All Religions articles
Unbelievable? Why do humans try to play God? Nick Spencer vs Emily Qureshi Hurst hosted by Andy Kind
For too long, the ‘science and religion’ debate has fixated on creation, evolution, cosmology, miracles and quantum theory, and not enough on the essence of what it means to be human. But this is a mistake argues one of our guests today, Christian academic Nick Spencer, Senior Fellow at Theos, in his new book ‘Playing God: science, religion and the future of humanity.’ Back on the show is Emily Qureshi-Hurst expert on the philosophy of time.
The CS Lewis Podcast #118 Evil, evolution and theological reflection in The Space Trilogy
Alister McGrath explores some of the theological themes within Lewis’ trilogy, such as incarnation, atonement and the problem of evil. How did Lewis view the relationship between science and religion? What did he think about evolution? How did he critique certain worldviews through his fiction?