All racism articles
How the biblical worldview informed Martin Luther King Jr
Dr Martin Luther King Jr was assassinated on 4th April 1968. Adam Coleman of Tru-ID Apologetics shares his thoughts about how the civil rights campaigner’s biblical worldview helped shape his message
Racial justice: How an immigrant Jesus brings hope
11th February marks Racial Justice Sunday in the UK. Clare Williams, founder of Real Questions, looks at why we must challenge both external injustices and the flaws within our own hearts, and how the cross of Jesus brings us hope
Unapologetic #86 Andrew Gosler: Why the neo-Darwinian framing of evolution is profoundly flawed
Rev Andrew Gosler, professor of Ethno-ornithology at Oxford University, highlights some of the deficiencies he sees in Richard Dawkins’ work. He also shares the potential limitations and dangers of a neo-Darwinian framing of evolution, such as racism and eugenics.
Unapologetic #82 Bishop Arun Arora: Saint Nicholas, George Floyd and unanswered prayer
Who was the real Saint Nicholas? Why was he so passionate about Jesus’ divinity? And why does it matter who Jesus is? Bishop Arun Arora, author of Stick With Love shares his thoughts on a number of saints and looks at how to address the problem of unanswered prayer. How does the Christmas story speak to our suffering? Plus, we hear how God transformed George Floyd’s life while he was in prison and what what can we learn from his life and tragic death.
Unapologetic #81 Bishop Arun Arora: Advent, the incarnation and racial justice
Does it matter what Jesus looked like? Bishop Arun Arora, author of the Archbishop of York’s Advent book Stick With Love, shares his thoughts about a poll that voted Jesus the greatest black icon of all time. Plus, he suggests why asking someone where they’re really from demonstrates an otherness, which unhelpfully seeks to distinguish rather than unify.
The CS Lewis Podcast #120 Out of the Silent Planet: Weston, Devine and JRR Tolkien
As we delve into the first book of the trilogy, Out of the Silent Planet, Professor Alister McGrath looks at some of its key themes. He explores the characters of Weston and Devine, looking at whether they represent particular ideologies and how Lewis exposes issues with their worldviews. Plus, why was JRR Tolkien such a fan of the book?
The CS Lewis Podcast #117 Vivisection, mental health, racism and sexism
We dive into some of the important issues explored in Lewis’ Space Trilogy. Why was he so vehemently opposed to animal experimentation? What would Lewis say to those experiencing mental health struggles today? Plus, Alister McGrath responds to the accusation that CS Lewis was sexist and racist.
Sex, drugs and rock ‘n’ roll: Why CS Lewis’ Space Trilogy is still relevant
The CS Lewis podcast recently launched a new series focussing on one of Lewis’ lesser known works of fiction, his Space Trilogy. Here, Ruth Jackson shares why she and Professor Alister McGrath think the books are worth a read, despite their length and difficulty
Racial justice: Why and how should we fight for it?
As we approach Racial Justice Sunday, apologist Adam Coleman of Tru-ID looks at why all humans have intrinsic worth. He shares examples of abolitionists who took matters of justice into their own hands as well as those who opted for non-violence, trusting God to act on their behalf
How an NFL footballer found faith through a naked teammate
As we approach this year’s Super Bowl, former NFL footballer-turned pastor, Derwin L Gray, shares his remarkable story of how he came to faith
How should we respond to racial injustice?
As we approach a new year, we must continue to talk about these important issues. Clare Williams, apologist and founder of Get Real shares her thoughts about how Christians should respond to racial injustice
Five top tips to reach young black people
Clare Williams, apologist and founder of Get Real shares her thoughts about reaching young people in the black community
Unapologetic #26 Clare Williams: Why young black people are leaving Christianity
Ruth Jackson speaks to apologist Clare Williams about black consciousness and why so many young black people are leaving the Church.
Unapologetic #25 Clare Williams: Why racial justice matters
Ruth Jackson speaks to apologist Clare Williams about racial justice, black pain and how the Church should respond.
Unapologetic #24 Clare Williams: Why Black History Matters
As we come to the end of Black History Month in the UK, Ruth Jackson speaks to apologist Clare Williams about how we can support young black people and reach them with the gospel message.
Unapologetic #15 Derwin L Gray: Building multi-ethnic churches that look like Jesus
Martin Luther King said that ‘11 am Sunday is the most segregated hour in America’. Today, most churches are split along black, white or latino lines. Pastor Derwin L Gray, author of ‘How To Heal Our Racial Divide’, tells Justin Brierely how they have sought to make Transformation Church a truly multi-ethnic community.
Unapologetic #14 Derwin L Gray: How should Christians think about CRT, Black Lives Matter and ‘white privilege’?
Phrases such as Critical Race Theory, Black Lives Matter, ‘antiracism’ and ‘white privilege’ have become polarising issues in Christian circles. Derwin L Gray shares what he thinks Christians need to understand about racism and the controversy surrounding these terms.
Unapologetic #13 Derwin L Gray: What the Bible says about racial reconciliation
Former NFL footballer-turned-pastor Derwin L Gray shares lessons he has learned from leading Transformation Church, the multi-ethnic megachuch he founded, as he continues to open up his book ‘How To Heal Our Racial Divide’
Unapologetic #12 Derwin L Gray: How an NFL footballer found faith in Jesus
Derwin L Gray is a former NFL football player who, along with his wife Vicki, founded Transformation Church - a ‘multicultural, multi-generational, mission-shaped’ church in South Carolina.
Unapologetic #8 Lisa Fields: Apologetics for the black church
What are the questions being asked today by African-American skeptics and believers about Christianity? Lisa Fields shares her faith journey and why she began the Jude 3 Project.