All brain articles
Is the presence of God merely an illusion? A scientist investigates
Ken Miles, clinical academic and author of From Billiard Balls to Bishops: A Scientist’s Introduction to Christian Worship, explores whether we can feel the presence of God in an age of science
Is there more to life than mere matter?
Dr Erik Strandness explores the relationship between the soul, mind, brain, body and spirit following a recent Big Conversation about near death experiences
Do near death experiences contradict Christian belief and doctrine?
Journalist Heather Tomlinson explores near death experiences and theology in light of a recent Big Conversation on this topic
What is a near-death experience and what can it teach us?
Following a recent Big Conversation, journalist Heather Tomlinson explores near-death experiences
Are we more than just our brains?
Following a recent Big Conversation, Dr Erik Strandness explores the relationship between the brain and mind, near death experiences, the existence of the soul and the perceived conflict between religion and science
Unbelievable? Sharon Dirckx vs Emily Qureshi-Hurst Do consciousness and near-death experiences point to an afterlife?
The Big Conversation - Episode 4 | Season 5
Should we trust our brain or our emotions?
Erik Strandness explores how we can reconcile reason with joyfully dancing in our underwear
A materialist, a panpsychist and a Christian walked into a bar…
…or on to a stage. Erik Strandness explains why God continues to stand behind the question of consciousness
Matters of Life & Death: Archie Battersbee 2: Doubts over the brain scans, the end of ‘doctor knows best’, sucked into the culture wars and protective power of attorney
Archie’s case underlines the growing crisis over the lack of trust many ordinary people have in medical professionals.
Matters of Life & Death: Archie Battersbee 1: The invention of ‘brain death’, a breakdown in trust, the child’s best interests, and how to turn off life support
Twelve-year-old Archie Battersbee died on 7 August, after months of legal wrangling between doctors who believed he was brain dead and wished to end life support, and his family who resisted this.
McGilchrist’s brain science points towards God. But it still leaves many questions unanswered
Cambridge neurologist Prof Alasdair Coles says psychiatrist Iain McGilchrist’s work provides an important perspective on brain science and God, but still leaves questions on consciousness, identity and the nature of truth unanswered.
Iain McGilchrist & Sharon Dirckx Brain science, consciousness & God: Is there a master behind our mind?
What does the science of brain chemistry and consciousness tell us about the nature of our mind and our cosmos?