All technology articles
#120 James Emery White: Is online church the way forward?
What are the dangers of online and how do we navigate them? How can we respond to AI? What is TikTok spirituality and why should we engage with it? How has the digital world impacted our relationships? Is online church just watching TV or is a hybrid model the only way forward? Dr James Emery White, author of Hybrid Church, explores questions around digital outreach and Church.
Neo-Luddism and the ‘myth’ of progress: Should Christians be pro or anti technology?
In recent weeks we have discussed how to keep modern technology at arms-length (smartphones in the home) and our excitement at how humans may be about to untap God’s blessing in creation through technology (the solar energy revolution). Today we ask the question: can we really hold these positions simultaneously?
Matters of Life & Death: Are smartphones damaging our children? with Andy Crouch
This week we interview the writer Andy Crouch on a question which has been everywhere in recent months: are smartphones damaging our children?
The CS Lewis Podcast #161 Alister McGrath: Your questions answered
Professor Alister McGrath joined Ruth Jackson for a webinar answering live questions about CS Lewis, including how Lewis used modern media, whether there is a “modern day Lewis” and how we navigate some of the potentially racist terms within his work.
Unbelievable? Why do humans try to play God? Nick Spencer vs Emily Qureshi Hurst hosted by Andy Kind
For too long, the ‘science and religion’ debate has fixated on creation, evolution, cosmology, miracles and quantum theory, and not enough on the essence of what it means to be human. But this is a mistake argues one of our guests today, Christian academic Nick Spencer, Senior Fellow at Theos, in his new book ‘Playing God: science, religion and the future of humanity.’ Back on the show is Emily Qureshi-Hurst expert on the philosophy of time.
Matters of Life & Death: Tech hype - Should Christians resist or lean into AI?
In this episode we talk through the anatomy of a tech hype bubble, looking at previous cases such as the internet, cryptocurrency and smartphones to figure out where AI might be on the ‘S-curve’ of tech adoption.
The CS Lewis Podcast #145 That Hideous Strength: Was Lewis sexist?
Alister McGrath looks at what Lewis thought of women, sexuality and marriage. Are any of the characters in That Hideous Strength based on people Lewis knew? What was he trying to convey through their depiction?
Matters of Life & Death: Generative AI: Second Contact, avoiding the fate of Nokia, hacking the human operating system, and the resilience of Western democracy
New artificial intelligence software has swept through the internet over the last year. Many are thrilled by the potential and power of AI which can generate brand new text, images, sound and video. But others are sounding the alarm.
Should we trust our brain or our emotions?
Erik Strandness explores how we can reconcile reason with joyfully dancing in our underwear
How should Christians respond to transhumanism?
Apologists Clinton Wilcox and Joel Furches explore some of the core principles of transhumanism and their ramifications
Matters of Life & Death: Cryptocurrency 1: Bitcoin, warehouses of computers solving maths puzzles, the bubble, and FOMO
Recent news headlines have been full of discussion of the current ‘crypto winter’, a season where the value of cryptocurrencies has plummeted causing financial devastation and destroying what looked like thriving crypto institutions.
Unbelievable? ChatGPT, AI and the future - John Wyatt Q&A on living faithfully in a technologically confusing world
Justin and Ruth were joined by research scientist Dr John Wyatt on a live show to talk about AI, robotics and technology. Listeners asked questions about machine consciousness, the potential dangers of AI and how to raise children in a tech world.
Should Christians be Concerned about the Rapid Advancements in Artificial Intelligence?
As artificial intelligence (AI) technology continues to advance rapidly, Sarah Johnson explores the potential ethical and societal impacts of AI and the potential benefits of the technology.
The CS Lewis Podcast #81 Joshua Karras - porn, depression, domestic violence and The Screwtape Letters
Ruth Jackson continues her conversation with author Joshua Karras who has penned a modern appropriation of The Screwtape Letters. 80 years after the publication of CS Lewis’ classic epistolary novel, Karras shares why he has included some of the contemporary temptations in his literary adaptation.
The CS Lewis Podcast #80 Joshua Karras: A modern take on The Screwtape Letters
80 years after the publication of The Screwtape Letters, young author Joshua Karras has written an appropriation of CS Lewis’ classic epistolary novel for a modern audience. Ruth Jackson discovers the inspiration behind this audacious project.
What does Christianity have to say about ‘big tech’?
Writer Steve Schramm explores the pros and cons of technology and how Christians should engage with it
Matters of Life & Death: Simulation 2: Zoom’s face-smoothing, chatbot therapists, Trinitarianism, and evil as counterfeit
Today we’re going back to our conversation about simulation for part two of this re-broadcast.
The CS Lewis Podcast #39 CS Lewis, Mark Zuckerberg and technology
Alister and Justin continue their conversation on what Lewis’ writings have to say to our modern technological age including the rise of big tech platforms such as Google and Facebook’s ‘Meta’ universe.
Matters of Life & Death: Simulation: Deep fakes, image as sacrament, David Beckham in Mandarin and therapy chatbots
Today’s topic is simulation. We live in an era when digital technology is making it increasingly easy and cheap to create fake but compelling images or videos of people, or even entirely artificial human-like personalities.
Matters of Life & Death: Coronavirus: Misinformation
Microchips. Bill Gates. The mark of the beast. 5G cell towers. False positive rates. Big pharma. DNA alteration. It’s been hard to avoid the swirling morass of misinformation and conspiracy theories around the pandemic.