’t true? Can we trust the biblical sources? Charles Foster, author of The Christmas Mystery, answers some of the tricky questions surrounding the Nativity narratives in the Bible.