All army articles
Is atheism enough? How a militant atheist discovered Jesus in the military
Researcher Jana Harmon shares the fascinating story of how atheist Kyle Keltz began his journey towards Christianity while on guard duty in the Middle East
Christians in science: How a military meteorologist became a theologian
Charles Clough is a retired military meteorologist who became a Christian while at MIT. Apologist Joel Furches spoke to him about being a scientist and a theologian
The CS Lewis Podcast #91 Alister McGrath: CS Lewis’ early years at Magdalen college
In the fifth episode of our series focussing on McGrath’s book CS Lewis: A Life, we look at some key moments in Lewis’ Oxford career, such as the death of his father. Plus, don’t forget to register to win a copy of McGrath’s seminal biography of Lewis.
The CS Lewis Podcast #89 Alister McGrath: CS Lewis and the Great War
In the third episode of our series focussing on McGrath’s book CS Lewis: A Life, we explore Lewis’ experience of the First World War and the significant relationships he formed during this time, such as with the Moore family. We also delve into Lewis’ interest in sadomasochism! Plus, a quick reminder of our competition to win a copy of McGrath’s seminal biography of Lewis.
We will remember
As we approach Remembrance Day and Veterans Day, Ruth Jackson reflects on the importance of remembering