All Science  articles – Page 16

  • Shows

    Is there evidence for a cosmic creator? Hugh Ross vs Lewis Wolpert - Unbelievable?


    Recorded at Imperial College London. Christian astrophysicist Hugh Ross of Reasons To Believe debates atheist biologist Lewis Wolpert. Ross brings evidence for God from Big Bang cosmology, explaining why scientific advance provides a testable model of Biblical Creation. Wolpert says that belief in God is a by-product of evolution and nothing more.

  • Shows

    Do we live on an old or young earth? Unbelievable?


    Young Earth Creationists (YEC) claim the earth and universe is only some 6000 years old according to the Bible and that science that goes against this is flawed. Old Earth Creationists (OEC) argue that the Bible does not commit us to a 24hr day view of creation days, but that the earth and universe is, as mainstream science predicts, billions of years old. This debate was recorded in front of a live audience at Gunnersbury Baptist Church.

  • Shows

    Why is the Universe the way it is? Hugh Ross & Paul Davies - Unbelievable?


    Hugh Ross is an astronomer and founder of Reasons To Believe, an apologetics organisation aiming to show why modern science confirms and supports the Christian worldview. Paul Davies is a British astrophysicist and popular science author currently based at Arizona State University.

  • Shows

    A Universe From Nothing? Lawrence Krauss & Rodney Holder - Unbelievable?


    Lawrence Krauss is a Cosmologist at Arizona State University who describes himself as an “anti-theist”. His latest book “A Universe From Nothing” has received both acclaim and criticism for its attempt to answer the question “Why is there something rather than nothing?”

  • Shows

    Is Our Mind More Than Matter? Keith Ward vs David Papineau - Unbelievable?


     Is our physical brain one and the same with the consciousness, thoughts and perceptions we experience? Is matter all there is ultimately? Keith Ward is a prominent Christian Philosopher & Theologian. The Former Regius Professor of Divinity at Oxford University. He believes in an immaterial mind, as well as the phsical brain. David Papineau is Professor of Philosophy of Science at Kings College London. As an atheist & physicalist he believes that the mind is one and the same with the brain - there is nothing immaterial about it.

  • Shows

    Is there scientific evidence for the star of Bethlehem? Unbelievable?


    A show marking January’s Feast of the Epiphany which marks the visit of the Magi to the infant Jesus. Various astronomical theories have been put forward for what might have constituted the “Star of Bethlehem” that guided the Magi as recorded in Matthew 2. Christian Astrophysicists Hugh Ross and Jeff Zweerink of Reasons To Believe join Justin.

  • Shows

    Unbelievable? - Did man make God, or did God make man?


     Edgar Andrews is Emeritus Professor of Materials at the University of London and the author of “Who Made God?” He returns to support the view that only God explains the ability of science to make sense of the world around us. Lewis Wolpert is Emeritus Professor of Biology at University College London, he is an atheist and Vice President of the British Humanist Association.

  • Shows

    Unbelievable? - Signature in the cell - Stephen C Meyer vs Keith Fox


    Stephen Meyer is a leading proponent of Intelligent Design who directs the Centre for Science and Culture at the Discovery Institute in Seattle. His most recent book “Signature in the Cell” claims to show that the DNA code is the product of intelligent mind, not naturalistic processes. Keith Fox is Professor of Biochemistry at Southampton University. He chairs the UK Christians in Science network but disagrees strongly with ID.

  • Shows

    Unbelievable? - Presuppositional apologetics round 2


    6 months ago Sye Ten Bruggencate and atheist Paul Baird met to discuss Sye’s presuppositional approach to proof of God. Sye claims that the fact Paul believes in laws of logic, maths, science and rationality prove that God exists. The show was a popular download with many subsequent online debates. They are back - Paul brings 6 months experience of debate on the subject online with him.

  • Shows

    Unbelievable? Music & God


    Music often evokes strong emotions in people. But is there more to the beauty and meaning we find in music than atheism allows? David Robertson contends that the joy and meaning we experience in music is a pointer beyond itself to an ultimate source of joy and meaning in God. Gordon Livesey is a musician and an atheist. He contends that while we all experience emotions and meaning in music, it ultimately can be explained in scientific terms alone.

  • Shows

    Unbelievable? - William Lane Craig reviews his debate with Dawkins


    William Lane Craig is a philosopher, author and key defender of the Christian faith in debates around the world.

  • Shows

    Unbelievable? - Mike Behe & Michael Reiss audience debate on ID


    his last week saw US Intelligent Deisgn proponent Michael Behe on the “Darwin or Design?” speaking tour of the UK. As well as hosting an evening event, “Unbelievable?” invited him to discuss ID with theistic evolutionist Prof Michael Reiss in front of an invited audience.

  • Shows

    Unbelievable? - Darwin’s Black Box - Michael Behe & Keith Fox debate Intelligent Design


    Michael Behe is professor of biochemistry at Lehigh University, Pennsylvania and the founder of the modern Intelligent Design movement. His book “Darwin’s Black Box” ignited the controversy 14 years ago when it claimed that certain molecular machines and biological processes are “irreducibly complex” and cannot be explained by Darwinian evolution.

  • Shows

    Unbelievable? - Hawking, God & the Universe - Sir Roger Penrose and Alister McGrath


     Stephen Hawking made headlines around the world when he announced that his M-Theory of cosmology has led him to conclude God did not create the universe and its “fine tuning” is the result of a multiverse.

  • Shows

    Unbelievable? - The Fall & Original Sin


    Peter Byrom says he is “very nearly” convinced of Christianity. Having dallied with an atheist perspective he now rejects many of those arguments. However one area of theology he doesn’t feel is clear is the question of Adam and Eve and the Fall.

  • Shows

    Unbelievable? - Wired for God? The Biology of Spiritual Experience


    From shamanism, hallucenogenic drugs, out-of-body experiences, to being “filled with the Spirit”. Christian author and barrister Charles Foster draws on these and many more to examine the biological evidence of what happens when people claim supernatural experiences.

  • Shows

    Unbelievable? - Is God a failed hypothesis? Pr 2 - Victor Stenger vs. David Bartholomew


    Can we use science to ascertain whether prayer works? Data from a series of prayer experiments is part of the evidence that US atheist scientist Victor Stenger uses to build the case against God in his best-selling book “God: The failed hypothesis”.

  • Shows

    Unbelievable? - Is God a Failed hypothesis? pr 1 - Victor Stenger vs. Steve Fuller


    he first of two shows featuring atheist US physicist Victor Stenger, author of NY Times bestseller “God: The failed Hypothesis”.

  • Shows

    Unbelievable? Peter Hitchens “The Rage Against God”


    Peter Hitchens is a writer and regular columnist for the Mail on Sunday. Unlike his atheist brother Christopher, Peter is a committed Christian having himself been an atheist in younger years.

  • Shows

    Unbelievable? - God & Science - Denis Alexander & Stephen Law


    Test of Faith is an initiative aimed at showing that Christian faith and good science are perfectly compatible. As the Tour reaches london on 19th May we ask “Do we need God, now that we have science?”