All relationships articles
#120 James Emery White: Is online church the way forward?
What are the dangers of online and how do we navigate them? How can we respond to AI? What is TikTok spirituality and why should we engage with it? How has the digital world impacted our relationships? Is online church just watching TV or is a hybrid model the only way forward? Dr James Emery White, author of Hybrid Church, explores questions around digital outreach and Church.
Ask NT Wright Anything #211 Singleness, dating and being unequally yoked. Should christians date non-christians? What’s the point of it all? Puzzled and pastoral questions this week with Tom (Classic)
Help! I am a new christian and I’m worried I’m unequally yoked in my relationship? What is the biblical view of singleness? Should Christians date non Christians? Was Jesus at my mother’s deathbed? What’s the point of it all? In this episode Tom answers the personal, pastoral and puzzled questions of listeners.
Matters of Life & Death: Q&A: Should single Christians use dating apps if they strike out at church?
A listener has emailed in his dilemma off the back of our recent series of episodes: His small evangelical church teaches a traditional Christian message on relationships and marriage, yet offers single members like him no opportunities to meet like-minded women. Is it OK for him to turn to dating apps to fish in a deeper pool, or are the apps unavoidably commodifying his sisters in Christ and conforming him to secular cultural ethics on relationships?
Matters of Life & Death: Baby loss 2: Rising abortion numbers, pills by post, ‘the pregnancy remains’, and Schrodinger’s fetus
We spoke last week about the hugely welcome shift in how society talks about miscarriage and cares for women (and men) who have experienced it. And yet at the same time in Britain, we desperately avoid using the same language and narrative established in baby loss services when we are in the abortion zone.
Ask NT Wright Anything #162 Questions on sexuality and LGBT
In this replay podcast from 2019 Tom answered listener questions on how to have better conversations on sexuality in the church, co-habitation, whether the New Testament understanding of homosexuality was different to today and his thoughts on Transgender following a letter he wrote to The Times newspaper. First broadcast in 2019.
How do you mend a broken heart? The cure we all need this Valentine’s Day
As we head into a day devoted to celebrating relationships, Erik Strandness looks at how God restores the relationships damaged through our infidelity
Unapologetic #39 Lauren Windle: Being single and dating in a marriage obsessed Church
As we approach Valentine’s Day, Ruth Jackson carries on her conversation with author Lauren Windle, who shares her thoughts on singleness, dating and why the Church seems so obsessed with marriage.
Unapologetic #18 Mary Jo Sharp: How to talk with young people about love, porn and sex
Mary Jo Sharp frequently addresses the questions young people have about Christianity. That includes questions about sexuality, pornography and relationships. She talks to Justin Brierley about how to have tough conversations with teenagers, based on her new video series Dark Room Faith.