All reason articles
The CS Lewis Podcast #186 Dan Barker and Carolyn Weber: Can atheists appreciate CS Lewis?
Does Lewis’ moral argument carry any weight? Is CS Lewis still relevant? If so, is that only for Christians? Are the big questions he raises pertinent today? Is faith rational? Former pastor-turned atheist, Dan Barker and literature professor, Dr Carolyn Weber, discuss Lewis’ work and his talents as a writer.
The CS Lewis Podcast #184 Dan Barker and Carolyn Weber: Are Lewis’ arguments flawed?
In the second part of Dan Barker and Dr Carolyn Weber’s discussion about CS Lewis’ relevance, Dan points out some of the holes he perceives in Lewis’ beliefs. On the opposite side of the debate, Carolyn shares how she became a Christian, highlighting elements of her story that echo Lewis’ own and looking at how Lewis’ writing greatly influenced her decision.
The CS Lewis Podcast #183 Dan Barker and Carolyn Weber: Is CS Lewis still relevant?
On November 22nd 1963, Clive Staples Lewis – Jack to his friends – died in Oxford, England. However, 61 years after his death, is CS Lewis still relevant? We hear from former pastor-turned atheist, Dan Barker, who suggests that many of Lewis’ arguments are fundamentally flawed. Literature professor, Dr Carolyn Weber, highlights where she disagrees with Dan and shares some of her story about coming to faith at Oxford University, in part through CS Lewis.
Christians in science: How a microbiologist became an apologist
Dr Anjeanette ‘AJ’ Roberts is a microbiologist and a Christian. Joel Furches spoke to her about her faith and career
Unbelievable? 60 years after his death, are CS Lewis and his God still relevant?
Ruth Jackson hosts a discussion about a 20th Century British writer and lay theologian who is arguably one of the most influential voices in modern Christianity. On November 22nd 1963, Clive Staples Lewis – Jack to his friends – died in Oxford, England. However, 60 years after his death, is CS Lewis still relevant?
The CS Lewis Podcast #113 What about other religions?
In the final part of this replay of an Unbelievable show, originally broadcast in October 2010, Justin Brierley speaks to Lewis scholar Dr Michael Ward and former Christian-turned atheist Dan Barker. Here, they continue to discuss CS Lewis’ apologetics and hone in on what Lewis says about other religions.
The CS Lewis Podcast #112 Was Jesus a liar, lunatic, Lord or something else?
In the third part of this replay of an Unbelievable show, originally broadcast in October 2010, Justin Brierley speaks to Lewis scholar Dr Michael Ward and former Christian-turned atheist Dan Barker. Here, they continue to discuss CS Lewis’ apologetics, focussing particularly on his classic ‘Trilemma’ - Jesus is either a liar, lunatic or Lord.
The CS Lewis Podcast #111 Is Lewis’ argument from reason convincing?
In the second part of this replay of an Unbelievable show, originally broadcast in October 2010, Justin Brierley speaks to Lewis scholar Dr Michael Ward and former Christian-turned atheist Dan Barker. Here, they continue to discuss CS Lewis’ apologetics, focussing particularly on his argument from reason in ‘Miracles’.
Unapologetic #50 Lydia McGrew: Can we trust the Gospels?
Dr Lydia McGrew, an analytic philosopher and author of Testimonies to the Truth: Why you can Trust the Gospels, explores how reliability is assessed in regards to ancient documents. She tackles some of the alleged contradictions in the Gospels and looks at why certain elements, such as accurate geography, cultural knowledge and names are important.
Unapologetic #49 Lydia McGrew: Is an evidential approach to Christianity feasible?
Dr Lydia McGrew, an analytic philosopher and author, became a Christian at the age of 4. She shares some of her story with Ruth Jackson, including her experience of being adopted, her prevailing wrestle with the problem of evil and why she’s passionate about an evidential approach to Christianity.
