All reliability articles
Is the Old Testament Story of Israel Historically Reliable?
Verifying every fact in the OT using archaeological evidence is not possible, but there is good justification for certain key aspects of ancient Israel’s story
Can we trust the New Testament?
Apologist Nick Peters looks at certain elements within the Gospels and epistles and asks whether their content is reliable
Are The New Testament documents reliable?
Apologists Nick Peters and Joel Furches explore how accurate this ancient writing really is
Who was the real Jesus?
Analytic philosopher Dr Lydia McGrew highlights some of the more surprising elements of Jesus’ character and looks at how this impacts the veracity of the Gospel accounts
Can the Gospels be trusted? The presence of casual coincidence
Gospel, Bible, reliability, manuscript, eye witness, testimony, coincidences, story, made up,Philosopher and author of Testimonies to the Truth: Why You Can Trust the Gospels, Lydia McGrew, looks at some key elements that point to the genuineness of eye witness testimony within the Gospel narratives
Can the Gospels be trusted? The texture of testimony
Philosopher and author of Testimonies to the Truth: Why You Can Trust the Gospels, Lydia McGrew, explores some of the characteristics of testimony within the Gospel narratives
Unbelievable? Uninvented: Are the stories of Jesus too unusual to have been made up? Mike D’Virgilio vs Matthew Taylor
‘You just can’t make this stuff up!’ That, in a nutshell is the contention of Mike D’Virgilio’s book ‘Uninvented: Why the Bible could not be made up and the evidence that proves it’. He says that the life of Jesus doesn’t read like made up stories, myths and legends.
Five reasons we can trust the Nativity narratives
Cold-case detective J .Warner Wallace examines the evidence around the biblical accounts of the Christmas story