All Ethics  articles – Page 17

  • Shows

    Unbelievable? - RE and indoctrination in education


    The UK Government recently outlined a White Paper that threatens to demote Religious Education to a peripheral subject in the curriculum. More info on the campaign to have it reinstated here:

  • Shows

    Unbelievable? - Alister McGrath & Stephen Law - Why Won’t God Go Away?


    Alister McGrath’s new book “Why God won’t go away” is a critique of the New Atheist Movement spearheaded by Dawkins, Hitchens, Harris & Dennett.

  • Shows

    Unbelievable? - Human Value & Subversive Stories


    Off-duty police men in Bogota, Columbia shoot street children because they consider them to be “disposables”. Using stories such as this Mark Roques asks whether value in human life can be found anywhere other than our being made “In the image of God”.

  • Shows

    Unbelievable? - Os Guinness & Mary Warnock debate religious freedoms


    Os Guinness is an author, cultural critic and Christian apologist. He co-founded the Trinity Forum which “seeks to transform society through the transformation of leaders”. Baroness Mary Warnock is a moral philosopher and atheist. She is a cross bench peer in the House of Lords and an influential voice arguing for liberalisation of euthanasia laws. Her book “Dishonest to God” argues that religious and theological issues should have no place in issues of public morality, covering euthanasia, assisted suicide, and abortion.

  • Shows

    Unbelievable? - Philosophers Debate The Moral Argument for God


    Torturing children for fun - is that absolutely wrong?

  • Shows

    Unbelievable? - Christian Physicalism: Do we have a soul?


    Christians have traditionally held that humans comprise two things - a body and a soul. Christian Philosophers have written in defence of the soul against a reductive atheism that claims we are material beings alone.

  • Shows

    Unbelievable? - Assisted dying & euthanasia debate


    hould people suffering from terminal illness or in terrible pain be allowed to take their own life? Should doctors help them?

  • Shows

    Unbelievable? - Does the Bible condone slavery?


    The Bible is often criticised for either supporting or not condemning the institution of slavery. So how should we treat portions of Scripture in both the Old and New Testaments that relate to slavery? Why does the Old Testament contain laws regarding the treatment of slaves? Does Paul condemn or affirm the institution?

  • Shows

    Unbelievable? - Sex outside Marriage debate


     Evangelical Christians hold that sexual relations outside of marriage are against Biblical mandate and have negative moral and social consequences.

  • Shows

    Unbelievable? Peter Hitchens “The Rage Against God”


    Peter Hitchens is a writer and regular columnist for the Mail on Sunday. Unlike his atheist brother Christopher, Peter is a committed Christian having himself been an atheist in younger years.

  • Shows

    Unbelievable? - Atheists Grill A Christian


    We mix things up a bit this week with a different format. Four atheist listeners of the show get their chance to air their objections to Christian faith. Taking their questions and criticisms is Church pastor David Robertson, author of “The Dawkins Letters”.

  • Shows

    Unbelievable ? - “Is Christianity good for us?” Michael Shermer vs. David Robertson


    Are societies better off with the influence of Christianity? Are Christians more caring than atheists? What role should faith play in society?

  • Shows

    Unbelievable ? - Abortion - Pro-choice Evan Harris MP vs Pro-life Sarah Macken


    A re-broadcast of a compelling debate with listener input on the issue of abortion.

  • Shows

    Unbelievable ? - What picture of God does the Bible paint?


     Andrew Wilson is an author and church leader. His book “GodStories” describes the Bible as “the gospel of God”. He says the story is told in multiple ways of sins forgiven, shame removed, beauty restored, and meaning reinstated.

  • Shows

    Unbelievable ? - Would Europe be better off atheist or Christian?


    Christian apologist David Robertson, atheist blogger Ed Turner and Christian convert Richard Morgan return to debate the rights and wrongs of Christian and atheist influence in society.

  • Shows

    Unbelievable? The Moral Argument for God


    Atheist Paul Orton contacted the show saying he was unconvinced by the claim of some Christians that morality must be based in God, to make sense. He claims that morality is a product of biological and social evolution and “the changing moral Zeitgeist” determines the morals we hold.

  • Shows

    Unbelievable? Euthanasia


    Former UK Health Secretary Patricia Hewitt recently tabled an amendment to the Coroners and Justice Bill seeking to allow people not to be prosecuted for aiding others to die at overseas euthanasia clinics.

  • Shows

    Unbelievable? “Challenging Atheist Myths” Part 2


    Are atheists guilty of misunderstanding morality and the Bible?

  • Shows

    Unbelievable? “The Reason for God” - Timothy Keller


    Timothy Keller started Redeemer Presbyterian Church in New York in 1989. It now attracts several thousand members to worship every week. His book “The Reason for God” answers the questions he is commonly asked by sceptical New Yorkers. He engages with Atheist Norman Bacrac editor of the “Ethical Record” - a Humanist publication. They debate whether Christianity’s exclusive claims are arrogant, and whether people alone can be the best judge of what is right and wrong.

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    Unbelievable? The Atheist Bus Campaign


    Atheists are funding a campaign that will see London buses bearing the poster “There is probably no god. Now stop worrying and get on with your life”. Its the brainchild of Ariane Sherine and has been backed by Richard Dawkins. We discuss the campaign, whether there really is no God and what it means for morality if there isn’t.