The CS Lewis Podcast #100 Alister McGrath: 100th special celebrating CS Lewis’ legacy and how he can help renew the Church
In this special episode, we take a break from our series on Professor Alister McGrath’s seminal biography, CS Lewis: A Life, to celebrate reaching our 100th episode. Alister shares some of his thoughts around what modern readers can learn from Lewis and how he can help with the renewal of the Church.
Unapologetic #47 Jeremiah Johnston: The 7 best reasons to believe Jesus rose from the dead
New Testament scholar Dr Jeremiah Johnston shares ground-breaking research from his new book ’Body of Proof: The 7 Best Reasons to Believe in the Resurrection of Jesus-and Why It Matters Today’. He also explains how we can experience overwhelming hope in the midst of great suffering if Jesus really rose from the dead.
The CS Lewis Podcast #99 Alister McGrath: The move to Cambridge
In the 13th episode of our series focussing on McGrath’s book, CS Lewis: A Life, we cover some of the more difficult elements of Lewis’ life, including Warnie’s alcoholism, Mrs Moore’s dementia and his struggles at Oxford. We also explore his complicated relationship with Joy Davidman and look at why he moved to Cambridge University. Plus, don’t forget to register for the opportunity to win a copy of McGrath’s seminal biography of Lewis.
The CS Lewis Podcast #98 Alister McGrath: The imaginative world of Narnia
In the twelfth episode of our series focussing on McGrath’s book, CS Lewis: A Life, we look at the character of Aslan and unpack some of the classical ideas, philosophy and theology expressed within the Narnia Chronicles. We also explore whether any of the content is sexist, racist or out of date. Plus, don’t forget to register for the opportunity to win a copy of McGrath’s seminal biography of Lewis.
The CS Lewis Podcast #97 Alister McGrath: The creation of Narnia
In the eleventh episode of our series focussing on McGrath’s book, CS Lewis: A Life, we hear the inspiration behind the Narnia Chronicles and look at the important role imagination played in Lewis’ work. Plus, don’t forget to register for the opportunity to win a copy of McGrath’s seminal biography of Lewis.
The CS Lewis Podcast #96 Alister McGrath: A prophet without honour?
In the tenth episode of our series focussing on McGrath’s book, CS Lewis: A Life, we explore the professional setbacks and personal trials Lewis encountered post Second World War. We also look at his move away from apologetics and why he declined a CBE. Plus, don’t forget to register for the opportunity to win a copy of McGrath’s seminal biography of Lewis.
The CS Lewis Podcast #95 Alister McGrath: CS Lewis’ international fame
In the ninth episode of our series focussing on McGrath’s book, CS Lewis: A Life, we look at some of Lewis’ popular literature and how his rising fame affected his reputation as an Oxford scholar. We discuss The Great Divorce, the Ransom Trilogy and some of the strengths and weakness of Mere Christianity. Plus, it’s not too late to register for the opportunity to win a copy of McGrath’s seminal biography of Lewis.
Should we trust our brain or our emotions?
Erik Strandness explores how we can reconcile reason with joyfully dancing in our underwear
The CS Lewis Podcast #94 Alister McGrath: The wartime apologist
In the eighth episode of our series focussing on McGrath’s book, CS Lewis: A Life, Professor Alister McGrath shares some of Lewis’ thoughts on suffering. We also hear how and why Lewis was broadcast on BBC Radio during the Second World War and the impact this had. Plus, it’s not too late to register for the opportunity to win a copy of McGrath’s seminal biography of Lewis.
The CS Lewis Podcast #93 Alister McGrath: CS Lewis’ literary scholarship
In the seventh episode of our series focussing on McGrath’s book CS Lewis: A Life, we explore why Lewis never used a typewriter, who the Inklings were and how they impacted his work, and what role women, such as Dorothy L Sayers, played in Lewis’ life. Plus, don’t forget to register to win a copy of McGrath’s seminal biography of Lewis.