All women articles
How did Jesus approach diversity, equity and inclusion?
As we draw closer to the US election, author Drew Cordell reflects on how Jesus treated women
Women in apologetics: From doubter to proclaimer
Although Kristen Davis grew up in church, profound doubts kept God from being real to her. Everything changed when she discovered apologetics and biblical archeology. Apologist Joel Furches shares her story
Unapologetic #105 Kathy Keller: Why I changed my mind on women ordination
We continue our conversation with writer, editor and speaker Kathy Keller. Why did their sons believe her and Tim should never offer parenting advice?! What did they learn at Hopewell, Virginia that proved invaluable when planting Redeemer in New York? Why did Kathy leave seminary convinced ordination was no longer a viable option for her?
Matters of Life & Death: Q&A: Why have anti-abortion activists accidentally banned fertility treatment in Alabama?
Alabama’s Supreme Court has ruled that embryos in deep freeze, stored as part of IVF treatment, can be considered as legal children. This unexpected judgement has prompted many clinics to shut their doors, fearing lawsuits, as the storage and eventual destruction of surplus embryos is standard practice in IVF.
Are faith and feminism compatible?
This International Women’s Day, Lauren Windle, author of Notes on Feminism unpacks what true feminism means, exploring how that matches up with Christianity
Christians in science: How a microbiologist became an apologist
Dr Anjeanette ‘AJ’ Roberts is a microbiologist and a Christian. Joel Furches spoke to her about her faith and career
The CS Lewis Podcast #145 That Hideous Strength: Was Lewis sexist?
Alister McGrath looks at what Lewis thought of women, sexuality and marriage. Are any of the characters in That Hideous Strength based on people Lewis knew? What was he trying to convey through their depiction?
Are smartphones evil? Unveiling dualities and finding redemption
Is modern technology to blame for our current mental health crisis? Should we just ditch our phones? Or can they be a force for good? Author Drew Cordell shares his thoughts
Matter of Life & Death: Egg freezing: The ticking biological clock, prosecco and cheese evenings, the culture war over maternal age, and living with wisdom and contentment
Increasing numbers of women are choosing to freeze their eggs in the hope that years down the line they can use these younger, healthier eggs to have children once their relationship, personal, financial or work circumstances are right.
Unbelievable? Why do women often feel unequal to men in the church? with Liz Cooledge Jenkins and Andy Kind
Today on Unbelievable? Andy Kind hosts the first part of an occasional series on the topic of women in the church, how women are portrayed in the Bible, and questions around women in ministry. Why do women often feel unequal to men in Church? There are plenty of differing views and we will cover a number of them in the coming months.
Unapologetic #83 Bishop Arun Arora: Stormzy, women ordination and the hope of Christmas
In the final part of his discussion with Ruth Jackson, Bishop Arun Arora, author of Stick With Love, looks at some modern day saints including former Archbishop John Sentamu, Stormzy, Cardinal Van Thuân and Rev Dr Florence Li Tim-Oi. Why did Stormzy’s mum skip his Glastonbury performance to go to church? And how does the Christmas story speak hope to a dark world?
Unapologetic #79 Amy Orr-Ewing: Is there any evidence for a virgin birth?
In the final part of their discussion, Dr Amy Orr-Ewing discusses whether we can believe in a virgin birth, why this birth is significant and how we can trust the witness of Mary. Plus, why is justice important to the Christmas story? And, how can Jesus be both fully God and fully man?
Unapologetic #78 Amy Orr-Ewing: Why are women central to the Christian story?
Dr Amy Orr-Ewing, author of Mary’s Voice, explores the context of Mary, mother of Jesus, and looks at why women play such a significant role in Christianity. Plus, what is the Magnificat, why is it so revolutionary? And how is it relevant today?
Ask NT Wright #193 Should women preach and lead in church? What about marriage? (Classic)
From the archives: Tom answers listener questions around gender, women in leadership and the dynamics of family life.
Matters of Life & Death: Baby loss 2: Rising abortion numbers, pills by post, ‘the pregnancy remains’, and Schrodinger’s fetus
We spoke last week about the hugely welcome shift in how society talks about miscarriage and cares for women (and men) who have experienced it. And yet at the same time in Britain, we desperately avoid using the same language and narrative established in baby loss services when we are in the abortion zone.
Matters of Life & Death: Women and Christianity: Purity culture, beyond complementarianism, baggy t-shirts over swimming costumes, and recovering Tamar’s voice
Christianity is sometimes described as ‘bad news for women’. Clearly we would all disagree with this epithet, but why does it have cultural currency right now for a growing number of particularly younger women?
Women in apologetics: Overcoming sexism, societal expectation and vicious online attacks
Former non-theist Mary Jo Sharp found answers to many of her questions through Christian apologetics. She is now passionate about sharing this with others, despite the great personal cost at times. She shares some of her story with Joel Furches here
Women in apologetics: From pregnant teen to singing apologist
Like many of us, Lori Peters finds the emotional problem of evil to be one of the greatest barriers to belief. Apologist Joel Furches shares some of her story, looking at how she has worked through this in her own life and with others
Unapologetic #55 Collin Hansen: Tim Keller (1950-2023) on women, family life and homosexuality
We continue our conversation with Collin Hansen, author of ’Timothy Keller: His Spiritual and Intellectual Formation’, who highlights some of the key women in Keller’s life, particularly his wife Kathy. Hansen explains why Tim Keller was a complementarian and speaks about Keller’s brother, Billy, who died from AIDS in the 1990s.
Women in apologetics: How a spiritually confused comedian became an apologist
Author Judy Salisbury has a passion for equipping women to be confident and forthright about their Christian beliefs. Apologist Joel Furches shares some of her story here