All Ask NT Wright articles – Page 10
Ask NT Wright Anything #61 Could Jesus have been female? What about polygamy?
Tom tackles questions on whether Jesus could have been incarnated as a woman instead of a man, how you explain polygamy in scripture, and the question of Biblical commands about men and women speaking in church.
Ask NT Wright Anything #60 Should my girlfriend get baptised? What will we remember in heaven?
Will we keep our memories in heaven? How does the Isaiah 65 prophecy of a new world fit in with Tom’s eschatology? My girlfriend is a Christian but says she doesn’t want to get baptised – what should I do? Plus Tom gets interrupted by a young visitor!
Ask NT Wright Anything #59 Evangelism and sharing the gospel
How do you explain the gospel to someone who thinks they haven’t done anything needing forgiveness? How do we answer those who say Christianity is irrelevant? How do we help those who believe but don’t live out their faith?
Ask NT Wright Anything #58 Genesis, 6-day creation and the first humans
Does Tom believe in 6-day creation? When did the first humans ‘made in God’s image’ appear? These and other questions on creation and evolution are tackled by Tom. Plus a bonus song on the end of the episode! Tom and geneticist Francis Collins perform a duet of their song ‘Genesis’. To hear their conversation on the BioLogos podcast:
Ask NT Wright Anything #57 The Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox churches
Tom responds to questions on why the Roman Catholic bible includes more books than Protestant versions, what he makes of the Eastern Orthodox tradition and a listener who is thinking of ‘crossing the Tiber’.
Ask NT Wright Anything #56 Fasting, resting and worship
Is fasting a practice that Christians should take up? How does Tom balance work and rest? Has Sunday worship become just a musical event? Tom answers listener questions on Christian practices.
Ask NT Wright Anything #55 Ravi, Carl Lentz & the fall of Christian leaders
Tom responds to listeners concerned about recent scandals among Christian leaders. Is restoration possible or appropriate? What does the Bible tell us about leadership, authority and accountability?
Ask NT Wright Anything #54 Veganism, ethics and activism
Tom answers listener questions around if we should eat meat, whether we’ll all be vegan in the new creation and if violent protest is ever acceptable.
Ask NT Wright Anything #53 US politics, conspiracy theories and prophecy
Tom answers listener questions on the prevalence of conspiracy theories, US church support for Trump and the failed prophecies of his returning to power.
Ask NT Wright Anything #52 ‘I wish I didn’t exist’. Pain and suffering Part 2
Tom shares his thoughts on heart-breaking pastoral questions from listeners around how to respond to grief and mental health. You can listen to part one of the podcast here.
Ask NT Wright Anything #51 Pain and suffering Part 1
Tom shares his thoughts on the difficult questions listeners have around issues such as dementia, death, the global pandemic and whether God himself suffers.
Ask NT Wright Anything #50 Icons, praying to saints & dividing over sexuality
Tom answers listener questions around whether shrines are pagan, infant baptism is biblical and how we can live in unity with theological differences around sexuality.
Ask NT Wright Anything #49 Other faiths, Judaism and Gnosticism
Tom answers listener questions, such as will Jews be in heaven? What about religious experiences among other faiths? And is Gnosticism the prevailing world view in America?
Ask NT Wright Anything #48 Broken Signposts and questions on forgiveness and salvation
Tom talks about his latest book and answers listener questions around how God forgives, conversion and how you can be sure you’re saved.
Ask NT Wright Anything #47 Should women preach and lead in church? What about marriage?
Tom answers listener questions around gender, women in leadership and the dynamics of family life.
Ask NT Wright Anything #46 Big questions from and about children
Tom answers listener questions on how to talk to children about tricky things like suffering and hell. Plus, we talk about parenting and discipling children and young people
Ask NT Wright Anything #45 Worship in the age of Covid-19
Tom answers listener questions on how the church will be changed by Coronavirus, online communion and the challenges of worshipping in a socially-distanced way.
Ask NT Wright Anything #44 Donald Trump, gay cakes and white privilege
Tom answers listener questions on the upcoming US election, religious freedom in the case of Christian cake makers, and the concept of ‘white privilege’ in current debates on racial justice.
Ask NT Wright Anything #43 Tom on his life and faith and the meaning of the cross
NT Wright talks to Justin about his early life and how his faith developed over the years, before turning to the question of what the atonement means, as laid out in his book The Day The Revolution Began. This interview was first broadcast on The Profile podcast
Ask NT Wright Anything #42 Ananias and Sapphira and more tricky theological questions
How do we reconcile the New Testament account of Ananias and Sapphira being struck dead with the cross-shaped vision of a God of love?