All Ask NT Wright articles – Page 6
Ask NT Wright Anything #136 Talking to kids about New Creation & responding to William Lane Craig
Tom Wright answers listener questions on how to teach children about new creation, where our loved ones go after they die, and responds to a critique from William Lane Craig in a replay of an early edition of the show from 2018.
Ask NT Wright Anything #135 My weekend with Queen Elizabeth II
NT Wright shares his memories of preaching for the Queen while he was the Bishop of Durham. He reflects on her strong Christian faith and how the church can respond in faith and hope at this time of national mourning.
Ask NT Wright Anything #134 Should we cancel Luther & Calvin?
Should we value the theology of Luther and Calvin given the anti-semitism and killing they both endorsed? How do I convince my Lutheran friend that not all ‘works’ are bad? Is it a problem that the Lutheran baptistmal rite uses the disputed ending of Mark? Tom answers listener questions on the influence of the reformers.
Ask NT Wright Anything #133 Is faith anti-intellectual?
Is faith a valid way of knowing truth? Will we need faith in the new creation? Why is my church so anti-intellectual? Tom answers listener questions on faith, knowledge and reason.
Ask NT Wright Anything #132 Is the Bible anti-women? Does God hear the prayers of agnostics?
Tom offers advice to a listener who is moving away from Christianity because she believes the Bible seems to treat women as second class citizens. Another is an agnostic who has been praying for the war in Ukraine. Will God hear my prayers if I’m not even sure I believe?
Ask NT Wright Anything #131 Help! I’m on the brink of atheism… Deconstruction and suffering
Tom offers advice to two people struggling with their faith. One is having doubts during a period of deconstruction, the other can’t get past the problem of suffering.
Ask NT Wright Anything #130 Do I need to tithe? Church rules, covenants and leadership
Should I always tithe 10% to my church? What do you think of signing church covenants? I don’t agree with my church leadership on complementarianism, but I love the members - should I stay? Tom answers listener questions on church practise and rules.
Ask NT Wright Anything #129 Would God need to redeem aliens? Life beyond earth and the cosmos
If the Universe is so big why did God choose to come to a small hill called Mount Zion? If there is sentient life beyond earth would it need redeeming too? Are the Nephilim evidence of aliens and UFOs? Tom answers questions on aliens and the cosmos!
Ask NT Wright Anything #128 Why did God make childbirth difficult? More questions about Eden and the Fall
Were Adam and Eve’s pre-fall bodies like the resurrected Jesus? Was marriage a post-fall accomodation? Why does Genesis say God made childbirth more difficult after the fall? NT Wright answers more questions on the Garden of Eden and the Creation story.
Ask NT Wright Anything #127 How do I reconcile Evolution, the Fall and Original Sin?
If evolution is true then physical death existed before the Fall - how do we reconcile that with scripture? How do we reconcile evolution with the concept of a first man and woman and original sin? Did the Fall also affect the rest of the universe?
Ask NT Wright Anything #126 - From the slums of Kenya to new life - NT Wright meets Jey Mbiro
Justin and NT Wright speak to Jey Mbiro a Kenyan Christian who grew up as a street kid in the slums of Nairobi and was imprisoned aged just 9. They talk about poverty, the church in East Africa and Jey’s own story of transformation thanks to Compassion.
Ask NT Wright Anything #125 - Situation, Theology, and Hermeneutics in Galatians
Situation, Theology, and Hermeneutics in Galatians. Another bonus edition of the podcast featuring Tom teaching on his new video course on Galatians.
Ask NT Wright Anything #124 - Medieval questions and the subject of Galatians
Medieval Questions and the subject of Galatians. A bonus edition of the podcast featuring Tom teaching on his new video course on Galatians.
Ask NT Wright Anything #123 How St. Paul changed the world Pt 2 - Tom Holland & NT Wright
NT Wright and popular historian Tom Holland continue their discussion about the way the writings and theology of St Paul changed the modern world.
Ask NT Wright Anything #122 Tom Holland & NT Wright talk about Paul
Who was Paul? What difference did he make to the world? What do we know about his conversion? Justin sat down with NT Wright and popular historian Tom Holland to talk about NT Wright’s then-recently published book Paul: A Biography in a conversation that took place in 2018.
Ask NT Wright Anything #121 Making sense of The Trinity
Ahead of Trinity Sunday, Tom answers questions about the Trinity: How do I explain the Trinity without accidental heresy? Is there a hierarchy in the Trinity? Can you explain Jesus’ prayer for intimacy with the Father and the Spirit in John 17?
Ask NT Wright Anything #120 New Testament Q&A: Pharisees, contradictions & oral tradition
Tom answers listener questions on the New Testament. Were the Pharisees all bad? How do we reconcile the different Gospel endings about where the disciples stayed after the resurrection? Is the oral tradition, before the Gospels were written down, reliable?
Ask NT Wright Anything #119 Old Testament Q&A: Noah, Moses and where to start
Tom answers questions on the Old Testament - Where should a new Christian start? Did events like Noahs flood and Jonah and the whale really happen? Why did God attempt to kill Moses in Exodus 4?
Ask NT Wright Anything #118 Mental health: Am I failing God by taking medication?
Does taking anti-depressant medication mean I’m failing to trust God? I was told to read the Bible to cure my eating disorder - how do we educate the church? How do I reconcile the Biblical command ‘do not be anxious’ with chronic anxiety? Tom answers listener questions about mental health.
Ask NT Wright Anything #117 I can’t shake my sinful addiction
Tom answers pastoral question from listeners about how to develop spiritual disciplines, escaping the cycle of besetting sin, and how to respond to homeless people with substance addiction and mental health problems.