All evangelical articles
Why do Christians vote for Trump?
Evangelicals are often blamed for voting for a man who is not a model of virtue and holiness. So why do Christian voters make this choice?
Have evangelical leaders sold out to a progressive secular agenda? Megan Basham vs Krish Kandiah hosted by Billy Hallowell
In this episode of Unbelievable host Billy Halliwell moderates a debate between author and journalist Megan Basham and social entrepreneur Krish Kandiah.
Progressive Brian McLaren vs evangelicals: is there really such a big divide?
Journalist Heather Tomlinson explores a recent Unbelievable? conversation, unpacking some of McLaren’s theology and summarising a number of other voices on these key issues
Michael Gungor’s deconstruction: Can we keep the baby when we throw out the bathwater?
Erik Strandness reflects on a show featuring musician Michael Gungor and pastor Evan Wickham on millennials, music and mystical deconstruction
Is there a future for evangelicalism in the West?
Sam Reimer, professor of sociology and author of Caught in the Current, explores the decline of Christianity in light of the three ways religious groups can grow
Death to deconstruction: Can exvangelicals ever reconstruct their faith?
Erik Strandness reflects on an Unbelievable? discussion between punk singer-turned-pastor Josh Porter and former-Christian Jon Steingard, exploring why numerous young American evangelicals lose their faith and whether they’re ever able to get it back
Does God speak today?
Heather Tomlinson shares a short explainer about charismatic gifts of the Spirit and cessationism, following a recent Unbelievable? debate
Is the Western Church’s problem that it is too self-centred?
Digging deeper into Gungor’s rejection of Christian faith suggests so, says Heather Tomlinson
Michael Gungor talks about his changing faith with Evan Wickham (full transcript)
Unbelievable? explores how two friends with similar upbringings ended up in such different places spiritually
Unbelievable? Michael Gungor & Evan Wickham: Millennials, music and mystical deconstruction
Michael Gungor and his wife Lisa were pioneers in the Christian music scene, building a loyal fan base through Gungor’s music and podcasts such as The Liturgists. However, Michael’s recent turn towards an increasingly progressive, msytical and deconstructed interpretation of faith has left many Christians confused.
Ask NT Wright Anything #131 Help! I’m on the brink of atheism… Deconstruction and suffering
Tom offers advice to two people struggling with their faith. One is having doubts during a period of deconstruction, the other can’t get past the problem of suffering.
Matters of Life & Death: John Stott 2: Christians in the public square, an untried ideal, talking and living like Jesus, and the challenge of evangelical hagiography
This is part two of our re-broadcast of last year’s John Stott episode, to mark what would have been his centenary.
Matters of Life & Death: John Stott: Double listening, salt as preservative, incarnational mission, and the challenge of evangelical hagiography
Last week marked 100 years since the late John Stott was born and there has been a flurry of events to mark the centenary of this highly influential vicar, Bible teacher and evangelical leader.