All Reasonable Faith articles
Unapologetic #47 Jeremiah Johnston: The 7 best reasons to believe Jesus rose from the dead
New Testament scholar Dr Jeremiah Johnston shares ground-breaking research from his new book ’Body of Proof: The 7 Best Reasons to Believe in the Resurrection of Jesus-and Why It Matters Today’. He also explains how we can experience overwhelming hope in the midst of great suffering if Jesus really rose from the dead.
Unbelievable? Ask William Lane Craig Anything
Renowned Christian thinker William Lane Craig answers listener questions on a live edition of the show. He responds to questions on philosophy, Adam & Eve, suffering, the worst argument for God and more. Plus we hear from Jeremiah J Johnston on the 7 best reasons to believe in the resurrection.
Apologetics: What is it and how do we use it?
It’s not about saying sorry. Joel Furches says making an intellectual defence for Christian faith has a long history