All Unapologetic articles

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    Unapologetic #114: Joe Boot: Resurrection, miracles and climate change


    Is there any proof for the resurrection of Jesus? Are miracles a genuine possibility? How should we respond to global injustice and environmental breakdown? What practical ways can we use apologetics in everyday situations? We hear from Rev Dr Joe Boot, founder and president of the Ezra Institute for Contemporary Christianity. This interview was recorded in front of a live audience at Holy Trinity Church, Aylesbury in partnership with Aylesbury Vale Youth For Christ.

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    Unapologetic #113 Joe Boot: Is there a role for apologetics in culture?


    Rev Dr Joe Boot, founder and president of the Ezra Institute for Contemporary Christianity, explores what shapes and drives culture. What are the cultural implications for certain world and life views? Is there a place for Jesus in politics? This interview was recorded in March with a live audience at Holy Trinity Church, Aylesbury in partnership with Aylesbury Vale Youth For Christ. 

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    Unapologetic #112 Joe Boot: Why believe?


    What is cultural apologetics? Can a biblical worldview make sense of human experience? What are some of the biggest objections to the Christian faith? Rev Dr Joe Boot, founder and president of the Ezra Institute for Contemporary Christianity shares his thoughts. This interview was recorded in front of a live audience at Holy Trinity Church, Aylesbury in partnership with Aylesbury Youth For Christ. 

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    Unapologetic #111: Johan Erasmus: Is there more to life than atheism?


    Afrikaner pastor Johan Erasmus shares the second half of his story. Why did the New Atheists’ arguments lose their appeal? How did the Bible become less embarrassing? Where does he turn with his doubts? In what ways does Johan’s faith inform his passion for racial reconciliation? Read more in Coming To Faith Through Dawkins.

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    Unapologetic #110 Johan Erasmus: Were the New Atheists right?


    Following the death of his father as a child, Afrikaner pastor Johan Erasmus struggled to find a place where he could ask sceptical questions about faith, God and the Universe. During this time he discovered CS Lewis, but also Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris and Christopher Hitchens.

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    Unapologetic #109 Justyn Terry: Jürgen Moltmann on suffering, politics and hope


    Does God suffer? How does a “crucified God” speak to our pain? Where can we find hope? How should we engage with politics?

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    Unapologetic #108 Michael Lloyd: Why did God create wasps?


    Why are our prayers not answered? Where does the cross fit into the problem of suffering? Why did God create creatures like mosquitoes, poisonous snakes and wasps? Does God always get his way? Can good ever come out of suffering? Rev Dr Michael Lloyd, author of Cafe Theology, continues his discussion about evil and suffering.

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    Unapologetic #107 Michael Lloyd: Why does evil exist?


    Rev Dr Michael Lloyd, author of Cafe Theology, explores a number of Christian responses to evil and suffering. Which theories are the most intellectually, emotionally and pastorally consistent and satisfying? We also look at the doctrine of the fall. Why is it significant? Is it compatible with evolution? Was there a fall of angelic beings as well as humanity?

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    Unapologetic #106 Kathy Keller: Why does God allow suffering?


    Kathy Keller is no stranger to suffering, so how is she able to attest to the goodness of God in the midst of great pain? How does she respond to unanswered prayer? Does she have any advice about coping with anxiety? Is it possible to hold on to hope during tragedy?

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    Unapologetic #105 Kathy Keller: Why I changed my mind on women ordination


    We continue our conversation with writer, editor and speaker Kathy Keller. Why did their sons believe her and Tim should never offer parenting advice?! What did they learn at Hopewell, Virginia that proved invaluable when planting Redeemer in New York? Why did Kathy leave seminary convinced ordination was no longer a viable option for her?

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    Unapologetic #104 Kathy Keller: Life, marriage and death


    As we approach the one year anniversary of apologist Tim Keller’s death on May 19th, we caught up with his wife Kathy Keller. Are there any stories about Tim that have particularly encouraged her family in recent months? How did a sick dog lead her to Jesus as a child? What marriage advice would she offer to those just starting out on their journey? 

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    Unapologetic #103 Rachael Heffer: Are young people more spiritual?


    In the final part of their conversation about the Talking Jesus research, Rachael Heffer, head of mission at the Evangelical Alliance, shares her thoughts around some important questions. Why are young people leaving the Church? How do we navigate tricky cultural conversations? What are her top tips for family discipleship?

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    Unapologetic #102 Rachael Heffer: Do people want to engage in conversations about faith?


    How do people respond to hearing about God? Has the general opinion of the UK shifted on matters of faith in recent years? What do young people think? How confident are Christians about sharing their faith? How do we approach people’s big questions?

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    Unapologetic #101 Rachael Heffer: What does the UK think about faith?


    Rachael Heffer, head of mission at the Evangelical Alliance, shares her thoughts around the Talking Jesus research. What do the UK public think about the Church, Christians and Jesus? Who are the “nones” and why has there been such a rise in this category of people? What questions are young people asking? Are people actually interested in God?

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    Unapologetic #100 Ruth Jackson: 100th Episode Special


    Ruth Jackson shares some of her favourite moments over the last 99 episodes, including an opiate addict becoming a Christian apologist via a near death experience, an analytic philosopher on why she believes the gospel narratives are reliable, an NFL player on how he’d choose Jesus over winning the Super Bowl and a theologian exploring whether Jesus had a sex drive.

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    Unapologetic #99 Sarah Irving-Stonebraker: How can we be effective priests of history?


    Associate Professor Sarah Irving-Stonebraker, author of Priests of History, explores the results of ahistoricism in the Church. Does disconnection from the past lead to individualism? How do we use ancient spiritual practices in a modern setting? Can history help us to use our time well?

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    Unapologetic #98 Sarah Irving-Stonebraker: Is history irrelevant?


    Associate Professor Sarah Irving-Stonebraker, author of Priests of History, explores the characteristics and impact of living in an “ahistoric” age. How can history help us navigate the culture wars? Can we reconnect with the past?

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    Unapologetic #97 Jay Y Kim: Did Jesus really rise from the dead?


    Pastor Jay Y Kim explores how Holy Week brings hope. Why are we all so afraid of death? What difference does Easter make? Did the resurrection actually happen and why does it matter?

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    Unapologetic #96 Jay Y Kim: Analogue presence in a digital world


    Jay Y Kim shares his experience as a pastor in Silicon Valley. How is technology forming us? In what ways can we help young people live fruitfully in the digital space? How do we navigate AI? Are there any tips for finding rest in the midst of the busyness? In an era of misinformation, how do we decipher what is actually true?

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    Unapologetic #95 Jay Y Kim: Doubt and deconstruction


    Jay Y Kim, a pastor in Silicon Valley and author of multiple books including Listen, Listen, Speak, shares his experience of losing and rediscovering his faith. What are some of the reasons people leave the Church or aren’t even remotely interested in the first place? What should we do with our doubts? How do we ensure everyone feels welcome?